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Breaking a proper garden tool

by | Dec 13, 2024 | Masculinity | 5 comments

Most of us have better things to do than wonder what OnlyFools slags get up to, and that is a healthy and sensible attitude. Occasionally, though, one of them breaks into the mainstream consciousness, usually by doing something unspeakably stupid and disgusting. We have had a couple of these examples of late.

When that happens, the rest of us can – and absolutely should – point and mock. That is the right thing to do. Whores SHOULD be ashamed of being whores, no matter how hard they try to justify themselves.

The most recent example of such stupidity, though, is not your ordinary OnlyThot. She is a living, breathing, crying train-wreck.

The character in question is, of course, one Lily Phillips – who would, under most ordinary circumstances, be a quite attractive young middle-class girl from PommieBastardLande, with a charming Midlands burr and a nice rack. For a variety of reasons, though, she decided to make her way in life as, basically, a fluid receptacle.

That is not overstating things. She recently made headlines, of a sort, for… engaging in intimate relations with 101 men in about 14 hours.

What you might not have known, until recently, is that the act of doing so, broke her.

That, also, is not an overstatement. Take a look at what PJW had to say about the subject:

Even that video does not quite capture the full impact of the train-smash this woman has become. The much longer video from Joker summarised it well – in fact, our man in the field had to make two videos about it, such was the strength of the stupidity force-field surrounding this young lady and her actions.

In the first one, Joker shows the exact moment where Ms Phillips there realises the actual spiritual cost of what she has just done:

The weight of it hits her like a wrecking ball – you can see the devastation it leaves upon her. You might be tempted to feel sorry for her…

right up until the point when you realise that she has no capacity to learn anything from it, and in fact there are many people willing to excuse her slutty behaviour, and blame the men instead:

I have never seen Joker that angry and animated before. He has covered some outrageous and infuriating topics in the past, but this one really got to him. And, if you think about it, this is easy to understand.

Instead of holding women accountable for their own actions and choices, and instead of requiring them to take some damn responsibility for their own terrible decisions, most of Western society chooses to blame MEN.

As Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) pointed out somewhere on Twatter, women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment. Any woman can get sex – it is not very difficult. A woman can look, sound, and smell like a SWAMP TROLL, and still get laid.

Ms Phillips, for all her massive mental and spiritual shortcomings, is assuredly not a swamp troll -not yet, anyway. But she does seem to have some pretty ridiculous expectations. After getting railed by 101 men, she now wants to be used by TEN TIMES THAT NUMBER, in 24 hours, some time in February. This means her body count will be, at the age of 23 or so, probably in excess of over 1,500.

Yet, after doing all of that, she still thinks there is a man out there who will date her, and wife her up.

The worst part is… she is right.

There ARE men in the world who have such low self-esteem, and so little self-respect, as to put a ring on a woman who is basically no better than a toilet, and who will engage in any amount of tortured rationalisation hamstering to convince themselves that a whore can be turned into a housewife.

It is in such situations that a man must reasonably ask, “WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?!?!?” In this specific case, unfortunately, the answer does not seem to be a good one. There are unverified rumours that her own mother is her finance manager.

As for her father… one can only hope he is somewhere on a mountaintop, on a pilgrimage of penance, shouting at the sky and pleading with God to forgive him for failing his child so badly, so spectacularly, that she turned out this way.

The future for Ms Phillips is bleak, as it is for all such women. I once did the MAFF, just for shits and giggles, on a former “escort” (read: highly-paid prostitute) who had sex with 10,091 men. The numbers were HORRIFYING – that woman ended up taking the kind of impact force that NFL quarterbacks do.

Do not for one moment think that sort of damage does not show up on a woman’s face. Take a look at this photo of Ms Montenegro:

Notice the eyes. They are TOTALLY DEAD. (Not to mention – that face is TERRIFYING.)

That is the fate Ms Phillips faces. Indeed, based on what we observe of her in the videos, she is already well on her way there.

As for the lessons we as men should take from this – they are simple:

Stop excusing women for their behaviour.

Stop pretending they can be fixed – they CAN’T. It is beyond the skill of mere men to heal women who have loose morals – it CANNOT be done.

Stop associating with them. Hold them accountable for their behaviour. Do not reward them for their whoring, until and unless they show contrition – through their acts, not their words.

Such women cannot be saved. Leave them to their own misery. There are plenty of other girls on the tree.

As for fathers of young girls:

Understand that if you do not take a firm line with your daughters, and do not impress upon them a profound sense of right versus wrong, that is the exemplar of the kind of woman they could become.

If that happens – you have FAILED in your duty as a father. It is on YOU. And you are answerable for your failures, just as much as she is for hers.

Ultimately, Western society is broken, because of broken men and broken women. But women become broken, because men refuse to hold them accountable for their actions, and excuse them for their wickedness. It is a story as old as the human race – says so right there in Genesis 3.

And as for Ms Phillips:

One day, she will wake up and realise that her looks are gone, her beauty has evaporated, and men see her as nothing more than an object – because she acts like one. At that point, she will have nothing and no one to turn to for help.

This story never ends well. All we can do, is watch and learn from it.

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  1. Randale6

    More and more the Greco-Roman approach to female management (daddy tells you what to do…now, shut up) seems to be the sensible solution for preventing train wrecks. As for the actual train wrecks I believe they should have a date with a parachute, somewhere over Saudi Arabia or Iran…

    • Didact

      That was pretty much the standard approach with women globally, not just among the Greeks and Romans. (The Spartans being conspicuous exceptions to that rule – with the inevitable end result that Laconian society basically collapsed due to extremely low birth rates for Spartan citizens…)

      And, I agree, it worked quite well. Some sort of return to that approach is pretty much inevitable, as Clown World falls apart and the world becomes vastly more dangerous for women.

  2. Bardelys the Magnificent

    Joker recently did a video on Alexander Grace, where the Aussie finally stops asking how to pass women’s shit tests and starts asking WHY? This is where men are arriving at. We don’t have the social power to call women out directly on their bad behavior, but we can walk away from them if they refuse to act right. I’m seeing this happen in real time. If women aren’t even going to bother to be good, you can’t ask us to save them. Even God requires repentance.

    • Didact

      If women aren’t even going to bother to be good, you can’t ask us to save them

      100% this.


    I cannot muster one iota of sympathy for this slag. Nobody put a gun to her head and forced her to do this, yet there are a bunch of feminists and white knights on X acting like that’s the case, while also blaming the men for “exploiting” her freely made choice to be a proper garden tool. It’s infuriating.

    Also, Pearl had a great thread on there about how most pr0n starts actually love the work and being on camera, and that the crying and regret is an act encouraged by these womens’ PR agents to kickstart their future influencer career once they age out of pr0n, since they know that white unmarried Christian simps are 90% of the OnlyFools audience and will step right up and white knight for her if she sheds a few tears.

    The saddest thing is that she will likely never pay any kind of price for this behavior. Some thirsty simp will end up wifing her up once she “repents,” which will just encourage more women to do crap like this and ruin things for the rest of us. I’d bet money on it.


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