The north of England is burning tonight, because of clashes between “far-right” and “left-wing” mobs in cities like Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Leeds, and others. London is not immune to them either – though Londonistan is NOT an English city, and has not been for many years. The clashes are vicious and violent, and feature hooligans on both sides – but if you look closely, you will notice something rather telling about each side:
You would be correct to surmise that this is primarily a pitched battle between White Britons and non-White – often Izzlamick, often Wakandan – immigrants and descendants of immigrants.
The reason for this chaos and mayhem?
The fatal stabbing of three small children, allegedly by one Axel Rudakubana, a “Briton” born to Rwandan emigres.
This appears to be the straw that has finally broken the back of the cucked-out camel that is Ingerland. For decades, White Britons have watched in mute anger as their own elites have not only permitted but encouraged vast numbers of immigrants to flood their shores. The true scale and depth of that immigration is simply unknown at this point – PJW recently did a very interesting video pointing out that, due almost entirely to immigration, the true population of PommieBastardLande may not be 67 million or so, as supposed, but might be a lot closer to EIGHTY MILLION.
And what, exactly, has mass migration brought to Ingerland?
Well, if you happen to know PommieBastardLande – and I do – then you will know that London has not felt like a British city for decades. You can walk through entire neighbourhoods of Londonistan – particularly around the Tower Hamlets area, which is where its current, extremely odious and incompetent, Mayor, Sadiq Khan, originally cut his teeth in British race-hustling and class warfare.
Back when I was living in Londonistan, some ten years ago, I wrote about my experience of walking through a place called Shadwell. It was a lot like you might imagine a trek through the streets of Dhaka in Bangladesh – where, by the way, there are now extremely violent riots taking place, over issues of reservations for university places, which have been ongoing for nearly 3 weeks.
Those riots in Bangladesh are a direct result of the extremely wise dictum of the legendary Founding Father of the modern Singaporean state, Prime Minister Lee Kuan-Yew, one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th (or any other) Century:
And now we are seeing exactly the same thing happening in Ingerland.
The sad thing is, anyone with a handful of brain cells to rub together, who knows his way around the “British” cities of the north of the country, could have figured this out pretty quickly.
If you walk through a place called Rusholme in Manchester, you will find yourself walking through an area known as “Curry Mile”, on the way to a really rather lovely place called Platt’s Fields Park. That stretch of road is extremely crowded, busy, noisy, and lively, because on each side of it, you will find restaurants, cafes, and eateries from every part of the Izzlamick world – Lebanese, Turkish, Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Indonesian, Malaysian, you name it.
You will also find Izzlamick schools and dress shops, and you will see women clad head-to-toe in the burlap sacks they call the burqa.
(If you happen to know how that came about, the story is as absurd as it is sad – basically, Umar ibn Khattab, one of Mo’Lester the Paedophile Profit’s closest followers, followed one of his wives, Sauda, out when she wanted to take a dump, and caught her in the act. This was at a time when women were supposed to be covered up, but the Paedophile Profit didn’t enforce his own rule very well. And so, today, Izzlamick women endure the burqa, even though the Koran says not one word about it, simply because of a chain of narration from a hadith that comes several hundred years later that Izzlamick scholars judge to be “authentic”.)
What you will NOT find, is any particularly substantial traces of what one might once have called “British” culture. It is as if a foreign organism has been forcibly transplanted into the host body, and has adopted a life of its own.
This story repeats itself throughout the cities of the North. If you drive through Doncaster toward the railway station, for instance, you will pass several mosques on the way in – this, in a city that was once at the heart of Yorkshire.
Leeds is Izzlamick- and Wakandan-occupied territory. So is Bradford – where those horrific child-abuse gang scandals took place over the past 20 years, and for which the craven and cowardly British police have still never answered fully. So is Leeds. And Liverpool. And parts of Hull – which is a shithole town, by the way. And Sheffield. And… well, the list just goes on and on.
The point I am making here is, the British people never asked for any of this. They never wanted it. They never wanted to be displaced from their own cities and towns by people who look nothing like them, and have nothing in common with them, who worship strange moon-gods and pagan idols, and who now demand to be represented by people who ARE like them.
England today is ablaze, because of the absolute truth of Martin Van Creveld‘s dictum:
If you disagree with me, I invite you to read the headlines emerging out of PommieBastardLande today, along with the pictures. Just today, in the very heart of Manchester, White Brits and non-White foreigners clashed with police, who were trying desperately to keep the two sides apart, with a level and degree of violence that you typically only see in France.
You can sort of excuse the French for that sort of thing – rioting is a national pastime over there, which is to be expected from a country whose national anthem is basically a blood-soaked xenophobic rant. But this sort of thing is almost unheard- of in PommieBastardLande, whose people are known for being overly polite and effete – rather a lot like Canadians, but with much worse teeth and sillier accents.
The rage you see from Whites on the streets is real. They have every right to be furious. They are seeing their country taken from them, while their elites try to shame them into silence and cow them with threats of the dreaded “R-word”.
The problem is, those threats are losing their power, because native Britons can see with their own eyes how their quality of life is being eroded away every day.
They can see and understand that their utility bills keep going up, their jobs keep getting eliminated, their cost of living keeps spiralling upwards. Britons fully understand that their children live worse lives than they do. They comprehend quite well that their much-vaunted institutions, like their education system, and their hugely overrated National Health Service, are falling apart. Their roads are potholed and poorly maintained, yet their council and income taxes keep going up.
Meanwhile, they see immigrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine – the very places their own governments invaded, or in which it helped provoke extremely brutal and bloody conflicts – are being welcomed into small seaside towns, and are being put up in 4-star hotels with full room and board. Yet those same Britons cannot afford to take their own families for simple caravan holidays, because the cost of living has simply gotten too high.
Britons, for all their faults – and they have MANY – understand these things at a very fundamental level. They see what is happening, and they are angry.
The murders of three young girls in broad daylight by a Wakandan Dindu has simply awakened something within them, that all the ugly class-warfare rhetoric of both the Cuckservatives AND the Labourites has failed to suppress.
We are now seeing the inevitable end results of mass migration playing out in the streets of Britain’s biggest cities:
It is just that simple, and the facts do not care about any of our feelings on these matters. All we can do is hope and pray that the violence does not spiral out of control – because if it does, then it will not merely be African immigrants fighting against White Britons in the streets. It will also be Indian Hindus against Pakistani Muslims, Christian against Izzlamick Africans, and Little Englanders against urban elites.
That kind of fratricidal war is not one any civilisation can survive.
And, Ameribros, make no mistake – you are not immune to this. It is coming for you. Your own experiments with mass migration are on a VASTLY greater scale than anything seen in Europe, both in relative and absolute terms.
What is happening in Ingerland, is but a foretaste of what is coming to your towns and cities.
Prepare as best as you can.