If you have been following my poasts on the subject of Izzlam’s origins for any length of time, you will surely have come across the historical critique of “the book, the man, and the place”, presented in GREAT detail and with tremendous gusto by the one and only Dr. Jay Smith. He has dedicated the past 30 years of his work and ministry to using historical, archaeological, scientific, and textual evidence, to point out that the entire story of Izzlam’s supposed canonical origins, is completely false.
His work has gathered some of the most capable modern scholars and investigators together, and has built connections between people who were previously entirely unaware of each other’s work. The result has been a series of DEVASTATING historical criticisms of Izzlam, for which the dawahgandists have absolutely no answer.
The only problem is, you have to watch a HELL of a lot of videos to get a full idea of the current state of the historical critique of Izzlam. It is very difficult to get a simple, easily understood summary of the hundreds of thousands – perhaps MILLIONS – of words that Dr. Smith, and others like him, have uttered on the subject of the Izzlamick origin fairy tale.
Or rather, it used to be difficult – because some enterprising legend decided to take the entire state of the current debate, and run it through an Abominable Intelligence engine, to give us a simple video less than ten minutes long that explains it all.
The video is so good, in fact, that Dr. Smith himself reckons it is a hugely impressive summary of the Izzlamick Origin Problem:
There is far, far more involved in the discussion around Izzlam’s origins, than merely what you see in the video above.
The simple version is that Mo’Lester the Paedophile Profit, as depicted in the Izzlamick scriptures, almost certainly did not exist as an actual human being – he was instead almost certainly a composite character, involving Joshua of Nun, Moses, Jesus, and a real-life Lakhmid or Ghassanid Christian Arab king who lived in the northern Arabian region sometime in the early 7th Century.
The Koran is almost certainly a set of Syro-Aramaic Christian lectionaries, which used the old Nabatean script – similar to the skeletal script, or rasm, of the Arabs of that region – that Nestorian and other Gnostic Christians of the region once used for their hymns and homilies. It was then appropriated by the Ummayyads, and transliterated into Arabic. From there, it was bastardised even further by the Abbasids, who were Persians, and as such spoke a completely different language. The Koran that we see today, is the result of several hundred years’ worth of revisions and changes, followed by the popularisation of what was essentially the “NIV of the Koran” by the Ottoman Turks – they used a particularly poor Arabic Koran that they simply found easier to read than the other Arabic Korans extant at the time, which we know of today as the “Hafs Koran”.
Mecca certainly was not an important city of the time – it was a backwater. All of the religious sites that exist in Mecca today, are interpolations that have either been built or imagined in place, to fit the mythical narrative presented in the Koran, of the most ancient city of Mankind. None of the geographical features, none of the descriptions of flora and fauna, match between modern (or even ancient) Mecca, and the Koran’s writings. The true location of the original Mecca, was almost certainly Petra, the capital of the Nabatean trading empire, and the focus of their ancient religion. That religion later moved to Jerusalem, where the Nabateans incorporated some of the spiritual practices of the Jews and Christians into their own religion. And the Arabs later appropriated wholesale those same religious practices, as they sought to build their own national and religious identity.
The whole story of Izzlam is nothing but a sham, a fake, a not-very-cleverly-constructed set of ploys that Izzlamick caliphates and empires have routinely revised and retconned to fit the needs and narratives of their own political ends.
This is highly ironic, because Moose Limbs, especially dawahgandists, routinely and regularly accuse Christians of having a fake and made-up religion that originates with Constantine and the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Yet, the moment you subject the two religions to side-by-side examinations of their origins, you very quickly realise that Christian doctrine was already very well established within less than two centuries after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus – while Izzlamick doctrines were still being formulated and refined as late as the 10th Century, with little consensus as to how to handle certain very critical religious issues. This is among the reasons behind the Sunni-Shi’a divide, for instance.
There was a time when Christian apologists found themselves very much on the back foot when under attack by atheists with respect to the integrity, historicity, authenticity, preservation, and authority of the Scriptures. But over the past century, the weight of historical evidence has swung decisively to our side, to the point where even atheist historians admit that the Gospel story of Jesus’s death by crucifixion is the most certain fact about his entire life. We now have an extraordinarily powerful set of arguments that we can use at will – all we have to do, is to point to the abundance of riches that we have in our manuscript evidence, and the archaeological evidence that supports our views.
Izzlamists can take no such comfort.
The moment we subject their ridiculous low-IQ death-cult to the same standards as we subject Christianity, we quickly see that their entire world-view rapidly falls apart, and they have to invent ever greater and sillier epicycles to try to justify that world-view.
There is plenty more to come as we continue to dig and investigate the origins of Izzlam. But one thing we can say for sure, is that their fake moon-god, fake profit, and fake book, simply have no historical backing whatsoever.
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Now I am debating the idea of running Father Coughlin’s radio speeches and recording into a bot so everyone can listen to semite bashing around the clock…