“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

If you give a mouse a Ukie…

If you give a mouse a Ukie…

There has been an awful lot of innarwebz traffic over the past few days about a story of a Ukrainian refugee who fled her war-torn country and was taken in by a family over in West Yorkshire. It is a story that is equal parts hilarious, tragic, and darkly ironic....
Train CrossShit, lose wars

Train CrossShit, lose wars

I’ve been banging on for a while now about how the US military couldn’t win so much as an egg-and-spoon race at this point, much less an actual shooting war with China or, especially, Russia. Few, if any, of my readers disagree with me – including...
What a man-made daemon looks like

What a man-made daemon looks like

That picture there is of a mentally ill homosexual Brazilian man named Rodrigo Alves, who gained considerable notoriety as the “Human Ken Doll” and spent over $800K on various surgeries. Those surgeries include repeated rhinoplasties that have destroyed...
Telling the truth IS an act of violence

Telling the truth IS an act of violence

As you can probably guess, I’ve been RIDICULOUSLY busy this week – I was up until 1am writing a massive report and putting together the graphics (I do love myself some R code, especially the ggplot2 package), and generally wracking my brains until my head...
A gelded man in a gilded cage

A gelded man in a gilded cage

A very great deal of ink has been spilled about the latest round of stupidity from Harry and the Half-Blood Princess. Quite a few genuinely hilarious memes have come out of it all too. You saw many of them in a recent Great Mondaydact Browser Crusher. I have no...
Guest Post: Equality or Victory by The Male Brain

Guest Post: Equality or Victory by The Male Brain

We are most fortunate to have another guest post submission from our good friend, The Male Brain, over in Israel. He sent over to me an article that he translated from the original Hebrew into English. The original author is a man named Col. Tal Braun, a former...
Show us your Bobas

Show us your Bobas

So Gina “Crush” Carano sat down with the Littlest Chickenhawk, Benny Shapiru, to talk about the lessons that she learned from her firing by the Devil Mouse. Despite the fact that a Neo-Palestinian Gamma is interviewing her, the actual interview itself is...
Didactic Mind, Ep 69: Cancelling Cancel Culture

Didactic Mind, Ep 69: Cancelling Cancel Culture

In this week’s episode, I explore the fallout from Gina Carano’s cancellation by the Twatter mob and Disney, and offer up some thoughts about lessons that we can all learn from the process. I tell you how you can learn to stand firm in the face of madness,...
They’re not completely cucked out

They’re not completely cucked out

The conventional wisdom about the Euroweenies is that they no longer understand what a nation actually is, and have simply surrendered their identities and their love of their own peoples in favour for fancy-pants and lollipops handed out by the globalist abomination...
Didactic Mind, Ep 69: Cancelling Cancel Culture

Didactic Mind, Ep 57: The Rods and the Ax

This week’s podcast episode touches on many subjects, ranging from Robert A. Heinlein’s controversial classic military sci-fi novel, STARSHIP TROOPERS, to the Beer Bug, to the nature of rights and responsibilities. I discuss a lot of different points...