“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

The man who would be king

The man who would be king

Taking part in the Stations of the Cross is always a moving and powerful experience. I first attended one 6 years ago, before I bent the knee, when I was still living in the US. At that time, I was going through a severe personal crisis, and derived a lot of comfort...
The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion

26 And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus. 27 And there followed him a great multitude of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting for...
Not my will, but thy will be done

Not my will, but thy will be done

We are mere hours away from the anniversary of the death of Our Lord upon the Cross. There are three truly sacred days for us as Christians – Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. The first celebrates the birth of our Saviour, the second mourns His death,...
“For we saw His star when it rose”

“For we saw His star when it rose”

It is Christmas Eve – or, as my Russian Orthodox brethren would call today, “yet another Sunday, what’s the big deal, comrade?”. Seeing as this is the case, I think it is worth setting the scene for the day of joy and celebration that follows...
The hours of darkness

The hours of darkness

45 Now from the sixth hour[f] there was darkness over all the land[g] until the ninth hour.[h] 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” 47 And some of the...
Mouthing off about the early Gospels

Mouthing off about the early Gospels

Jacob Dreizin is what you might call a “Marmite blogger” – either you like him, or you do not. He does not exactly endear himself to his detractors, because he has more than a few Gamma strains with respect to his constant chest-thumping about how he...
Well done, good and faithful servant

Well done, good and faithful servant

First off, happy Ash Wednesday to one and all. This marks the start of the season of Lent, culminating in the single most important part of the year for us as Christians. When I lived in the States, I distinctly recall priests from various Catholic and Protestant...
What they didn’t teach you in Sunday School

What they didn’t teach you in Sunday School

As I have pointed out repeatedly, and as I noted in my year-end book recommendations, Dr. Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm is, in my view, an essential companion to any serious study Bible. That is not to say Dr. Heiser’s approach to unpacking some of the...
‘Tis the season…

‘Tis the season…

… to lift a merry middle finger to political correctness, and say exactly what we think and what we mean – which is: HAPPY CHRISTMAS. None of that namby-pamby politically correct “Season’s Greetings” pigswill, none of that diverse...
The dying God

The dying God

In times of great evil, such as the one that we are living through right now, it is common for people to blame God for that evil and to argue that He is its root. The people who say these things genuinely do not understand what God is, and why, when He passes...