The Domain Query podcasts are direct answers to questions posed by readers in comments and emails. These are much less frequent and are uploaded on an ad-hoc basis. If you have questions for me that you would like to have answered, query the Domain and I’ll do my best to get back to you.
The latest episodes are given below. In the sidebar you will find a regularly updated archive of existing episodes.
Be sure to subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!
The Didactic Mind Podcast Archive
- The Beginning
- The Time of Testing
- The Resilient Mind
- Trust
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Truths
- The Gift of Gratitude
- The Destruction of Star Wars
- Merry Christmas
- The Lie of Libertoonianism
- Happy New Year
- New Year’s Irresolutions
- The Stupidity Tax
- The Importance of Choosing Wisely
- For Better or Worse
- The Male Brain (Interview)
- Live for the Kill
- The Riddle of Steel
- The Greatest Lies Ever Told
- The Corona-Chan Poast
- The Ides of March
- The Litany Against Fear
- A New Hope for the Forgotten Man
- Mythbusting
- Victory
- Expert Stupidity
- Future World
- Red Vs Blue
- Who Watches the Watchers?
- Deep-Sixing the Deep State
- Adolt Edumacayshun
- Spiritual Warfare
- “You Shall Not Bow Down to Them or Serve Them”
- Paper Tiger, Wounded Dragon
- The Civiliser and the Destroyer
- The God That Failed
- Lessons from a Complete and Abject Failure
- Didactic Rules for Life
- Return to Tribe
- “The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment”
- The New Cold War
- Poison is the Cure
- Life, the Universe, and Everything
- One Man, One Book, Pt. 1
- One Man, One Book, Pt. 2
- Immigration = War
- From 4GW to 0GW
- The Nameless One
- One Little Victory
- Have No Fear
- Interview with LTC Tom Kratman