“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”
LRFotS Robert W sent over a rather fascinating article, which provides some rather interesting insights into the thoroughly broken nature of Western women. There are other lessons to take away from this, but overall, the (very lengthy) story a Floriduh Woman tells...
Monday. Just… EUGH. Still and all, it’s not so bad. We have the Great Mondaydact Browser Crusher to get us through this horrid day, with the regular assortment of funny videos, funnier memes, and serious stuff to keep us busy all through the week. And we...
Our good friend, The Male Brain, very kindly wrote in with a guest post about the effects of taking the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. He has firsthand knowledge of the vaccine and its post-injection effects, and outlines those effects below. Many thanks, as always, to Dawn...
You may have noticed that this site looks just a wee bit… different right now. That is in fact intentional. I’ve been meaning to overhaul the look and feel and widgets and other things for quite some time now, and given that I have some time on my hands...
Apparently my use of the term is a cause for some amusement among my readers – rightly so, of course. In case any of you are wondering why i keep telling people to comment under a name, even if it’s just something as silly as “Apocalyptic...
One of my readers just wrote in to tell me that he’s having issues logging in to leave comments. This would help explain why there have been virtually no comments since everything went live (well, more or less) on Saturday. I have changed the settings now so...
The Limitless Living course that Kyle Trouble and I have been collaborating on for the last couple of months will go on sale to the public on September 9th – which is a pretty special day for me personally, as it happens to fall on a family member’s...
The House of the Devil Mouse is learning, to its considerable chagrin and cost, that hiring people solely on the basis of their skin colour rather than their actual abilities is likely to bite you in the ass in the long run: “I’m the only cast member who had their own...
I normally don’t spend too much time worrying about what Laura Ingraham has to say about most things. I like and respect her a lot, but I generally find her commentary to be considerably less interesting than that of #BasedTucker, who is easily the best colour...
Well, that weekend went by pretty damned quickly… Before we get started with the shitposting, remember that the blog is moving to Didactic Mind in full very soon, so update your bookmarks, RSS feeds, and so on. The redirects will be put in place later on this...
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