“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

The Didact converts to the Religion of Peace

The Didact converts to the Religion of Peace

My friends, after many years of disparaging the real revelation of the true god, I came to the conclusion last night that I have been following entirely the wrong course. You see, it so happened that I went to sleep in something one might best describe as a cave last...
Guest Post: The Position of F**K YOU by Randale6

Guest Post: The Position of F**K YOU by Randale6

I am pleased to present another guest post from LRFotS Randale6. This is a little different from the other guest posts I have featured here. As you might expect from the title, it is rather more profane than my usual standard, but I have decided to preserve the...
Deleted cookies

Deleted cookies

When the announcement came through a couple of days ago that one Victoria Nuland was resigning from her post as some high muckety-muck in the State Department, most of the sane world celebrated. Fair warning to all reading this: I am NOT going to mince words today....
The CIA just validated the Special Military Operation

The CIA just validated the Special Military Operation

Let’s just get one thing out of the way: The New York F***ing Slimes IS NOT an honest broker of the news. It has not been for many, many years. It is in fact a bought-and-paid-for arm of the Deep State, and its army of presstitutes and media whores ABSOLUTELY...
Something is killing the boys

Something is killing the boys

In what I rather euphemistically refer to as my “spare” time these days, I have been noodling around, out of interest, on Excess Mortality data. The inspiration for this came from a Twitter post shared with me by a friend, from user OutsideAllan, who put...
At last, some Rushian KAHLOOOOZHUN!!!

At last, some Rushian KAHLOOOOZHUN!!!

As I pointed out shortly after it dropped, #BasedTucker’s interview with The Putin was a tremendous public service, which has now reached hundreds of millions of people around the world. Tucker Carlson has done what almost no one else could, or has ever even...
Khokholite khollapse khonfirmed

Khokholite khollapse khonfirmed

The following post has been making the rounds all over Twitter/X and Telegram, and with very good reason. This is a write-up from someone called Maria Mateiciuc. I have no idea who she is, where she comes from, or what she does. Nor do I particularly care. The full...
The Putin knows

The Putin knows

The Neo-Tsar stated openly and very bluntly what so many of us have known for over 3 years now – that the Presidential elections of 2020 were illegitimate. This is no great revelation, of course – anyone who is not a Daemoncrat, or a properly blinded...
That month of the year again…

That month of the year again…

Those of you who follow the righteous path of the Iron God know all too well the horrific spectacle of walking into the gym after the Christmas and New Year holidays, only to find the sacred temple of the Holy Barbell packed with spastic numbnuts, fat chicks in...
The ark of civilisation

The ark of civilisation

The extraordinarily effective spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova (Мария Захарова), sat down for a fascinating interview recently, in which she pointed out some very powerful truths about what Russia is nowadays: Ms Zakharova is an excellent...