“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

An open letter to Elon Musk on the H-1B

An open letter to Elon Musk on the H-1B

The following is an open letter to Elon Musk, on the subject of the H-1B visa, which has stirred up a considerable, very noisy, and somewhat profane debate on X. Mr. Musk posted some, shall we say, strong sentiments about those who criticise the H-1B, claiming he will...
Domain Query: Asian girls

Domain Query: Asian girls

It has been QUITE a while since we last did a proper podcast – first I was busy, then I was stupidly busy, then I was on vacation, and then I was (and still am) sick. But nothing gets older than an excuse, so let us crack on with a great set of questions from...
When Eden burns

When Eden burns

The north of England is burning tonight, because of clashes between “far-right” and “left-wing” mobs in cities like Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Leeds, and others. London is not immune to them either – though Londonistan is NOT an English...
Don’t put Pajeets in charge

Don’t put Pajeets in charge

The whole “Pajeet” meme is a hilariously offensive term used to refer to Indians (or, more generally, people of Indian origin), originally coined as a specific racial insult that has since expanded somewhat in meaning. These days, tech types use it to...
Domain Query: Blue Pill Programming

Domain Query: Blue Pill Programming

The Domain Query series is finally back, after a long hiatus. This week’s question comes from a reader and subscriber to my Telegram channel – be sure to subscribe if you have not done so already, it’s a great community of like-minded men who...
Send them all home

Send them all home

Chaps, do you remember that whole weird series of episodes of what we might call a White Trash Soap Opera, suitably titled Yorkshire Dales or some such, involving a father-of-two who took in a Ukrainian refugee and then ended up dumping his not-wife’s ass in...
You know you’ve arrived when…

You know you’ve arrived when…

Most scammers are not exactly known for subtlety when sending out their fairly naked attempts to get you to fork over your hard-earned money to them. The most hilarious ones always involve some Nigerian who apparently stopped studying English at about the 5th Grade...
Didactic Mind, Ep 95: Empire of Lies

Didactic Mind, Ep 95: Empire of Lies

This week’s podcast concerns the lies that we have been told about the war in Ukraine. I examine the roots of the war, unpack some of the lies being told in the course of fighting it, and point out where this endless stream of nonsense and bullshit is taking us...
The wisdom of an elder statesman

The wisdom of an elder statesman

Anyone who has ever visited Singapore knows that it is a truly amazing place – which, by rights, shouldn’t exist. It is an island basically without resources which is essentially just “a pimple on the arse-end of Malaysia”, as my high school...
Wrong said Fred

Wrong said Fred

Fred Reed’s columns are often good fun to read, as he has a rather acerbic and highly entertaining style. For those who don’t know anything about him, he is quite a prolific writer. He is a US Marine and Vietnam veteran, who was severely wounded in the...