This has NOT been a good week for me – hell, it has not been a good YEAR for me, full stop. It all started on December 23rd, when we contracted a gnarly case of food poisoning, via – of all things – a dodgy kebab. So Christmas was not exactly very much fun… And then, starting on the 29th, I came down with what appeared to be a relatively mild cold, which carried through until I got home on the 2nd. After that, I thought I felt fine – and then felt like I got smacked by a wrecking ball on the 4th with some sort of fever.
I thought I was fine after that, but the last couple of days have been absolute hell – particularly yesterday, when all I could do, all day long, was to lie in bed shivering from a fever that left me very weak, and aching all over.
So, let us just say, it has not been the most auspicious of starts to the year.
Nonetheless, as they say, the “REELY BIG SHEW”, as it were, must go on. (That’s a reference to ancient kids’ cartoons from the 1960s, for the yungins among you who did not have the good fortune I did, to grow up watching The Jetsons and similar Hanna-Barbera toons.)
So, regardless of my feelings on the subject – which is to say, feeling like I am (or was) at Death’s door (which is exactly how I felt yesterday afternoon), here we are at another Friday, which means another lovely lady to get the weekend off to a most excellent start.
This here is Kristina Giyasova (Кристина Гиясова), age unknown but probably in her late twenties, from Chernogorsk, Mordor, now living in Dubai, I think. She is a “commercial model”, whatever that means – probably nothing good – and has appeared in the Kazakhstan edition of Playboy – which, if you know anything about the Central Asian republics, is absolutely hilarious from a certain perspective.
Happy Friday, lads.