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Winning, winning, and (mostly) MORE WINNING!!!

by | Jan 24, 2025 | Politics | 1 comment

The first week of the blessed renewed reign of His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, has been enough to induce whiplash in anyone who has been paying attention. Do not mistake me, there has been a COLOSSAL list of positive actions that is about twice as long as my arm, and it is hugely impressive.

In the space of just his first five days in office, the God-Emperor has:

  • Suspended all foreign aid for at least 90 days – though there is some debate as to whether tat includes military aid to Ukraine;
  • Ended birthright citizenship through an Executive Order (this is currently being challenged in the courts, as we expected);
  • Ordered the release of the JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr files (we shall see how much of those files are NOT covered completely in black ink);
  • Revoked the security clearances of American Unintelligence officers who called the Hunter Biden laptop story “Russian disinformation”;
  • Withdrawn the FUSA from the WHO – which is now going to have to implement drastic funding cuts as a result;
  • Required Federal personnel to return to in-person work;
  • Declared a state of national emergency and closed the southern border with Mexico – indeed, just today, videos emerged showing US Marines deploying to the border itself;
  • Ended the ability of illegal invaders to claim any kind of asylum if they are caught for something even as trivial as a traffic violation;
  • Begun deportations of illegal aliens and their families, and ended the ability of Pajeets and others to use anchor babies to get citizenship;
  • Restored the Federal death penalty (this is a contentious one, as in my view, and in the view of many others, giving the Federal government the power of life or death over its citizens, simply encourages the FedGov to use the latter);
  • Begun the process of winding down American military occupation of Europe;
  • YEETED all the DIE offices within the FedGov;
  • BizANNED the institution of a Federal Central Bank Digital Currency, and ordered research into the establishment of a national Bitcoin reserve;
  • Pardoned the J6 protesters almost entirely, and commuted the sentences of the few that committed actual violence;

That last one was a major litmus test for Ornj Boi. If he did NOT do that, then he would have exposed himself as a cowardly blowhard who does not fight for his supporters. When he announced that particular order, it was a huge white-pill moment for me and many of my subscribers on my Telegram channel.

And that, by the way, is not even a complete list. The full list of Executive Orders and directives he has issued, goes beyond my ability to do it justice.

Having observed President Trump for nearly 10 years now, I have to say that the Drumpf I see today, is radically different from the man I remember when he announced his run for President back in 2015. That President Trump was an ebullient shit-talker, constantly saying and doing things that were wildly offensive to the sensibilities of the Washington and New York “elite” that did so much to destroy him in the subsequent years.

This Trump, though, is very different. You can see it in his bearing, his mannerisms, and his tone of voice. This man is much older, and he is battle-weary. You get the distinct impression that he is genuinely tired, and would like nothing better than to lay down his burden and go into retirement. I get the real feeling that Trump simply wants to go back to Florida and spend the rest of his days playing golf with his friends, goofing around with his grandkids, and enjoying the delights of his beautiful wife, Melania.

One can hardly blame him for the latter, of course. Just LOOK at the new-old First Lady:

HELLOOOOO NURSE!!! What a woman!!!

It is SO nice to see real class, grace, beauty, and refinement in the White House again. That woman represents everything great about Slavic women – and that is before we get to the fact that she is extremely intelligent herself. One does NOT speak 5 languages fluently – as Mrs. Trump does – without some serious brains.

Given all the WINNING!!!, I have to say, it is extremely difficult NOT to overuse the following meme – which comes with a huge number of homo-suspicion points:

Moreover, it is very clear that President Trump is serious about his announced intention, in his inaugural address, to become a peacemaker, not a warmonger. He is pushing the issue of peace negotiations HARD with the Russians and Ukrainians, and he appears to be absolutely serious about getting a true negotiated settlement for the 404 War.

However, this is where he has gone seriously off the rails.

Take a look at the following Truth Social poast that he put up – I think it was yesterday:

There is so much wrong here, it is difficult to know where to start.

To begin with, the third sentence is in fact mortally offensive to most Russians. To say that the Russians “helped” the US win WWII, is almost unbelievably stupid. To be fair, most Americans do not know or understand anything about the real history of WWII – they still think the US won that war, in both theatres. This is absolutely and categorically false.

The Soviet Union won the war in the European theatre, at the cost of 27 million (not “almost 60,000,000”) lives – over 11 million of those dead were Red Army soldiers.

It was the Red Army, not the US Army, that held Stalingrad, defended Moscow, broke the Siege of Leningrad, destroyed the German Sixth Army at Kursk, and smashed the Wehrmacht’s lines during Operation Bagration. It was the Red Army that liberated Ukraine, the Balkans, the Baltics, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, and countless other territories.

The Russians (and other Soviet citizens) bled and died in their millions for the liberation of Europe. They, and they alone, won the war in the Eastern theatre.

Russians today recognise full well the role that the American Lend-Lease Act played in giving them the materiel they needed to plug the gaps in their own capabilities during the opening phases of Operation Barbarossa. They remain deeply grateful to this day to America for the help they received. Talk to any modern Russian who knows his or her history – and, trust me, when it comes to the Great Patriotic War, most of them absolutely do, because almost EVERY Russian alive today can claim an ancestor who died during that war – and that person will tell you that they honour the memories of the Americans who helped them, and who fought beside them, during the war that truly defined their country.

But, to say that they “helped” the Americans, is a mortal insult – even if Ornj Boi made it with good intentions.

Furthermore, it is obvious that T-Rex has absolutely no clue what the Russian economy is really like. He thinks it is failing. This is arrant nonsense. I have been travelling to Russia since October 2017. I have visited Mordor three times since the start of the 404 War – most recently in April 2024. And I can say from direct first-hand experience that the Russian economy is BOOMING.

I have never seen Moscow as busy and dynamic as it is today. The rate of construction of new buildings, homes, apartments, factories, and even churches, is happening at a dizzying pace. Russians have never lived as well as they do today. Inflation is certainly a problem – the price of butter, for instance, shot up by more than 20%, and in some cases by over 50%, not too long ago. But, on balance, real wages have grown – because nominal wage growth has been at least 10-15% in most sectors, while inflation is around 9.5-9.8%.

Russia’s budget deficit is barely 2% of GDP. Its Federal tax revenues in December 2024 were the highest they have EVER been in the post-Soviet history of the Russian Federation. Its external debt is declining, while its overall debt-to-GDP ratio remains barely 17%.

There is absolutely no way any rational person can call this a weak or poor economy that is failing.

Moreover, Ornj Boi seems to think he can threaten Russian with MOAR SANKSHUNS NAOWH!!!, as a way of forcing some sort of agreement or deal. This is idiotic on its face. The Russians have withstood the most ferocious sanctions regime ever imposed on any country, and it has made their economy stronger, more independent, more robust, and more resilient.

Adding yet more sanctions to the over TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND already piled onto them, is not going to bother the Russians in the slightest. Indeed, if you listen to the statements coming out of the Kremlin in response to T-Rex’s latest shoot-from-the-lip announcement, you can see a sense of weary resignation – they are literally saying to the world, “this is nothing new, we’ll deal with it, let’s all move on now”.

For his own sake, and for the sake of his extremely ambitious and potent domestic agenda, the Trumpasaurus must recognise, immediately, that he has NOTHING which which he can coerce, bully, bribe, or threaten the Russians. They are totally immune to his usual tactics. Peace in Ukraine can only happen if he agrees to Russia’s fundamental positions:

  • No Ukraine in NATO, EVER;
  • De jure as well as de facto recognition of Russian sovereignty over the four new regions of Novorossiya, as well as Crimea, in perpetuity;
  • Security guarantees and a new set of treaties between Russia and NATO, as well as a new security architecture for all of Europe;
  • The dismantling of the neo-Nazi regime in Queef, and the installation of a “legitimate” (however we define that term) government;
  • Recognition of the validity of a Russian sphere of influence in eastern Europe, and the removal of Western influence from it;

These points are NOT NEGOTIABLE from the Kremlin’s perspective. In this game of international high-stakes poker, the Russians hold ALL the high cards, and President Trump has an extremely weak hand.

He seems to think he can break the Russian economy through lowering the price of oil, too. He is going to find out, very quickly and very much the hard way, that the Saudis are not going to play ball.

For a detailed analysis of all that, you can watch the superb take from Alexander Mercouris in a programme he did with his good friend, Alex Christoforou, on The Duran earlier today, in which he goes into everything I just wrote, in MASTERFUL detail:

The simple fact is that Ornj Boi is in serious danger of falling into a trap with respect to Ukraine, that threatens to undo all the great and magnificent good he has done already. If he does not simply abandon Ukraine and walk away from this mess, he will end up owning it – and that will destroy his Presidency.

And that would be a great and terrible tragedy, because President Trump is ALREADY proving to everyone that he has what it takes to become the greatest President since Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson.

That is not hyperbole. If he truly pulls off his entire domestic agenda, he will leapfrog even St. Reagan Magnus of the Right, and will take his place among the two or three greatest Presidents America has ever had. He will have saved his country from itself (at least for a while); restored its sense of greatness and pride; taken the war directly to the heretic, the mutant, and the alien; brought peace to Europe; and incorporated new resource-rich territories into the US itself.

That is the record of a true LIVING LEGEND, and that is what President Trump could be.

All he has to do, is to let Ukraine go, and let it become Europe’s problem.

Let it be so, President Trump. Do not own the Ukraine problem. Save your Presidency, and become the legend we all know you can be.

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1 Comment

  1. Sergei Siminov

    Noting the one maxim with Trump – wait one week to see how his bloviating pans out.

    Perhaps the threat of sanctions isn’t for Russia; instead it is for NATO / the “participating nations”.

    Especially if there is so little trade between America & Russia or any further Russian sanctions won’t matter.


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