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A quiet restoration of normality

by | Jun 29, 2024 | Office Space | 4 comments

I had meant to write up this poast halfway through the month, but never got around to it, because reasons. Now that we are almost all the way through June, though, I think it is worth highlighting an interesting and odd development in the ongoing culture wars.

Perhaps it is only in my imagination, but… it seems to me as though so-called “Pride Month” is much more subdued this year than it has been in years past.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not saying the LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT crowd’s degeneracy has decreased – far from it, in fact. The collection of weird mental illnesses and sinful behaviour has gotten more outrageous, not less. In the West, the rainbow-people have been slowly and insidiously arguing in favour of legalised paedophilia – a trait, by the way, which they share in common with Izzlamists, given Mo’Lester the Paedophile Profit mounted and penetrated a 9-year-old girl, according to their own traditions.

(The immense irony of any form of common ground between the rainbow-people, and Izzlamists, only makes sense once you realise that both cults are Satanically inspired and derived.)

Their assault on basic civilisational norms continues unabated – starting with the language, wherein they seek to redefine “paedophilia” and water down the definitions. To the casual observer, it would appear that Western Christians are losing that war, as we have been for more than 50 years.

However, I have noticed that, in Western countries, the prevalence of “pride” flags on social media, and in the streets, is distinctly in abeyance this year, relative to what it used to be.

Similarly, we are seeing a subtle but rapid movement away from Izzlam and the dawah insanity in the Western nations.

Quietly, slowly, the ground appears to be shifting – in favour of traditionalism, Christianity, and Western civilisation.

The Minarets Fall

It is not merely Izzlam’s increasing role and influence in the West. Indeed, if anything, I believe the power and reach of Izzlam is far weaker than most outside observers think.

Both Izzlam and the LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT movement share common traits, as mentioned above. Because they are both quite literally Satanic death-cults, they both rely on fear, division, strife, and the silencing through brute intimidation of any and all opposition.

Yet, the moment actual truth-tellers stand up against them, and pick apart their arguments in public… they run out of steam very quickly.

Here is a set of videos of some of the West’s finest Christian apologists, confronting Izzlamists in Hyde Park a couple of weeks ago:

That day went extremely badly for the dawahgandists – many of them left the park utterly demoralised and broken, because for perhaps the very first time in recent memory, they were outnumbered by devout Christians chanting, “Jesus Christ is Lord!”. And their arguments were blown apart by truth-telling Christian polemicists and evangelists, who pointed out the severe structural flaws in Izzlam’s founding mythology, and hammered home the sheer ridiculousness of Izzlamist claims to a “perfected revelation”.

As it turns out, once you begin poking at Izzlam’s foundations, the whole structure crumbles very quickly, because every single one of their claims is ridiculous and unfounded. And this is fuelling a wave of apostasy that spans the entire Muslim world:

Why is this happening? Because of TEH INNARWEBZ.

No, seriously, that is why. Today, Muslim YOOTS can listen to Christian polemicists taking apart Izzlamist nonsense, for free, and they can call in to live shows done by Christians who truly know and understand the doctrines, and can speak the languages, of the ancient Bible.

Moreover, we now have well-known Christian apologists and polemicists, like Christian Prince, Rob Christian, Adam Seeker, and the brutally effective Sam Shamoun, who speak Arabic natively, and can wreck the Izzlamists with their own texts, in the very same language the Izzlamists used to take refuge in, because they could always claim “you cannot understand Islam unless you know Arabic, and you don’t know the language, so your argument is invalid, HURR DURR WALLAHI SNACKBAR”.

The Rainbow Breaks

With respect to the LGBTQOSTFU crowd, here I can only offer anecdotal evidence. Two years ago – or, heck, as recently as just last year – if you looked on your social media accounts, especially LinkedIn or Facebook, EVERY SINGLE COMPANY IN THE WEST dressed up their corporate logos in that putrid rainbow flag. The movement appropriated a Biblical symbol of God’s promise to Man, that He will never destroy the world through water again, and perverted it into a symbol of open rebellion against the Creator.

This year, however, it seems to me as though the number of companies in the West who are dressing up their logos in those ridiculous colours, has declined dramatically.

Oh, the big evil globohomo corporations have certainly done it, and show it off. The globalist banks, for instance, make a huge deal out of it. Back when I worked at Evil Giant GloboHomoBank #2, every June the vicious little HR people would distribute Pride flags and “Ally” stickers to people to hang over their cubicles. One of my managers at that time had TWO of the stickers on his cubicle, just to signal his virtue as hard as he could. (The fact that he is a Pajeet, makes that both hilarious and disturbing.)

So have the big consulting companies – all of them. And the big grocery store companies, the transport and logistics chains, the Millennialtard-founded tech companies, and so on and so forth. They are ALL desperate to signal their virtue.

But smaller companies seem to be uninterested in this pandering.

The number of people that I have seen, with Pride flags and pronouns in their bios, has also declined markedly.

This is NOT true in the big cities. Walk down The Strand and on to Regent Street in London, and you will see immediately that the whole area looks like occupied territory – because it is:


But the significant reduction in GloboHomoPaedo propaganda IS the case in the smaller cities and town, and it IS the case with online social media now – at least, from what I can see.

Why, I wonder? Could it be that they, and their customers, are heartily sick of this nonsense?

Or, could it be that more simple and mundane concerns, like putting food on the table for their families, has tamped down on their enthusiasm for this madness?

Could it be that ordinary people are rejecting a month that celebrates degeneracy and sin – including the very worst of sins, in its literal name, “Pride” Month – and turning to humility instead?

A Sentimental Seachange

My guess is that the ravages of out-of-control inflation – created in very large measure by the very same GloboHomPaedoPharisatanists who push the rainbow ideology on us – have forced ordinary people and many businesses to take a good hard look at what they want to prioritise.

Indeed, if you look at recent electoral polls and outcomes in the West – whether we are talking about European Parliament elections in continental Europe, or the extremely strong backlash against establishment parties in the UK for the upcoming elections – there is a decided turn against this evil ideology.

That does not, by itself, mean there is going to be a restoration of normality or decency in the West. Conservatives are notoriously USELESS at preserving anything, as we have seen repeatedly. In the UK, the “Conservative” party is staring down the barrel of perhaps the most epic and humiliating destruction of a political party in Western history, and deservedly so, because they are all a bunch of utterly spineless cucks. The same is true of the Republicans in the US, who have failed on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL to preserve the US Constitution – including the Second Amendment, which by definition guarantees the First, and the latter is now essentially outlawed in America.

Simply electing cuckservatives into power, through the idiocy of VOOOOOOOTE HARRRRDURRRRR!!!, does not, on its own, signal a shift.

But it does appear to me that, anecdotally at least, the tide is beginning to turn.

Conclusion – Onward to Victory

Forget the big main cities, like New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, Rome, and others. Those are hopelessly lost. If you walk around the streets of the smaller cities, though, where you once saw Pride and Ukraine flags on every balcony a year ago, you now see nothing – or you see Palestinian flags. You can feel a palpable sense of simmering anger and frustration at the ongoing slow decay of public services, the failures of Western governments at every level, the increasing burden of taxation that yields nothing in return, and the increasingly insane cost of living.

This mirrors a global shift that I am seeing and observing now.

In Russia, the Duma has passed laws, with the ENTHUSIASTIC support of the entire population, and the President, that ban LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT propaganda completely – not just for children, but for the ENTIRE population. They have passed additional laws that focus heavily on supporting people in buying homes and having families. The Russians are now pushing for laws that severely restrict abortion “rights”, and promote heavily pro-natalist policies, in an increasingly coordinated (and somewhat desperate) attempt to push their Total Fertility Rate above 1.5.

I believe they will eventually succeed.

The Chinese are doing something similar, pushing hard for pro-natalist policies, now that their own TFR has cratered to 1.3 or thereabouts.

Countries in Africa are passing some of the world’s harshest laws against sodomy, homosexuality, the mental illness of transgenderism, and all other manner of degeneracy.

In Georgia – once considered a serious candidate for EUSSR and NATO membership – the ruling Georgia Dream party has passed laws that require foreign agent registrations, and has now gone through the first reading of a very strongly anti-LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT bill, that would mirror Russia’s own approach to dealing with that madness.

The world, outside of the degenerate and dying West, is turning decisively against this anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-children insanity. It is turning back toward faith and family – and, surprisingly, away from Izzlam, too.

The LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT ideology thrives only among an increasingly straitened and desperate concentration of peoples in big cities, working for big corporations. Izzlamist ideology thrives only because of persistently high birth rates among the Muslim diaspora in the West – even as Izzlam is collapsing in Saudi Arabia and Iran, beneath the surface, as more and more Muslims learn the truth about that death-cult.

And, as we are now seeing, more and more Muslims are coming back to Jesus, which is wonderful news. Former Muslims make amazing Christians – they really do. Muslims have everything they need to be the greatest Christians on Earth – they love Jesus (though they have no idea who He really is), they believe in Heaven and Hell (though, again, they get both totally wrong), and they believe in a Day of Judgement (which, once more, they do not know or understand properly).

We are also seeing more and more formerly mentally ill people running away from transgenderism and homosexuality. Moira Greyland’s harrowing, horrifying, yet ultimately deeply inspiring book, The Last Closet, points this out in detail – the number of former homosexuals, especially male gays who were groomed into that sickening lifestyle, is much larger than anyone thinks.

And we are now seeing “de-transitioners” emerging in public, pointing the finger of accusation at the daemonic Elites who told them they could be whatever gender they wanted to be, and thereby mutilated those young people’s bodies and destroyed their lives.

To me, all the signs point to a quiet reawakening of faith and hope, through the love of Christ Jesus, our Lord and King. His blood covers us all, and washes clean our sins. He is our rest and our hope, and these signs reinforce the unbreakable truth that, if we trust in Him, who is God, we will ultimately prevail.

Victory will be ours. It is only a matter of time.

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    • Didact

      Huh, I thought it was just me too! I am glad to know you have seen the same thing, in another Western country. Thanks for the props and the link to your post.

      • Tyler, the Portly Politico

        Yes, it seems way more muted this year than it has in many years. Granted, I live in the American South, so we’re way more conservative—Target re-arranged their “Pride” displays in Southern stores last summer because we were so infuriated about the wiener-tucking clothes they were marketing to children—but I think it’s nationwide. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that even really progressive people are not playing it up on social media as much as they usually do. That might be the bigger indicator: the popularity of “Pride” is passing.

        I think, too, that there is a divide in the American Left at the moment between the LGBTQ2IA+etc. movement and the “Free Palestine” movement. Both sides feel “betrayed” by the other for whatever reason.

  1. Randale6

    One thing does remain though to restore normality, the Neo-cons (aka Trotskyites) must be burned at the stake…that may be too merciful, may have to take out Saint Catherine’s Wheel from the museum…


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