“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Repoast: The Ten Commandments of the Iron God

Repoast: The Ten Commandments of the Iron God

As we have successfully killed off another year, and we are now all struggling to return to normal after the Christmas season of traditional overeating and overindulgence, it is time for us to greet the New Year by returning to that most sacred and hallowed temple of...
Guest Post: Down with Delusions by Randale6

Guest Post: Down with Delusions by Randale6

I am very pleased to present another guest poast from LRFotS Randale6, who has taken the time to jot down a few thoughts about the delusions facing Deltas, and others farther down the SSH, in the modern Sexual and Marriage Market Places. Our friend’s words serve...
Guest Post: Emotional Regulation by Randale6

Guest Post: Emotional Regulation by Randale6

I am very pleased to present another guest poast from LRFotS Randale6, who has submitted a short article in a style reminiscent of the old Return of Kings site that our old friend Roosh V used to maintain. That site has long since gone into hibernation, and is almost...
Guest Post: The Position of F**K YOU by Randale6

Guest Post: The Position of F**K YOU by Randale6

I am pleased to present another guest post from LRFotS Randale6. This is a little different from the other guest posts I have featured here. As you might expect from the title, it is rather more profane than my usual standard, but I have decided to preserve the...
Save our spines!

Save our spines!

Telegram channel member GW asked me to send over a couple of videos that I previously recommended from ATHLEAN-X on the subject of stretching out one’s back, if one has herniated or bulging discs (or just simple back pain, in general). I was happy to do so....
The Bible in a year

The Bible in a year

That particular translation of Hebrews 11:6 actually misses a bit of subtlety. Despite my strong preference for the English Standard Version of the Bible, I will readily admit there is no such thing as a perfect translation. In this case, the good old KJV translates...
Not the years in his life, but the life in his years

Not the years in his life, but the life in his years

Everyone’s favourite resident philosopher and Christian psychopath (yes, really), Tha Dizzle, recently put out a long video responding to the trolls who were stupid and/or crazy enough to attempt to harass him over the recent death of his son, Reid Wood. It is...
Sons and daughters

Sons and daughters

It is Father’s Day – well, for some countries outside of the USSA, that is – and that really should get a lot more notice than it actually does. Western “culture”, insofar as anyone can call it that, treats fathers, and men in general, as...
Do not waste your time on the useless

Do not waste your time on the useless

Let us get one thing out of the way immediately: I am perfectly aware of the rich irony involved in telling people not to waste their time on useless things, when this very website specialises in helping people get through Mondays with a deluge of information, and...
Rise and take command

Rise and take command

Brothers, as I said in my daily message to my Telegram followers recently, we are in for very, very difficult times ahead. Western political leadership has jumped straight off the Crazy Cliff, and we now face a situation where the people who claim to be...