Well, that weekend went by pretty damned quickly…
Before we get started with the shitposting, remember that the blog is moving to Didactic Mind in full very soon, so update your bookmarks, RSS feeds, and so on. The redirects will be put in place later on this week, I hope.
Also, the Limitless Living course that I’ve been preparing for the last couple of months is now on sale for pre-orders at a hugely discounted price of $77. That is 60% off from the retail price of $197. Get in fast so that you can take advantage of this price and get some incredible content helping you to prepare for the future and move away from the madness surrounding you.
Now… for those of us who have been predicting outright war and terror for years now – like me – this past week was a sobering affirmation of much of what we have been trying to warn people about.
A Trump supporter was shot dead by rioters in Portland, and it looks like we’re currently still in the eye of the storm – the deep breath before the plunge. If Trump supporters continue to be attacked, shot at, beaten, and killed, we’re going to see major cities turning into multi-sided free fire zones in the USA.
It’s already happening. Many of us predicted that this wouldn’t happen for a few years yet – but we were forced to change our predictions as recently as 2018.
It’s going to get a lot crazier very soon. The breaking has already begun. The Second War Between the States is coming. Be ready for it. Things are going to get very hot very quickly, and if you and your family are not ready, you will be steamrolled by what will happen.
So join a militia group if you can, and get ready:
His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, gave an absolute barn-burner of a speech at the Republican National Convention (such as it was, anyway):
Things looked bleak just a month ago with the God-Emperor sliding hard in the polls and looking weak. But it is ALWAYS a bad idea to bet against the Chaddest of Chads ever to Chad across a stage, and he’s showing us all exactly why.
You can practically feel the TRUMPSL!DE 2020 building up right now. Hold on to your hats and popcorn and ammo, boys. November 4th is going to be REALLY damned interesting.
His spectacularly elegant and feminine wife Melania also gave a terrific speech in the Rose Garden:
#BasedTucker is based:
Mark Dice comments on the latest eye-rolling lunatic conspiracy theory that the Daemoncrats have fallen for – MAILBOXGATE!!!, of all things:
Tim Poole did a fascinating interview with a man who has always been a patriot and a profoundly decent man – and was misled into voting for Obama, serving his country while Obarmy repeatedly violated both Constitutional and international law, and finally got fed up and did his moral duty to his country:
Dave from Blue Collar Logic offers up his thoughts about the latest Dindu Nuffin case that has caused Kenosha, WI, to burn:
And Jason shows how even Black Looming Menace activists can be taught some very hard lessons about reality when they go through police training and experience what police officers do when confronting violent members of the most violent minority in the country by far:
The latest information about the Jason Blake case indicates that he absolutely was resisting arrest and threatening officers.
Look, I get it – most people do not like or trust the police. I certainly don’t. I think there are far too many police officers that are high on their own “AUTHORITAH!!!” and I think that they are quite happy to run roughshod over the law as and when it suits them.
That does not mean that police in general are unnecessary or evil. They are a vitally important force for order and civilisation.
And that does not mean that one should ever actively resist the police when they approach, especially if they have their weapons drawn.
Live to fight them in court for their abuses of power. You will probably lose – but you’ll be alive to stand in defiance against them.
If you act stupidly and die, NOBODY is going to be around to defy the bad apples in the police forces. And if you are Black and die, then your own neighbourhoods, your own people, your own kind will be hurt by your own fellows who will go on the rampages that follow.
Bill Whittle takes on the self-esteem movement:
As always, loads of interesting stuff to keep us busy from The Male Brain this week. We start with a video from BPS about how lands are not stolen but lost:
Remember how great things looked back in January this year? Yeah, about that…:
Money quote: “Biden?!? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!”
More from the same channel:
How Spongebob changed over the years:
If you’re a mostly peaceful protester in 2020, how do you deal with the ever-changing weird realities of the situation?
Even Tom Hanks’s best performances are still open to criticism:
The God-Emperor has a lot of virtues, but his lack of fiscal responsibility is NOT one of them:
Honestly, this isn’t surprising. Pretty much NO “conservative” actually cuts spending once he gets into office – hasn’t happened since Calvin Coolidge. And it’s impossible at this point to stop the Federal government budget from growing out of control.
The good news – if you can call it that – is the fact that the situation is simply unsustainable and will collapse outright within about 15 years, probably a hell of a lot sooner given the way things are going right now.
Paul Ramsey offers up his take on Richard Spencer, one of the biggest grifters on the Hard Right movement ever seen:
His take on Richard Spencer is absolutely right. The man is completely irrelevant. He is a globalist Nazi LARPer and a straightforward tool of the Establishment to keep us all on the Reservation. He’s a straw man, and nothing more. Don’t worry about what he thinks. Just get on with being Hard Right, and ejecting civnat idiots from our ranks.
PJW has a lot to say about the literal psychopaths behind the viciousness of cancel culture, and draws some excellent comparisons with the hysteria that surrounded the Salem witch trials:
Americans are unusually, though by no means uniquely, susceptible to this sort of mass hysteria.
Lord Razor of the Fist Clan takes an in-depth look at the civil war tearing the Daemoncrat Party apart:
China Uncensored takes an in-depth look at China’s latest tests of its aircraft-carrier killer missiles:
Related – America Uncovered asks whether the USA is actually ready for an armed conflict with China actually breaks out:
Let’s be very clear – if the US and China go to war, China has everything it needs to sink at least one and probably two American aircraft carriers, and that would be the complete end of American hegemony in the Pacific.
That is NOT to say that the Chinese are actually capable of taking on the US Navy at sea. They’re not. The Chinese do not have particularly quiet submarines or sound naval doctrines. The US Navy can definitely take on any of its compatriots and win. The problem is that the cost of doing so would be enormous because the Chinese haven’t invested in colossally stupid exercises in waste and nonsense like the turducken plane.
Jared Taylor from American Renaissance did an interview with an Israeli journalist recently, and it is surprisingly rather good, despite the very obvious biases and incredulity of the interviewer:
Terrence Popp takes a close look at the God-Emperor’s second-term priorities, and thoroughly approves:
Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock has some phenomenal news coming from inside the House of the Devil Mouse:
Well, it only took multi-BILLION-dollar losses for Disney to wake the F**K up, but they apparently have, finally, and will no longer produce films and shows that insult the fans who made franchises like STAR WARS great in the first place.
Will this actually happen? I have no clue, and honestly I tend to be very cynical about such things myself. I have serious doubts that the SJWs burrowed deep into the Disney hierarchy will go quietly. They will fight tooth and nail to burn down the very IPs that they have done so much to damage before they ever admit that any kind of change is needed.
But… this story is the reason why being hopeful is always important.
Midnight’s Edge balances out the previous report about Disney purging its SJWs:
Gary from Nerdrotic looks at the epic backlash from Netflix’s astonishingly tone-deaf and stupid Cuties trailer:
He is also getting the hell OUT of Commiefornia over the next few months, and has offered up some absolutely BLISTERING criticism of the state’s, uh, “leadership”:
The Drinker spent his time last week crafting up movie reviews. First, he offered up his thoughts on Zack Snyder’s Justice League:
And then he looked carefully at Jurassic World, and pointed out just what a flawed movie it really is:
Animals are DICKS:
Your “Science is F***ING WEIRD” moment of the week from Dawn Pine:
The emerging appreciation of plasticity among pancreatic lineages has created interest in harnessing cellular reprogramming for β cell replacement therapy of diabetes. Current reprogramming methodologies are inefficient, largely because of a limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Using an in vitro reprogramming system, we reveal the transcriptional repressor RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) as a barrier for β cell gene expression in the reprogramming of pancreatic exocrine cells. We observe that REST-bound loci lie adjacent to the binding sites of multiple key β cell transcription factors, including PDX1. Accordingly, a loss of REST function combined with PDX1 expression results in the synergistic activation of endocrine genes. This is accompanied by increased histone acetylation and PDX1 binding at endocrine gene loci. Collectively, our data identify a mechanism for REST activity involving the prevention of PDX1-mediated activation of endocrine genes and uncover REST downregulation and the resulting chromatin alterations as key events in β cell reprogramming.
TL;DR version – we now have the ability to reprogram pancreatic cancer cells.
DON’T let the Chinese steal this technology. We’ve already seen quite enough of Chinese bio-hacking this year.
Your long read of the week from Men of the West takes a close look at what, and how, we have lost in the Culture Wars – and how to win it back:
Consider the changes that we have experienced in the United States of America over the past century. If Rip Van Winkle fell asleep in 1920 and awoke today, the world would be nearly unrecognizable. Technology has changed, for sure, but even greater changes have happened at the cultural level. Society’s views on marriage, family, religion, immigration, foreign policy, the value of work, and basic decorum has undergone tremendous shifts over the last hundred years. Sometimes public opinion and morality evolves naturally, but sometimes it is pushed with purpose. Consider that just twelve years ago a large majority of Americans were against gay marriage, so much so that even the Democratic primary candidates all agreed that marriage should remain between a man and a woman. This was followed by a massive propaganda barrage coming out of politics, media, entertainment, and academia, to the point where a majority of Americans today support so-called gay marriage.
We, the frogs in the pot of water, often do not notice these changes, or the speed at which they take place. We are distracted by our daily lives, the tremendous amount of entertainment options before us, and the minutiae of day-to-day politics. Sometimes it is helpful to step back and see exactly how much has changed, to compare today with a picture of yesterday. Only by being honest with ourselves about the state of our culture can we seriously prepare to restore it.
It’s impossible to do the article justice through an excerpt – read the whole thing, it’s superb.
Linkage is good for you:
- A former acting DNI and former Ambassador to Germany, who just so happens to be a chocolatier, points out that the God-Emperor simply does not care about identity politics;
- Captain Kirk doesn’t care if he offends you on Twatter – good for him;
- Belarus is in serious danger of turning into a new failed state, similar to Ukraine in 2014, thanks to Western meddling and intervention;
- Pat Buchanan, a prophet without honour in his own country, lays out the case for the God-Emperor’s reelection this year;
- Does gay conversion therapy work? Well, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of PommieBastardLande, doesn’t want to listen to the idea even if it does;
- The Kung Flu vaccine is very unlikely to do anything to stop the virus, given that reinfections with different strains are now popping up all over the world;
- Weird shit is happening in deep space – I’m gonna say right now that it’s ALIENS!!!11!!;
- An actual whore who sold her soul claims that the God-Emperor’s wife sold her nether regions – that’s your “News of the Weird” for this week;
- The Half-Blood Princess continues her very public efforts to geld her husband in public by calling him a “proud feminist”;
- The real woman behind the pseudonym of “George Eliot” was a man-eater, and probably not a very happy woman, despite what The Daily Mail would like you to think;
- Endless cardio isn’t just a waste of time, it’s also pretty awful for your health – so do some more sensible things instead;
- Here’s a tip for your next Zoom call – if you’re planning to bang your secretary during a conference, TURN YOUR CAMERA AND AUDIO OFF!!!;
And some more from Dawn Pine:
- Facebook apparently thinks that the God-Emperor might dispute the election results and will do everything in its considerable power to dethrone him;
- This idiotic apology for being all RAAACISS!!! and stuff on the part of Scientific American probably will result in an update 50 years from now apologising for the apology;
- It might be shocking to watch the riots in Leftist-controlled cities right now, but it’s actually nothing new – the Left has always loved politicised violence;
- You won’t hear this from the Western whorenalists of the (((media))), but Arabs actually don’t particularly like their Palestinian “brothers” very much and are getting sick of their shit;
- It’s always fun to watch actual whores getting their just desserts – especially at the hands of online pirates stealing their pictures and clips and dumping or selling them;
- A network engineer admitted to wiping out hundreds of Cisco virtual machines and derailing thousands of WebEx accounts – and he’s Indian on an H-1B, waiting for a green card;
- The New York F***ing Times can’t stop gushing over Camel-Toad Harris and her husband, who will be the First Dude in the inevitable event that a President Biden croaks early;
The Neo-Tsar is taking a very keen interest in what is going in Belarus and has military units on standby to stop the situation from getting out of control:
There is a very good reason for the Neo-Tsar’s interest. Belarus is considered by Russia to be part of its sphere of influence and, while it is an independent country, ethnically, linguistically, historically, and in pretty much every other important way, the White Russians are considered to be, basically, Russian.
You really have to understand the Russian mindset about hostile powers on its borders to see why the Russian government is so pissed off by the thought of Ukraine or Belarus turning into NATO enclaves.
The entirety of Russian history, with the notable exception of the Mongol invasions, has been defined by invasions from Western powers through its border lands. As a result, the Russians have always insisted on maintaining a huge “buffer zone” around their country to allow their armies time to mobilise and cross their vast country in time to fight the invaders.
A Western-friendly Belarus is intolerable to Russians. If the situation continues to destabilise and the influence of Western agents is felt, do not be surprised or unhappy if the Russian military – which already has very close ties to Belarus’s KGB (yes, they kept that name) and military – simply sweeps in, annexes the country, and incorporates it back into Russia. This has been part of Putin’s vision of a restored and powerful Russia for years, and unrest in Belarus may well give him the justification he needs to make it happen.
History lessons of the week:
Reader and friend of the blog lynch offers up a great video about what would happen if HALO and HALO 3: ODST had a kid that then became a musician:
Wazzocks gonna wazzock:
Kitchen Nightmares with the Angry Scot:
Comedy hour:
Pics, guns, girls, starting with some Spongebob funnies from Dawn Pine:
Melania has a phenomenal accent. Two of them, in fact. I’m staring right at them and can’t look away.
Yeah, pretty much that.
You know that something has gone HORRIBLY wrong in your state when Mississippi starts looking good compared to your part of the world.
Best version of that whole guy-checks-out-new-girl meme yet:
Headlines of the week indicate that Floriduh Man is peacefully protesting in his own car:
Your “Is Vacaville in Floriduh?” moment of the week:
Your “Shotgun wedding” moment of the week:
Your “Birds and Bees” moment of the week:
God Almighty… after the epic parade of lunacy that has been 2020 already, WHY, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, did some idiotic scientists think that it was a good idea to do that?!?
Your “Grab Them By the Mittens” moment of the week:
Your “Trigger Discipline is Really Important” moment of the week:
Your “Dear Japan, WTFH?!?” moment of the week:
I’ve got a friend who would be a right regular customer at a store like that…
Well, in my case, it’s single-malt Scotch, but hey, y’know, to each his own.
Your Dog of the Week is the absurd but lovable Horgi:
Gym idiots with the Trap Lord:
Let’s get some lifting motivation from legendary gym beasts:
Just to clarify one point, though – if you puke during a workout, STOP DOING THAT SHIT. Your body is telling you that something is horribly wrong and you need to rest and let yourself recover.
Buakaw Beatdown of the Week:
He’s well past his prime now, at the grand old age of 38, but he’s still terrifying enough in the ring to make most opponents shit their short trousers.
Jesus loves knockouts:
Synthwave keeps things epic:
Why was Neil Peart such a legend? A fan asks the question from a true technician’s perspective, and it’s absolutely fascinating:
Looking at Neil’s incredible body of work through the eyes of a technician made me appreciate his impact on my life so much more. He truly was a legend – a titan among mere men, who carried the scars of unspeakable tragedies upon his back and ultimately confronted his death with stoicism and strength.
Rest in peace, Professor. Your legendary drumming and your quiet but warm personality are sorely missed by millions of fans – self included.
And at long last here’s your Instathot to get your Monday off to a bright start. Her name is Emily Elizabeth, which is about as generic as you can get short of Jane Doe, but there’s NOTHING generic about her figure. She was born in Commiefornia and lives in New York F***ing Shitty now, at the tender young age of 22.
That’s all, boys, back to the salt mines with you now.
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Hey it's one of Bilzerian's Ho's.
I notice despite your best efforts that if one wants no tattoos no plastic surgery and not one of the pass around girls for Dan and his gang then one is plain out of luck these days even on Insta.
Well what a world!
At least it's a clear sign between Heaven and Hell where we are.
Oh interesting, I didn't realise she's one of Bilzerian's leftovers.
I notice despite your best efforts that if one wants no tattoos no plastic surgery and not one of the pass around girls for Dan and his gang then one is plain out of luck these days even on Insta.
Yeah. Either the girls are smoked-and-poked into oblivion – you can see it in their eyes, they all have serious TCS – or they have tattoos and piercings and surgery, or they are bugshit nuts.
The absolute worst is when you get all three combined. I've seen it happen even in "traditionalist" countries like Russia. Some of the women there are genuinely insane.
Well this is unfortunate…guess I need to add Nintendo to the list of woke companies whose products I refuse to purchase. There is no way that the Biden camp did this without at least their tacit approval, if not cooperation.
I've bought nearly everything this company has put out since I was five years old. No more.
Ah hell. I love Metroid and The Legend of Zelda and grew up playing the Mario games. I haven't played a Nintendo product in years, but they occupy a special place in my childhood memories precisely because they were fun, escapist, and apolitical.
No more, it seems. All we're left with is HALO – and that has gone all woke already in H5:G.