“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Monday morning Tenet takeaway

by | Sep 7, 2020 | Mondays | 1 comment

Interesting Monday, this one. It’s the first Great Mondaydact Browser Crusher done on shared-hosting WordPress, and I have to say that WordPress is definitely vastly easier to use and more powerful and more flexible than Blogger ever was.

The unfortunate downside of this ease of use, flexibility, and power is that you can really get lost in the weeds very easily. There is SO much functionality to use, and so much customisation that you can do, that you can get lost in all of the little tricks and techniques.

In my personal opinion, that’s a good thing. The more freedom and responsibility you give a man, the more he can do with his own work.

At any rate, let’s get on with making this Monday a bit less gloomy and horrible, shall we?

Down below you’ll find a breakdown of the new Christopher Nolan film, Tenet. I saw it in a theatre last week. I do recommend it, but this movie is EXTREMELY hard to understand, even as it is a visual masterpiece. You’ll need to watch the movie three to five times to understand just WTFH is going on – and given that the film is 2.5hrs long, that’s a LOT of time to invest into a film.

So let’s skip all of that crap and just figure out what it’s all about as fast as possible. If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t watch this video if you don’t want lots of spoilers:


His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, has told the various branches of the Administration in no uncertain terms to drop this bullshit about White Guilt. The whole memo is a thing of beauty – and for this alone, the God-Emperor deserves re-election:

Drop to your knees and give thanks, brother, that you live in the Age of the Mighty God-Emperor. There is no mortal man that I can think of who could do what he has done, in such a short time, and who has been so superbly effective in fighting and defeating the hordes of the Radical Left.

Richard Grennell, who is queer as a three-dollar bill, and happens to be the Special Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo, also had some very trenchant things to say about the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed whorenalists of the mainstream (((media))):


#BasedTucker is based:


Mark Dice looks at the increasing censorship on Faceborg, Spotify, and the other Big Tech platforms and warns us all about taking the ticket:

Toe Rogan took the ticket and made a huge fortune by selling his podcast to Spotify. Well, fine and dandy for him – I don’t envy him his newfound wealth, and he was already doing extremely well to begin with. But surely he could not possibly have been so stupid as to think that there would be no strings attached in the process.

Spotify is controlled by the same clique of liberaltard asshats as the rest of the Big Tech companies, so it is no surprise that the list of people whose interviews are not featured is… consistent, shall we say.

This was despite Mr. Rogan insisting that Spotify would have no control over his content. What, exactly, did the Toe expect?!? OF COURSE Spotify will control his content! That’s why they PAID him $100 MILLION to sell out!!!


Dave from Blue Collar Logic explains how White Guilt happens, and how you get rid of that shit:

And Jason takes a deep look at the Bernie Bros out there berning up the cities – just like they said they would:


Bill Whittle looks at the laughably stupid notion of a secret movement of “Boogaloos”:


The Male Brain has supplied his usual treasure trove of excellent material this week. We start with a frankly hilarious gaffe from Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe:

Joe Biden is Joe Biden’s husband? If the Loony Left gets its way, it might just be possible for crazy senile old farts to marry themselves within a few years.

This next video has it all – a hot (well, sorta) crazy (definitely) girl with a seriously Beta partner who is absolutely miserable and pretends that being polyamourous makes her happy:

Ever wondered where America’s Cancel Culture comes from?

Some great Twits:

Another one from Maisie Williams, who is either an idiot or a master troll:

More funny Twits, courtesy of the Roosh V Forum:

This brought to mind a meme, again from the forum:

And one more Twit:


Paul Ramsey sees something very distinctly fishy with the way that the CDC is calculating the Kung Flu death toll, and explains why the numbers were always nonsense to begin with:

Essentially, those who WILL die from General Tso’s Chicken Pox, have already died, more or less. Yes, there are still significant pockets of the population that are in danger, but for the most part, the disease appears to have run its course.

These lockdowns and continued idiotic preventive measures are counterproductive, useless, vastly expensive, and must be ended immediately.


PJW has a stream-of-consciousness ramble through modrenity, and doesn’t like what he sees:


Lord Razor of the Fist Clan looks at the fraud-by-mail scandal that might just corrupt the outcome of a proper American election:


China Uncensored looks at news fresh out of the Pentagon that China’s military has surpassed America’s, in some respects:

This isn’t surprising, or at least, it shouldn’t be. The Chinese military, especially the PLA/N, has a great many problems. But its insistence on spending money on monumentally RETARDED shit, like turducken planes, is not one of them.

Their focus is primarily on defending against American carrier-based threats in the South and East China Seas and in the Pacific in general. They are doing a very good job of developing those. They also apparently have a pretty good set of radar detection systems against so-called “stealth” aircraft.

As always, keep this in mind: China only needs to sink one, maybe two, American aircraft carriers, and at that point, America’s hegemony in the Pacific is DONE.

This does not mean that America is incapable of fighting China in the Pacific.

As that video points out, the USA has genuine low-radar-signature missiles that are beyond China’s ability to defend against. The USA can launch those missiles, and a number of other offensive weapons designed to cripple the Chinese command and communications structure, without putting its carrier fleets in danger. And under the God-Emperor, the US has FINALLY made efforts to stop China from stealing its technology.

At this specific point in time, right now, the USA is probably in an inferior position because of China’s defensive strength. But there is good reason to think that the USA can overcome these limitations, given time, strong leadership, and non-stupid investments in really effective technologies.

That last part, of course, is something of a… distant prospect these days.


America Uncovered compares the Republican and Daemoncrat positions on China – and it appears that this is one of the VERY places where all but the most hardcore Left-wing Daemoncrats can work with the Republicans:

China and America are indeed strategic competitors. Chinese political ideology and ways of life are not compatible with Western equivalents. It is good and right that the West is finally beginning to realise this.


Jared Taylor from American Renaissance takes an in-depth look at the sheer viciousness of the Black Looming Menace:

[advanced_iframe src=”https://www.bitchute.com/embed/byOLQYuGDF2s/”]


Terrence Popp analyses Ewan MacGregor’s eye-watering divorce in another instant classic Pimptard/Wifestitute episode – and trust me on this, it’s BRUTAL:

[advanced_iframe src = “https://www.bitchute.com/embed/fxHopvw5rENM/”]


Remember what I said last week about how it’s a bad idea to hire ungrateful people just because of their skin colour? Midnight’s Edge takes on the same story:


Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock has some surprisingly good things to say about the latest episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks – but, given that those “good things” amount to “it’s not a COMPLETE pile of shit”, that’s probably damning with faint praise:


Gary from Nerdrotic is, rightly, absolutely furious about Salongate, because his wife was cleaning out her formerly extremely successful hair salon at the exact same moment that Queen Nancy Antoinette was getting her hair done:

He also had a look at the latest trailer to drop for the latest Bond film, The Woke is Not Enough:

That movie is gonna SUCK.


The Drinker takes a close look at the latest Christopher Nolan flick, Tenet:

I watched that movie in a theatre last week. It is a GIGANTIC mind-f**k of a film. It is a visual feast, an incredible spectacle. Your jaw will be sitting on the floor as you continuously mumble to yourself, “how the F*** did they film that?!?!?!”. Your companion in the theatre may well become concerned for your mental health as a result.

It’s also incredibly dense and extremely difficult to understand. It requires repeated viewings to understand. But unlike a lot of such dense films, I actually look forward to watching it repeatedly, because it is so brilliantly done.

This is signature Christopher Nolan – messing with your head while giving your eyes an absolute banquet to dine upon. He’s done it in every single movie of his that I’ve ever watched – The Prestige, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, and now Tenet.

That leaves me with, I think, Memento, Interstellar, and Dunkirk to watch. Should be fun.


Related – every Christopher Nolan film ever made, which might help you to understand just what a gigantic mind-bender Tenet really is:


Why was the original X-Men movie so effective? In no small part, it was because of Huge Jacked-Man’s performance as Wolverine:


Your “Science is F***ING WEIRD” moment of the week:

Although a conclusive test may be decades away, if the quantum mechanical predictions continue to hold, this has strong implications for our understanding of reality – even more so than the Bell correlations.

For one, the correlations we discovered cannot be explained just by saying that physical properties don’t exist until they are measured.

Now the absolute reality of measurement outcomes themselves is called into question.

Our results force physicists to deal with the measurement problem head on: either our experiment doesn’t scale up, and quantum mechanics gives way to a so-called “objective collapse theory“, or one of our three common-sense assumptions must be rejected.

There are theories, like de Broglie-Bohm, that postulate “action at a distance”, in which actions can have instantaneous effects elsewhere in the universe. However, this is in direct conflict with Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Some search for a theory that rejects freedom of choice, but they either require backwards causality, or a seemingly conspiratorial form of fatalism called “superdeterminism”.

Another way to resolve the conflict could be to make Einstein’s theory even more relative. For Einstein, different observers could disagree about when or where something happens – but what happens was an absolute fact.


Your long read of the week comes from Ilana Mercer about The Hero Kyle Rittenhouse, who is a symbol of things to come:

Not so Kyle Rittenhouse. Young Kyle went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, because he was never confused. He attempted to do the job politicians and police have refused to do. As the city’s mayor and the state’s governor watched Kenosha burn, Kyle confronted the enemies of the commonweal. Unlike the flaccid men of the media and in corridors of power, the 17-year-old rose to the challenge, firing only when he was prone and was being pounded by the feral fiends.

Intent on doing a Nick Sandmann on Rittenhouse, the media hounds have been pounding the airwaves with the “right-wing vigilante” pejorative, also calling Kyle a “17-yearl-old man.” This is a subliminal message for “charge him as an adult.”

Consequently, GoFundMe, a crowd-funding portal , removed efforts on Kyle’s behalf, directing visitors, instead, to the campaigns of the men he killed in self-defense. The one had a history of domestic violence; the other was a registered sex offender. For his part, Jacob Blake, whose shooting unleashed the Kenosha peace parade, had sexually assaulted a woman and was being intercepted for violating a restraining order against his victim.

Even the New York Times’ Visual Investigations unit provided a blow-by-blow account of young Mr. Rittenhouse being hunted down by fellows who were foaming and fulminating about the need to “cranium” Kyle. “This is 100 percent self-defense,” seconds Kyle’s attorney.

Seventeen-year-old Kyle’s recent history? Working as a community lifeguard—boy, can he swim in polluted waters—cleaning “defaced storefronts,” extinguishing dumpster fires lit by Democratic detritus, and standing sentinel in front of store fronts in downtown Kenosha, actions the local police instructed him to cease. Well, of course: The police force, in 2020, is a spent force; missing in action, flouting their constitutional obligation to protect innocents and their property.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a casualty of war. And make no mistake, WAR IS UPON YOU in America. It’s happening, right now. The Pantifags and Black Looming Menace forces have learned from their previous defeats at the hands of various Right-wing defenders. Their tactics have changed and they are mobilised, organised, well-funded, and highly effective.

I warn my friends and readers in the USA right now, who are thinking that it will be an easy fight if these dyscivic anarchists attempt to storm the suburbs:

There will be NOTHING easy about that fight. Your rifles and dogs and military experience will not serve you well in this war unless you use manoeuvre warfare to outflank these people and destroy them. You must learn to fight in concerted units and harness the moral level of war.

I will probably speak more about this in Sunday’s podcast, as I think it is worth pointing out a few things about the coming Second Civil War.


Linkage is good for you:

And some more from Dawn Pine:


The Neo-Tsar has been pushing hard for a Russian COVID-19 vaccine, and it looks like they might have successfully developed one:

The leader of the team behind Sputnik V said on Friday that the immune response documented among volunteers taking the world’s first registered coronavirus vaccine is sufficient to fight any level of Covid-19 infection.

Alexander Gintsburg, head of Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, was speaking on the same day that The Lancet reported on trials confirming that every patient who received the vaccine had developed antibodies without any significant side-effects.

The British publication, one of the oldest and best-respected medical journals in the world, confirmed that the Sputnik V vaccine had successfully produced antibodies in all 76 participants in early-stage trials.

I am deeply sceptical about the notion that a coronavirus vaccine is even remotely possible or even effective, especially given the recent news of reinfections from different strains of the Kung Flu. The Russians may well have jumped the gun on this one.

There is some good news for the Neo-Tsar on the foreign relations front, though. Some parts of the US foreign policy establishment have FINALLY figured out that Russia is in fact a formidable potential ally to the Western world and needs to be brought into an alliance of Christian nations:

Let’s be clear about something. Russia IS NOT a Western nation. It does not pretend to be. The Russian people are proud, strong, and free, by their standards. They have no desire to accept the degeneracy, foolishness, and stupidity of Western culture, and nor should they under any circumstances.

But there is plenty of room for Russia and the West to be on at least cordial terms. There is no need for outright hostility and hatred between them.


History lessons of the week:


Some epic music from my beloved HALO series:


Wazzocks gonna wazzock:


Kitchen Nightmares with the Angry Scot:


Comedy hour:


Pics, guns, girls, starting with a buttload (which is an actual unit of measurement for wine in barrels, by the way, equivalent to about 475 litres or 126 US gallons) from Dawn Pine:

Headlines of the week suggest that the kaiju are ABSOLUTELY on their way with some serious world-destroying assbeat:

Your “We’re on a Mission From God” moment of the week:

Your “They’re Just Different TYPES of Rats!” moment of the week:

Your “Yep, We’re F***ed” moment of the week:

Your “Rocket Man” moment of the week:

Your “NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!” moment of the week:

Your “Mighty Wings” moment of the week:

I was near Climax about four years ago – wasn’t quite as much fun as I thought it would be:


Your Dog of the Week is the sweet-tempered Brittany:

Brittany Dog Breed Information


Gym beast props this week go to WSM 2019 champion Martins Licis:


Before we get to the savagery and brutality of Buakaw Banchamek’s epic style of fighting, let’s take some time to pay tribute to the father of current UFC lightweight championship, and serious MMA GOAT contender, Khabib Nurmagomedov:

Greatness is fleeting in this life. What matters is the posterity that we bequeath to our children. Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov lived to see his son ascend to the very pinnacle of his chosen mountain. That is far more than most of us can say about our sons – and no matter what happens to Khabib now, win or lose, Abdulmanap’s legacy as a great and wise man is secure.


Buakaw Beatdown of the Week:

Brutal and so fast that you barely have a clue what he did until you watch the replay – Buakaw Brewery vintage 2016.


Jesus loves knockouts:


Synthwave keeps things classy:


Your dose of Slavic talent for the week:


What happens when you combine a chick with a decent voice, an epic song from the 80s, and a lot of video editing? You get Minniva’s cover of “Mighty Wings”:

Good cover, too, considering that the original is AWESOMESAUCE served atop a bed of AMAZEBALLS.




And finally here is your Instathot to get the week off to the right start (for certain values of “right”, I suppose). Her name is Thaieny Kenis, from Sao Paolo, Brazil, and of indeterminate age, but probably in her mid-twenties.

All right, men, off to work with ye, hopefully with your mood lightened and your burdens eased.

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