It has been a quite mad few days, which put a serious spanner in my ability to do anything much other than go to meetings, eat, sleep, and do my actual day job during very odd hours. A big part of that involves the stress and uncertainty of getting everything squared away for moving day, which is coming up fast – and which also means future poasts will likely be a bit delayed, but then, what’s new about that.
As you may also have noticed, things appear to be falling apart globally too. The Israelis straight-up murderised two senior Hummous figures, one of them on the sovereign territory of Iran. One does not have to like Hummous, or the Pali-Walis – I certainly do not – to understand just what a gigantic escalation that is. Assassinating a senior Hamas official on Iran’s territory, on the same day as the inauguration of their new President, speaks to a level of brazenness that is going to land the entire region, and shortly thereafter the whole world, in serious hot soup.
The Iranians feel deeply humiliated – and rightly so. Their response is likely to be severe, and much more brutal and effective than their show of force earlier this year, in response to the Israeli assassination of one of their top generals in Damascus. In that attack, they shot a bunch of old missiles and drones at Israel – fully expecting, evidently, that the vast majority of them would be shot down, but making a very clear statement by hitting hard at the very base that launched the strike aircraft that killed their general.
This time, their response is unlikely to be anywhere near as restrained.
It is very important for Americans, especially, to understand something about the Iranians, the deep and reflexive American antipathy toward the Iranians notwithstanding:
The Iranian civilisation is one of the oldest in the world. It dates back some 4,000 years or more. Their people are not nearly stupid or crazy enough to seek out unrestrained war with the FUSA – they actually do have their own problems to deal with, and are keen to see those resolved before taking on anything more. Their brand of Shi’a Izzlam is deeply antithetical to that of the Sunnis, but, being an ancient and reasonably cultured bunch, they also understand they can make friends with the Sunnis when required. And that is precisely what they have been doing.
(This is, of course, in spite of their ridiculous “Insha’Allah” mentality, which leads to all kinds of stupidity in the region, and is one of the reasons why the Persians have some of the highest rates of automobile fatalities in the world. They truly are NOT the “Sons of Martha” – they DO preach that their God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose, as it were, which is why the nuts on their vehicle wheels come undone so easily.)
Moreover, the Iran of today is not the weak and backward nation of 20 or even 10 years ago. Today’s Iran has a powerful and revitalised industrial base. Its economy has been booming for some years now. Its military capabilities allow it to sink American aircraft carriers at will if required. And they have the three strongest economies in the world on their side – China, Russia, and India.
Against this array of combined might, the failing and collapsing Empire of Lies has nothing to offer except threats and nukes. Neither cut much ice with people who understand the concept of “Correlation of Forces and Means”. These same powers are more than capable of looking at the shattered American industrial base, and the utter paralysis and insanity of its leadership class, and come to their own conclusions about Amerikhastan’s ability to wage war.
That ability is near-non-existent. America’s record of winning wars is – it is fair to say now – LAUGHABLE, since WWII. The First Gulf War does not count – as retired Russian Lieutenant General Klokotov, former Chief of the Strategy Department of the Academy of the General Staff, once said:
I would like to emphasise here that the Persian Gulf war was taken as the standard in studying the strategic nature of possible war. It would appear that this position, adopted in the draft ‘Fundamentals of Russian Military Doctrine,’ is dangerous. The fact is that this war [was] ‘strange’ in all respects [and] cannot serve as a standard.
It is crucial to understand that Amerikhastan “won” the Gulf War only after 6 months of intensive preparations, with the vast power of a most intact industrial base behind it, and in the wake of the total collapse of its principal global adversary, which freed up immense resources and capabilities. It also fought against an enemy with virtually toothless land armies and obsolete equipment, and outdated air defences, no coherent C4ISR, and no particularly serious ability to strike at American aircraft carriers.
NOT ONE of these things holds true today with Iran.
For their part, the Israelis understand full well that their only real hope for survival now, is to get the FUSA involved directly in a war with Iran – which will destroy Iran, and likely much of the Middle East, and will almost certainly leave the FUSA itself a in a state of financial and industrial ruin.
This is not strategy. It is gambling with Armageddon.
In simple terms, it is NOT the Iranians who need to be lectured and told to restrain themselves. They have in fact conducted themselves with admirable restraint thus far – by all serious accounts, they already have the ability to wipe Israel off the map through a combined drone and missile attack that would destroy Israel’s electricity, internet, and infrastructure in a single strike. It is Israel that needs to be told to back the phuck off.
Further escalations of this sort will lead to a war that will have apocalyptic consequences for the global economy – and will lead to the very destruction of the FUSA that so many of us have been predicting (and, in some cases, praying for).
And with that cheery thought in mind, let us get on to the thot of the week.
This here is Veronika Kuznetsova, age 24, from Banderastan. Now, this does admittedly break my longstanding rule about no khokholinas on Fridays. That same rule exists not merely because such women are madder than a bag of batshit badgers mixed in with rattlesnakes, and considerably more hazardous to your health (as well as that of your wallet). It exists because Ukraine is not a real country, and has not been for a long time.
However, Miss Kuznetsova there has two things going for her. First, she is almost certainly AKSHUALLY ethnically Russian, given her last name (and looks). And second, she doesn’t live in 404 – she lives in Spain, and has done since 2022, apparently. She fled the Banderastan War and settled in Costa del Sol, where she competed for, and won, the local beauty pageant, which then led to her competing for this year’s Miss Grand Spain.
Hell if I know what any of that means, but we can say for sure that the lady in question here is quite elegant and attractive. As with all khokholinas, though – even the ones of Russian origin – always keep in mind:
Look, don’t touch.
Happy weekend, lads. If you need me, I will be off in the corner, trying to pack all my stuff up for the big (actually not very big) move.
did the bastards finally grind you down?
Almost… It’s been an insane week. But now things are normalising.
I just appreciate that the question was posed on the most recent attractive woman post, as we all know what brings us here…