“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”
For years, I have been VERY harsh about one Larzzzz Ulrich, founder, drummer, and leader of Metallica – a band that I consider to be hugely overhyped and overrated. That being said, there was a time, back in my teens, when I did listen quite a bit to their...
It has happened at last. Nicko McBrain, the legendary drummer for the even more legendary IRON MAIDEN – THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME, there is no argument whatsoever on this subject as far as I am concerned – has announced his retirement from touring:...
As we saw last night, the world appears to be returning – kind-of-sort-of-really-slowly-in-a-chaotic-way – to normal. We can say this, because His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus...
Seeing as it is October 31st, and it is “that” time of the year again, let us go a bit against the grain and crank up the volume ALL THE WAY TO 11, with everyone’s favourite GRANDDADDIES of power metal: The funny thing is, though, that HELLOWEEN, despite their name,...
Right, chaps, seeing as I will soon be on summer vacation, let us try to class things up a little around here. I was scrolling across TEH YOOTOOBZ earlier today, when a rather curious video popped into my recommended viewing list. After listening to it for a little...
The latest POWERWOLF album dropped at the end of last week, and of course, I jumped on it pretty much immediately. Having listened to it pretty much continuously for the past week or so, I have to say, it is – to use the highly technical term – SUPER AMAZEBALLS...
Canadians do not get much love around here, and with pretty good reason. When I lived in the FUSA, all the Americans I knew, essentially looked at Canuckistanis as the effete, probably gay, far too polite, French-speaking, very confused cousins of the Free and the...
Surprisingly, this year I did not listen to much by way of really new heavy metal – nor did I listen to all that many metal albums. But the ones I DID listen to, were in many cases really damn good. Here are the top albums I heard in 2023. 1. VISION DENIED...
It is Christmas Eve – or, as my Russian Orthodox brethren would call today, “yet another Sunday, what’s the big deal, comrade?”. Seeing as this is the case, I think it is worth setting the scene for the day of joy and celebration that follows...
This is the news fans of Bruce “The Dyslexic Voice of Dog” Dickinson’s solo work have been waiting, no joke, TWENTY YEARS to see. He will release his first solo album since Tyranny of Souls early next year, and will go on tour with his solo band as...
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