You don’t have to be particularly perceptive or brilliant to realise that young men today are very, very confused. Far too many of them grow up weak, whiny losers with a snarky sense of humour. When they smile, they do so with this weird mouth-open rictus that some of us refer to as “Soylent Grin” or the “Numale Grimace”. They are weak, driven by delusions of grandeur about themselves, and hyper-sensitive to criticism. If this sounds like you (and you’re new here), then read on, because you are probably in a pretty rough place. You really need to learn how to kill your inner Gamma male.
Defining the Gamma Male
Since our beloved and dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) Vox Day first coined the term when he came up with his Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, we shall use his definition. The Gamma male is:
The introspective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often the bitter. Gammas are often intelligent, usually unsuccessful with women, and not uncommonly all but invisible to them, the gamma alternates between placing women on pedestals and hating the entire sex. This mostly depends upon whether an attractive woman happened to notice his existence or not that day. Too introspective for their own good, gammas are the men who obsess over individual women for extended periods of time and supply the ranks of stalkers, psycho-jealous ex-boyfriends, and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel.
In the unlikely event they are at the party, they are probably in the corner muttering darkly about the behavior of everyone else there… sometimes to themselves. Gammas tend to have have a worship/hate relationship with women, the current direction of which is directly tied to their present situation. However, they are sexual rejects, not social rejects.
(Emphasis added)
I realise that many of you are visual learners rather than textual ones. As a result, you will probably figure out the idea more easily if we illustrate it with some examples. Once more we turn to OBADSDL(PBUH)’s video on the subject:
Now that you know what a Gamma male is, let’s figure out whether you are one.
Differential Diagnostics
I’m going to show you three pictures, and then I’ll provide you with a range of responses. You pick the response that most closely approximates your visceral reaction.
Ready? Set? Right – ‘ere we go!
Your response:
- All HAIL the God-Emperor of Mankind!!!!!;
- Kind of a buffoon, bit of an orange face, has a vocabulary of barely 1,000 words, most of them superlatives, can’t string together a coherent sentence – but he’s a pretty effective leader;
- Which Bible edition is he holding? It had better not be anything other than the KJV!;
- I HATE all Alpha jocks, and that’s one right there!;
OK. Second image coming up:
And your response:
- Celebrate diversity!;
- Could there possibly be such a thing as “too many guns”?;
- You mean I can only pick ONE?!?!;
Last one. Brace yourself, this might be a bit of a shock:
- Freedom tits!!!!/’MURICA!!!!;
- Nice bikini – I’m sure it would look great on my bedroom floor…;
- Y’know, I really prefer redheads/Russians/crazy chicks…;
- Hey! Don’t you know it’s WRONG to objectify women?!?;
If you answered (4) to ANY of the questions above… you’re a Gamma.
Second Opinions
As my friend Adam Piggott likes to say, always get a second opinion. So here’s what you do:
Go up to a reasonably big dog with real teeth, and try to make friends with it. Weakness is a fundamental trait of the Gamma. Dogs sense weakness and fear very easily. If it reacts angrily, you’re probably a Gamma. This test is not foolproof, but it’s a pretty good indicator.
The next one, however, NEVER fails. Ask an attractive female acquaintance for her unbiased opinion. Pose this simple question: “Do you or any of your friends ever feel creeped out by me, or want to punch me because of my behaviour around you?“. If she answers in the affirmative, you’re a Gamma. And if she is emphatically affirmative, you are a HUGE Gamma.
Learning How to Kill Your Inner Gamma Male
In case you are new here, or you haven’t twigged on yet, being a Gamma is NOT a good thing, at all. You do not have the necessary attributes for long-term happiness, confidence, peace of mind, and success.
Now, Gammas do have their place in society. But they require intensive care, feeding, and maintenance. In most cases, the costs of Gammas outweigh the benfefits.
So, if you are a Gamma, and you want to change, how do you start? Glad you asked. Let us begin. Note that, in what follows, I will be borrowing LIBERALLY from the Alpha Game Plan series “Graduating Gamma“. I do not pretend to be an original thinker, at all. When you are done reading this, go read the full series at the old AGP blog.
The fundamental trait of the Gamma male is his propensity for lying. He lies to himself first and foremost about his own worth and place in the hierarchy. Because of this propensity, he is unable to reconcile what the world is telling him about himself, with his own self-image. This causes a great deal of inner pain and resentment for him.
So your first priority is to STOP LYING. You are probably weak, out of shape, scorned and despised by those around you. Admit this to yourself. Say it in front of a mirror. Be ruthlessly honest in all things.
When you fail, ADMIT TO YOUR FAILURES – to yourself and to the world. If you want a good example of this, check out my podcast in which I did precisely that.
Step 1: DYEL, Bruh?
Being a Gamma male is directly correlated to lacking in testosterone. Two things will raise your testosterone levels almost immediately.
The first is a properly manly diet rich in high-protein foods. Ditch the soy and start eating eggs, nuts, berries, red meat, and green vegetables. (Please note that I consider chicken and bacon to be vegetables.)
The second is a proper regimen of physical exercise. Stop dicking around with endless cardio. Don’t waste your time with weight machines. Get into a real gym and lift real weights. This will rapidly boost your strength, make you more masculine, burn fat, and automatically increase your value with women.
You may well ask, “Didact, which exercise programme should I choose?” I DON’T CARE. THEY ALL WORK (except CrossShit). JUST. PICK. ONE.
You only need TWO Ingredients to become strong – progressive overload (more sets/reps/both every workout) and consistency (i.e. show up and work). That is all. If you want more tips, check out my Beginner’s Guide to Lifting series.
Step 2: Embrace the Conflict
Once you have shed some excess weight and/or gained some muscle, you need to address the major obstacle to your development. As a Gamma, you have a fear of competition and public embarrassment. The fastest and most effective way that I know of to cure this problem is martial arts.
If you study a real combat art, you will find yourself humiliated repeatedly by people with far greater skill than you. This is good. Your ego needs to be humbled before it can grow. You need to understand that nobody cares about your delusions. People only care about whether or not you can deliver the goods. When you learn how to fight, you will no longer be afraid of the word because you know what you can and cannot handle.
Step 3: Stop Sperging
Your World of Warcraft Level 77 Dark Elf character may be of interest to you. Nobody else gives a shit.
You may love specific arcane bits of trivia about where and how things became what they did. Others don’t care.
You may believe that your esoteric jokes and archaic witticisms make you funny. Everyone else thinks you’re an ass.
Get the picture? Don’t tell long rambling stories. Avoid wasting people’s time with pointless anecdotes and endless ruminations about your diet. PRO-TIP: when on a date, keep your frakkin’ stupid mouth SHUT, and let HER do the talking.
Step 4: Get Some Real Hobbies
This is not a real hobby:
This is a real hobby:
Write. Fish. Hunt. Play tennis. Learn to dance salsa or tango or bachata. Build things and learn to work with your hands. The possibilities are endless.
Step 5: Take Responsibility
I’ve got a post coming up about what this looks like. For now, here’s what you need to understand:
If you screw up, IT IS ON YOU. Not on your co-worker or wife or kid or neighbour. It’s on YOU. Own it. Accept that you screwed up. Figure out how you made a mess. Admit to it. And don’t do it ever again.
Step 6: Join a Brotherhood
Gamma males usually turn out that way because of weak or absent fathers. They lack a masculine template for life upon which to base themselves. The best way to deal with this problem is to be around other masculine men. Note, when I say “brotherhood”, I DON’T mean an online gathering of other Gammas. Your delusion bubble needs to be popped, not reinforced.
So join a properly led Bible study group or church. Become part of a hunting club. Go out for lunch with your sparring buddies.
Most of all: shut up and get to work. Obey the rules and commands of your superiors in the organisation – do not question them or argue with them. Just get on with doing the best job that you can.
Step 7: Embrace the Suck
Your life will get immeasurably harder before it will get better. This is inevitable. Gamma males are seriously broken individuals and fixing them requires tremendous amounts of work. But here is the secret to overcoming pain, fear, and doubt:
Just show up every day and do the damn work. That’s it. This is literally the secret to all success.
My martial arts teacher often tells the story about a sign in Renzo Gracie’s BJJ gym in New York. Apparently, as you walk into the mat of that school, you will see a sign that says: “A black belt is just a white belt who refused to quit”. That is true of life as well. Be disciplined, be consistent, and show up for the fight – and your life WILL get better.
Conclusion: Kill Your Inner Gamma Male, Live Free, Live Strong
I want you to remember one final point. Everything that I have written above needs to be done while keeping God in mind. If you try to build up your muscles for cosmetic reasons, this is stupid and indulgent. God doesn’t need preening prima donnas standing in front of mirrors taking half-naked selfies – you’re not a woman, you’re a MAN, so start acting like one.
Similarly, God doesn’t need men who show up to organisations in order to subvert them for an ideological agenda. We’ve got quite enough of that shit happening in our churches as it is. We need warriors, not wusses and tattle-tales.
If you are unsure of how to get started – pray. Institute a daily prayer rule. Sincerely call upon God the Father of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to help you. And He assuredly will.
Focus all of your heart and soul and mind upon God’s will, and He will guide you as He wishes. The steps that I have outlined for you above will lead you closer to Him – but ultimately you have to choose to ask Him for His help. He will give it, but you have to ask.
So kill your inner Gamma male, and live free, live strong, and live without regrets.
Why is chicken a vegetable to you? My father has chickens in his back yard and I feel like I should ask him how to decapitate or choke a chicken as a rite of passage to manhood.
Also, I picked answer 1 and 3 in the pic with guns. I mean look at that diversity of rifles. We need to celebrate that. If I could give up my pitiful G3 with any of those I would do it in a heartbeat. On the surface H&K seem to be making some really resilient rifles, but the old G3 or the HK11 need to be set on fire and buried somewhere. I don’t know, maybe they were poor 50-60 years ago or the European countries just didn’t know how to strike a good deal with them. I would love a future post with concerns to rifles.
Is it me or do military companies deliberately try to make vehicles, guns and bullets to look as beautiful and menacing as possible just to give me a hard on?
Three weeks ago, I did a shooting practice in the military. I put on the ear plugs and I all I could hear was the pulsing of my head, the beat of my heart and my breathing. I was not at war, but being with other men and shooting guns just gave me a shot of adrenaline (and pain on the shoulder because I did not adjust my grip well enough) and made me feel more alive.
Sometimes, it’s hilarious as well. The lieutenant clearly instructed us to keep the setting on semi-automatic and there is always one soldier who shoots consecutive rounds. There is always an idiot who never listens to the instructions lol.
Sometimes, it’s not so funny when you realize the scale of incompetence though. The instructors could barely manage 10 people at a time and some of us were shooting at the wrong target. It just makes me think, ‘There is no way that I could manage to participate in war if you multiply the soldiers in a given area by a thousand’. That takes me to the next point, when you look around society and you notice so many people who are oblivious to the reality around them and this won’t change.
Everyone has an inner gamma. The problem is, too many men are consumed by the inner gamma. Too much puppy, not enough wolf. The post that you just wrote is only going to resonate and followed by men who already killed the gamma, are in the process of killing it or they have enough critical thought to start a sequence questions that will lead them to start killing the gamma.
I was once told by a captain, that if a soldier is acting too foolish or too unpredictable, you just kill the motherfucker and move on. We can debate the rules of following orders in the army, but fools will cost the lives of others if left unchecked. While we can’t actually shoot gammas, the reality is that we will either use them to further our causes or we let them consume society. If this was a post series, I would suggest that part 2 to be, ‘How to insulate yourself from gammas and thrive’.
That bit about chicken being a vegetable is something of a personal joke, it simply has to do with the fact that I eat it almost every damn day, so it might as well be lettuce to me ))
Also… I don’t know if you’re familiar with English idioms, but “choke the chicken” is slang for masturbation. So, to an English or American reader, asking your father how to choke a chicken has some unintentionally hilarious connotations. Jus’ sayin’, bro.
I would too. Sadly I am no gun bunny – I lived in DEEP Blue State USA back in the day, and could never get in any serious range time. However, readers Veritas and RMChris ARE serious gunnies – I speak semi-regularly with Veritas on the phone, in fact. I’ll look into asking them for a guest post about good rifles to own and so on.
I know what you mean. These are big boys’ toys. Some guns look seriously sexy – go look up the Dragunov SVD for an example of what lust at first sight is like.
Summarised most succinctly by OBADSDL(PBUH)’s philosophy of life: “MOST PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS”. Which is true. They are.
That’s precisely the point. I WANT this to be read by guys who are in the process of killing the Gamma. Most hardcore Gammas will never recognise the problem. The few that do, often don’t know how to start fixing the problem. The point of this post is to give them a clear guide to doing it.
That’s absolutely true. LTC Tom Kratman can tell you that there are times when an officer is not only justified in shooting a soldier under his command, but is REQUIRED to do so – such in cases of pusillanimous conduct in the face of the enemy. The point there is to stop others from being demoralised and following a bad example.
Good idea. Stay tuned. I’ll probably post it up next week.
A really helpful post. And as a guy with gamma tendencies, I appreciate the direct and forthright advice you have.
I completely agree that change and success is (a) showing up (b) doing what need to be done with a minimal amount of whining. Just working on those will gain the respect of the alphas and other high status males.
If you’re sincere in trying to make changes and doing your best, they’ll open a spot in their brotherhood.
As for hobbies, I’ve never been interested in cars. I appreciate them but I’m a builder specifically a modelbuilder. If there are defining traits in guys they’re (a) ferociously protective of who and what they love (b) building/fixing stuff (c) showing fortitude and humour in your daily struggle.
Yeah life sucks but don’t lose your composure and emote like a chick who lets her emotions overtake her.
Cheers, thank you. Be sure to share this with any Gammas that you know. Most of them will violently reject the material. A few will twig on to the fact that I’m trying to help them. Those are the guys that I’m trying to reach.
Correct. Those who are truly skilled and strong, understand that some things are worth fighting for and protecting, and that life is hard but there is much joy to be found in it too.
“Last one” … hmmm, maybe I’ve had too much to think, but between the One Eye look with the hair and the barely covered up butterfly tattoo, I’m seeing The Monarch Programme’s Beta Kitten look.
But let’s have some fun with the US election in the form of song, shall we?
[to the tune of “Killer Queen” by Queen]
They keep pre-completed ballots
Stored in their cabinets
They fear the guillotine
Just like Marie Antoinettes
Extra-judicial remedies
For Kennedys and McKinleys (ooh, ooh)
Selective-fire inaugurations
You’ll decide to decline (ooh, ooh)
Service of bolt-action rifles
Cartridge desserts are the trifles
Unlikely to be served twice
They’re the Vote Thieves
Rigged software, keep it clean
Purge the records, don’t make a scene
Guaranteed to change the vote
Everytime! (ooh)
Results henceforth to be counted thrice
Unpredictable changes are always nice
Would we lie?
To avoid detection
They never used the same effects
In conversations they spoke
Like they’d just seen the Mets
Saw the businessman from China
Whose bribes could never be finer (ooh, ooh)
(Voter, voter, they’re the Vote Thieves)
Then again consequently
The way the votes were inclined
The scent of treachery came naturally
Date-stamped and underlined (naturally)
Numbers and statistics, couldn’t care less
Making changes that won’t pass the test
They’re the Vote Thieves
Rigged software, keep it clean
Purge the records, don’t make a scene
Guaranteed to change the vote
Everytime! (ooh)
Results henceforth to be counted thrice
Unpredictable changes are always nice
Would we lie?
Drop of a van load, they’re willing at
Boosting the returns, not clever as a Cheshire cat (ooh)
Then some rogue agent in their faction (ooh)
Provides the video for their action (ta-taaa)
To show how those votes arrive (a short drive!)
They’re all out to cheat you
They’re the Vote Thieves
Rigged software, keep it clean
Purge the records, don’t make a scene
Guaranteed to change the vote
Everytime! (ooh)
Results henceforth to be counted thrice
Unpredictable changes are always nice
Would we lie?
Would we lie?
Once again, sir, you win the internet.
Honestly didn’t notice the bikini was a flag until I read our response choices. So ya nice tits on that gal.
Yep. Her name is Kari Nautique. She featured in one of my Friday T&A segments from last year.
2, 1, and 3. Occasional reader here, by way of MOTW and Adam Piggot.
I often struggle with thinking I’m a gamma, even though dogs respect me and I have a (kind of) dangerous blue collar job (cutting feral bees out of walls). I’ve started lifting, and I’m 6’+ and hardly overweight. The main source of my self-perceived gammatude is, as with a lot of guys, my dealing with women. I am what scripture would call “slow of speech and tongue.” I used to have a minor speech impediment as a kid/young teen. I’m over it now, and have taken public speaking classes so now I can talk to customers and platonic friends with no problems, but the instant I think of talking to a moderately attractive female my tongue locks up and I practically run away to avoid embarrassing myself. I honestly think I just need more practice. I was raised in a Christian homeschooling family, and while I have a head start on college (junior at 19) and a $100/hr job working with my father, I have had almost zero experience talking to girls I’m interested in. In addition to this, the church we attend is relatively small and the only girl there who I’d consider a good catch is currently in a very serious courtship with my twin brother (on the plus side, that tells me I’m not physically unattractive). The close second (physically, anyway) is on a prayer list (and meds) for cutting herself. Obviously not wife material. Any suggestions as to how I can improve my social skills with women and also find any I’d consider? I think my problem is legitimately lack of exposure. I thought about going to my college’s Christian group or whatever, but the rainbow flag pins some of them wore obviously nixed that idea.
Based on what you’re telling me, you’re not a Gamma, you’re simply a somewhat awkward and shy Delta. You’ve got the right foundations and you sound like a chap with your head screwed on straight. Gammas don’t like manual labour and REALLY don’t like making much effort to improve themselves – that’s not you.
As you say, this strikes me as a lack of practice, not a lack of self-awareness or attractiveness. You basically need practice. So, try talking to not-so-attractive girls to get comfortable around them, then gradually move toward talking with the more attractive ones. This may mean talking with the sisters of attractive women, or talking with married beautiful women, so that you put no pressure at all upon yourself.
Damn right. Don’t stick it in crazy. Or go anywhere near crazy. Trust me on this – I’ve got the quite literal scars to prove it.
Let me think upon this and get back to you, probably by way of a Domain Query podcast later on. If you aren’t against giving me specific personal details about (roughly) where you live and what your goals are, then drop me a line. It would help to have some context.
“The close second (physically, anyway) is on a prayer list (and meds) for cutting herself …”
Crazy doesn’t always make a grand announcement like Harley Quinn and tell you about how crazy wants to climb up on your lap, into your life, and everywhere in between.
Crazy can be very, very attractive and convincing, and it’s only after some of the reveal that you find out what you’re dealing with.
Crazy often is very good at chameleon-like traits such as mirroring, at least if crazy is allowed enough time to figure how how to do the mirroring or already has enough social context.
I had it happen once in my twenties, which doesn’t seem to be all that unusual for most guys.
How I approached the problem probably was, however.
I located every knife and sharp instrument crazy owned and got rid of them.
Then I “ghosted” crazy well before this was a commonly known or used phrase.
Despite doing this, years later that particular package of crazy managed to locate me despite having gone to considerable lengths to avoid being found. (The answer you are looking for: voting records.)
Oh, crazy is healthier when crazy isn’t slicing and dicing faster and harder than a Ron Popeil product, and crazy came to find me to say how happy crazy is that I forced crazy into a solution.
Still crazy! Now the scars are on the inside.
Naturally I disavowed all knowledge of the proceedings, insisted that perhaps one of crazy’s friends needed some money for liquor, and how exactly did crazy decide it was worth finding me?
But as for you, here’s the takeaway: it’s in how you tell yourself that you absolutely will not put up with crazy and what you’ll do about it that determines how you can go forward.
It’s because you are desperate to reach a certain desired conclusion that opens you up for these kinds of crazy people showing up, but there’s a solution.
You can usually run down the clock on crazy people.
When in doubt, stall for time, allow the effort to conceal the crazy to exceed power law constraints.
Non-linear amplification of crazy traits always burns itself out.
Ask an engineer if you’re not clear on the concepts. 🙂
Writing is a Manly hobby?
Dang. I need to wrap a scarf around my head now and grab an AK-47 and a longbow with exploding arrows.