“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”
I am currently on vacation, somewhere in the proximity of the Black Sea and the Caucasus. Regular(-ish) service will resume somewhere around the 8th of September. No doubt, this will come as a great relief to many of your browsers, given the gigantiferous content...
Right, chaps, seeing as I will soon be on summer vacation, let us try to class things up a little around here. I was scrolling across TEH YOOTOOBZ earlier today, when a rather curious video popped into my recommended viewing list. After listening to it for a little...
The latest POWERWOLF album dropped at the end of last week, and of course, I jumped on it pretty much immediately. Having listened to it pretty much continuously for the past week or so, I have to say, it is – to use the highly technical term – SUPER AMAZEBALLS...
The video you see below is one that has sparked an immense scandal in PommieBastardLande. It shows a police officer at an airport basically landing a football kick on a prone and seemingly defenceless Muslim man. The video originally released of the incident sparked a...
Canadians do not get much love around here, and with pretty good reason. When I lived in the FUSA, all the Americans I knew, essentially looked at Canuckistanis as the effete, probably gay, far too polite, French-speaking, very confused cousins of the Free and the...
Those of us who have been lucky enough to own and grow up with dogs, know just how much joy they bring to us, and how they change our lives. By “dogs”, of course, I mean REAL dogs – not those stupid little fluffballs that look like animated cotton...
Gentlemen! Have you ever found yourself watching a real man’s game – like, say, rugby – and thought, “y’know what, this would be even more interesting if it involved men dressed in full plate armour, fighting one-on-one, with mediaeval...
I had meant to write up this poast halfway through the month, but never got around to it, because reasons. Now that we are almost all the way through June, though, I think it is worth highlighting an interesting and odd development in the ongoing culture wars. Perhaps...
Most of you probably have no idea what Midnight’s War is, unless you have been following the efforts of Our Beloved And Dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) Voxemort the Most Malevolent and Terrible to upend the apple-cart of the comic books industry. The first major...
Recall how, a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the withdrawal of the AstraZeneca poison death shot from the global market, and how this goes a long way toward proving the contention held by many of us purebloods that the not-vaxxes are far more dangerous than anyone...
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