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Domain Query: Clown College degrees

by | Jan 10, 2025 | Domain Query | 1 comment

Despite being stricken with what feels like (but isn’t… probably) bird flu, I finally managed to get around to addressing a rather interesting query from LRFotS Randale6, who wrote in to ask about the monumental illiteracy and idiocy of Clown World:

Didact, looking into the history of commies and world war two I find this, the death of Patton is essentially a commie masterminded assassination (nearly killed by a cart two times before the third attempt finally does it, across two continents). At least from what I was reading on Unz Patton had planned to do a political tour of America to expose communism and push the population to both oust the commies at home (FDR and his cronies were effing commies, where is Pinochet when you need him) and finish off the Soviet Union while it still lacked nukes.

This brings up a question in my mind, are the clowns as historically and politically illiterate as we think they are or do they actually have a clue? On the face of it the hollowing out of the USA military doesn’t make sense at all for a bunch of neocons hellbent on world domination. It does make sense though if those clowns don’t think they can take over the world, rather they want to ensure that nothing domestically can pull a Caesar or Pinochet on their cockroach asses.

The short version is: yes, they are that stupid. In fact, they are far more stupid than you can imagine.

The longer version is, of course, in the podcast below. In it, I unpack this issue through an exploration of the ways in which Clown World denizens think. I have made a few simplifying assumptions, which are not actually particularly strong, starting with the notion that you can equate “clown world” with “neoclowns”, as they are basically one and the same (barring some minor factional differences).

From that point, I examine the reality that neoclowns are astonishingly poorly educated, given their backgrounds in non-mathematical subjects that provide them with no intellectual toolkit whatsoever to permit an understanding of the true factors of military, economic, and political power. Using the Ossipov-Lanchester Equations as a starting point, I explain how no neoclown can possibly comprehend the complexities involved even with a relatively simple set of ordinary differential equations.

I then use a recent article from arch-neoclown (and, evidently, Krispy Kreme enthusiast) Robert Kagan, one of the intellectual (*snerk*) leaders of the movement, to show just how fundamentally RETARDED these people are. This is the bit of the podcast where you can practically hear me doing my best to physically restrain myself, because his writing is a perfect example of the blithering idiocy and total incompetence of the neoclown paradigm.

I wrap up by explaining that the reason why Clown World (which is to say, neoclown world) is so historically inept and stupid, is because their founding premise is completely wrong. They see America as an idea, not a nation, and because of this, they have zero connection to the American nation, and therefore to the inherent limitations that confront any nation which sponsors an empire.

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1 Comment

  1. Randale6

    Just one thing to note on the USA military, it simply cannot be compared apples to apples with the Russian one owing to the fact that it is an apples to oranges comparison. The reason for this being that the USA military is navy first & everyone else secondly (it has been this way since the Civil War). The USA army is simply not designed to operate separate from the navy’s sphere of projection.

    This reality of navy first applies to everything and everyone in the USA military. This is why America’s most successful “land” actions have been island battles and beach landings. This is also why the USA is ultimately going to recede back to the borders of it’s American empire, pretty much no one in Central or Latin America has the anti-ship capabilities to deal with the USA navy.


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