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We found the Whore of Babylon

by | Jan 17, 2025 | Office Space | 4 comments

Hot off the heels of the antics of one Lily Phillipsremember her? – who managed to cry herself into headlines around the Western world, we now have the exploits of her one-time bestest buddy, Bonnie Blue. This involves yet another case of yet another British lass from the Midlands, who decides – yet again – to whore herself out for… well, we are not quite sure what, exactly.

All we can say for certain, is that Ms Blue – real name Tia Billinger, age 25 from Nottingham, who used to be married not that long ago – claims to have… uh… known in the Biblical sense over 1,000 men in 12 hours.

Precisely how she achieved this dubious record, is a matter of considerable mathematical puzzlement, because if you do the MAFF, you quickly realise that amounted to 88.083 men an hour, or 1.47 men a minute.

Put another way, that would give each man just shy of 41 seconds, give or take a few milliseconds, at bat, as it were. I will just leave it at that, because the details just get more sordid and disgusting, the more you think about it.

Certainly, Paul Joseph Watson must have needed a rather strong stomach simply to analyse what Ms Blue claims she did – without, I might add, verifying whether she actually went through the number of men she claims she did:

Keep in mind, this is a woman who claims to be 25 – yet, at that age, if she is to be believed, already has a body count WELL IN EXCESS of 1,500. You can see the toll that has taken, simply by looking at her face:

That is not the face of a 25-year-old woman. That is the face of a woman who has taken a tremendous amount of physical, psychological, and spiritual damage over a very short time.

The details get worse the closer you look. It is obvious that she is not a happy woman, according to the men who have… shall we say, had relations with her. There is clearly something very messed up in that fake-blonde head of hers.

Moreover, if you read the descriptions of the… event that she held recently, which allowed her to hit that rather weird milestone, they are genuinely disturbing. Whatever it is Ms Blue thinks she is doing, the reality is rather different.

The worst part, of course, is that her choice of career is now a family affair – rather like it is with her one-time friend, Ms Phillips. If that does not make you despair for the fate of Britain, nothing will.

Both cases illustrate something fundamentally broken in Britain – the country once known for strict, even repressive, Victorian morality, is now a country that produces OnlyFools thots and whores like these two, and which glorifies a culture of hedonism and free-for-all sexuality.

There is a very clear inverse correlation between the rise of promiscuity in Britain, and the collapse of Christianity there. The Christian church in Britain stopped being serious about the faith decades ago, and has instead become a sort of woolly, inoffensive, lukewarm mishmash of culturally acceptable pabulum. The Anglicans are, if anything, WORSE than the Catholic Church – they embraced female pastors, homosexual “marriage”, and all manner of other sin and ugliness, decades before the current Fake Pope ever even dreamed of permitting (supposedly celibate) homosexual men to become part of the clergy.

There is no good ending to this story, either for Ms Blue specifically, or for Britain in general. This kind of promiscuity always ends in disaster for all involved.

All you have to do, again, is to look at Ms Blue’s face. This life is not making her happy. She thinks it is, but the physical – and, more importantly, spiritual – destruction wrought upon her, is making her age far faster than she should be. I have seen Russian girls in their 40s that look better than she does in her mid-twenties, and that is because those Russian girls have low body counts and are happily married with children.

Unfortunately, this being Britain, even a divorced woman who has acted as a fluid and waste receptacle for well over 1,500 men, will still probably find a SIMP willing to put a ring on that mess of mental illnesses (and, more than likely, STDs). At least her ex-husband had the good sense to divorce her the moment she decided to go full OnlyFools as a career.

Women like that are not role models. They are warnings from history. As I noted before, if you are a father and your daughter decides to follow this route to damnation, then you have FAILED, completely and totally, in your duty to her, and you are at least partly to blame for her mistakes.

But, ultimately, such women will answer for their own sins and bad choices. And the price of that reckoning will, for them, be unbearably high.

We should not feel sorry for them. They chose this life, of their own free will. But we should, by all means, look at these fallen women as warnings and lessons for the rest of us.

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  1. Randale6

    More and more I come to the conclusion that the muzzies have the right of it with regarding to managing the looser sex. Too be to strict and harsh is infinitely preferable to being too lax and kind with women. Fortunately we don’t need to embrace Islam to get similar results…a reversion to the Roman way will more than suffice. Lex talionis is the way.

  2. Bardelys the Magnificent

    Please also pray for the thousand (!) men who partook in this too. Their souls are also in need of much repair.

  3. JohnC911

    I know we don’t talk about the Spiritual battle much. I notice her face at 6:16 to 6:21 when she was talking looked very Demonic. I wonders if she had given her soul up for Frame? Anyway keep fighting the good fight Didactic Mind

  4. Jim S

    So many lives (men and women) have been destroyed by porn. Sad. I do pray for these people, because I too am a sinner and have many things I am not proud of at all. Staying humble.


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