Pretty much immediately after His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, announced his choice of James Donald Bowman Vance as his running mate for Indecision 2024, the whore-media started attacking the guy as “weird”. This seems like a rather strange set of attacks against a man who, by all accounts, is a self-made success.
This is, after all, a man who came from an originally poor family, whose biological father was not present for his formative years. He joined the US Marines, got married, and has 3 kids. He has written a well-received book called Hillbilly Elegy, which documents the terrible decline of Appalachian culture and people into alcoholism, drug addiction, and crime. These are exactly the themes that resonate well with the MAGA base that is the source of the God-Emperor’s power.
On the surface, at least, then, in SSH terms, he seems to be a solid Delta.
But he is not.
Before proceeding further, I want to make it very clear that I am NOT attacking Mr. Vance. I do not know enough about him to have any strong views on his background, positions, or beliefs. This is not about him as a man – it is about his SSH ranking, and nothing more. I hope, and pray, that I am wrong in what follows, because America desperately needs a leadership team in power that actually understands how to solve serious problems, and put the country back on track.
I rather doubt, though, that I am wrong. And here is why.
Our Beloved and Dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) Voxemort the Most Malevolent and Terrible, did an excellent breakdown of Mr. Vance’s SSH status a few weeks ago. His conclusion was that Mr. Vance is a low Delta at best, and could be far worse a choice than any of us initially realised. Indeed, Mr. Vance could well be a Gamma, who simply masks those deficiencies unusually well.
Based on the evidence, I think there is reason to believe OBADSDL(PBUH) has the right of it. Certainly, given Lord Voxemort’s status as the communicator – though, as he himself will tell you, NOT the inventor, as he simply explicated in a clear format that which already existed – of the SSH, he is in prime position to determine heuristically Mr. Vance’s actual rank.
You see, the term, “weird”, sticks to Gammas like glue, because it sums them up so well.
A signature feature of Gammas is that they fit in very poorly with other groups – they have a very hard time masking the fundamental weakness that makes them unmanly. They come across as weird, because they ARE weird.
This is not a bug. It is a feature of the Gamma. For those who have kept up with the SSH concept, you will know that Gammas handle confrontation and conflict very poorly. They are deeply jealous and highly insecure, and take every slight – whether perceived or real – extremely personally.
They are constantly tortured by their own weaknesses, unable to reconcile the conflict between the imperatives to stand up and handle things like a man, and their inability to do so. They do their level best to stop the pain inflicted by this conflict, by crafting for themselves a “delusion bubble”, in which they are the “Secret Kings”, who are never wrong, and who are simply superior to those around them.
The epitome, the apotheosis, the absolute ZENITH, of the Gamma, is of course none other than Friedrich Nietzsche, whom the Supreme Dark Lord also absolutely skewered. If you want to know how Gammas end up, when left unchecked, Nietzsche’s fate is highly instructive. He died a gibbering lunatic wreck, “crouching in corners and drinking his urine”, from the syphilis that he picked up in his early twenties, likely from a poxy whore.
Now, I do not claim Mr. Vance is going to end up like Nietzsche did. There is no reason whatsoever – based on the publicly available evidence – to believe that Mr. Vance is anywhere close to that far gone. But, it is a FACT that the “weird” meme has stuck to Mr. Vance, in a way that the personal attacks on the God-Emperor NEVER have.
We must see some of these attacks to understand their efficacy. After all, the Left cannot meme – we know this to be axiomatically true – because the Left is great at rhetoric, but useless at dialectic, and therefore CANNOT combine the two. That combination is what makes a great meme stick.
So when the Left accidentally comes across a meme that sticks, it is because they have inadvertently found something rooted in truth.
I must apologise here for inflicting MSHIV upon you, but it is worth at least seeing the nature of the attacks against Mr. Vance, to understand why they work:
(I realise watching a bunch of sad-sack Gammas and ugly mannish lesbians is extremely damaging to a man’s mental health and testosterone levels, so here is something to help you get over the pain.)
The simple fact is, the reason why these attacks on Mr. Vance work, is because they are ACCURATE. He probably IS a bit of a Gamma – or is, at best, a low Delta with strong Gamma traits.
Notice the vast gulf in behavioural response between the God-Emperor’s responses to personal attacks, and Mr. Vance’s. The Teflon Don is simply unruffled and completely unbothered by people who make fun of him – and often retorts with rhetorical kill-shots that send his attackers running and screaming. He is superbly talented at it, while being able to simply shrug off such attacks with perfect ease.
These traits, by the way, are exactly the attributes of both Alphas and Sigmas, that make them highly suited for leadership. They are traits that lower ranks lack. And they are traits that Gammas desperately wish they possessed, but do not, because they cannot.
As for what the presence of at best a low-Delta Veep means for the God-Emperor… well, unfortunately, it probably portends ill for the future.
Gammas, and those with Gamma traits, crack and break rapidly under pressure. They are unable to stand up for themselves, and they are often highly indecisive – because they avoid risk and accountability like the Plague. (Or like how Nietzsche SHOULD have avoided the pox.)
They also instinctively hate Alphas, because they are highly jealous of the status and power that Alphas command. Gammas always fail to realise that Alphas have that status and power, because they DESERVE it, and have EARNED it.
I invite anyone who thinks otherwise, to look at the long journey of St. Reagan Magnus of the Right, from Hollywood B-movie actor, to Silverback Alpha status as President of the United States of America. Or to look at the God-Emperor’s reaction to being shot.
The fact that Mr. Vance is not an Alpha – and is not even a Bravo – likely means that T-Rex will face a potentially serious betrayal, in the event that he becomes President again. I, personally, do not believe he will, but I could easily be wrong. But, if he does the impossible yet again, and manages to become POTUS – which he always legitimately was, from 2020 to 2024 – then he may well have very good reason to think that Mr. Vance is the Iago to his Othello.
Mr. OBADSDL alphabetsoupus also flew into a decidely gamma-esque hissy fit whenever anybody posted underneath even the mildest dissension from said ‘skewering’ – by mild I mean gently suggesting that here and there in his extensive canon Nietzsche might have presented a few interesting, thought provoking ideas. Not correct necessarily, merely thought provoking. These hissy fits included the frankly bizarre claim that Nietzsche was not a philosopher at all, but a “faux philosopher”. Not a bad philosopher, not a philosopher whose ideas should be consigned to the rubbish bin of history, but not even a philosopher at all! Very strange.
But the most illuminating part of the thread was the glorious coronation of our beloved Secret King Voxday 1st: that moment when he finally decided to cast off the hair shirt, don his golden garments and demonstrate to the world his true royalty. That was the moment in the comments section when he declared that in a few centuries time it will be Himself, not nietzsche, who will be more famous and better remembered as a philosopher. Which is hardly surprising given that his first royal edict was to declare Nietzcshe a non-philosopher. That settles that!
It’s harsh to make fun of King Voxday 1st like this, no matter how true the observations are. He has been encouraged in his comical delusions of grandeur by his army of lickspittle followers (and it appears you must accept your portion of blame here) to believe he is has become a figure of historical importance. The truth is he himself is a high functioning Gamma (something akin to Vance?) and perhaps it is this vantage point which gives his SSH musings a degree of insight and salience. Not remembered better than Nietzsche in 200 years time salience, because that would be laughable, but useful nonetheless. You could even say ‘thought provoking’.
For someone who thinks he is wrong, you seem to be curiously obsessed with attacking Vox’s character, rather than his arguments. Think upon what that says about you.
You have made two specific assertions – that Vox declared, in the comments section, that his work will be remembered in a few centuries’ time, and that he stated Nietzsche was a non-philosopher. I have looked through both the contents and his comments on all three posts on the subject of Nietzsche at Sigma Game. As far as I can tell, he made no such assertions.
Please provide evidence for your claims. Indeed, judging by your posturing, I strongly suspect you are the very same commenter, “Neoliberal Feudalism”, that spammed his comments section on that first post, and then got YEETED for it.
So, you like yourself some JD Vance then?
Wall of text is not required, nor is hassling this establishment with your Nietzsche fetish.
i have debated Vox on more than a few occassions.
he has a penchant for yanking people’s chains. this normally takes the form of taking absurd positions, such as taking positions in the comment section that, in practice, are in direct opposition to the stated thesis of his original post. iow, you need to be paying attention to the logical incongruity. when caught out in one of these games, he typically goes radio silent. which you’ll notice is not at all what happens when he’s dealing with someone who is contradicting him that he doesn’t respect. Vox does also have a penchant for skewering people and he likes practicing his Rhetoric.
what he isn’t prone to is “hissy fits”.
Hey Didactic I know this might be a silly question. The rumours of him being Gay or at least having some sexual relations with men before he was married. This would make him a Lambda according to Vox day social sexual hierarchy. Probably as bad as a gamma, in a few ways. The problem is more when you are in high positions like Vice president and are Gay in a conservative party, well Feds would have dirt on him and also he might be easily paid off.
Vance has all the ties to Thiel’s group and doesn’t live on the same coast as his wife, very much suspect for swinging the wrong way.
Given how Pence responded to pressure, it won’t matter how gay the VP is when the heavy pressure starts. Everyone buckles.
Unfortunately, I think you have the right of it, and, as I said, the signs are not good. I hope and pray I am wrong, but I suspect the God-Emperor has made yet another serious mistake in his personnel decisions – which is in fact entirely in keeping with his character, up to this point.
Yes, being a Lambda would make him a MUCH worse VP candidate than even a Gamma would be, for the simple reason that such degeneracy cannot hide itself for long, and will inevitably manifest itself as another, even more dangerous, form of sin.
I am willing to give Mr. Vance the benefit of the doubt – he strikes me as an honest and competent man, and therefore more likely a low Delta than a Gamma, at this point. But the signs are not encouraging.
Vance may be weird, but that’s better than being a degenerate like his DemonRat counterpart.
In a strictly moral sense, you are of course correct. The problem is, morality has nothing to do with politics in Amerikhastan anymore. It is all about power nowadays, and there are few things more dangerous in such a situation than an incompetent, stupid, immoral ideologue, who can leverage a rigged system to do whatever her puppet-masters want.
hmmm. it appears that they finally got around to banhammering the fuhrerkek handle.
Why would I do that? I have no issues with him. He’s still around, as far as I am aware, he just has not commented in a while.
i’m not talking about YOU ( which is why i used the plural pronoun “they” ), i’m talking about WordPress.
and i know this because i’m him. also because no one else has any problem posting.
Wear the ban as a badge of honour – I speak as one whose site has been straight-up BizANNED from Facebuchenwald. Come to think of it, this site is banned throughout the entire nation of Pakistan, too 😁
hah. no, it’s not as if this is depressing me. i went through at least three different handles on Vox’s web site back when the comments were still open, because goolag kept killing my account.
i’m rather accomplished at pissing off arrogant stupid people. and also their gae-eye, apparently.
my assumption is that turdpress finally implemented a slightly more rigorous handshake with goolag because the fuhrerkak email account was perma-suspended years ago.
Insert Obi-Wan-OF-COURSE-I-KNOW-HIM-HE’S-ME . jpg
scratches head I am starting to wonder if the SSH is just for outliers. There are too many variables. When I was a teenager focused exclusively on magic the gathering, dungeons and dragons, and everquest, I was a solid Omega. When I joined the Navy I was forced to become a gamma specialist, it was my JOB to act as gamma as possible. And now that I am getting ready to retire, I am constantly getting hit on by 20-30 year old girls, I still love fighting (Fencing, Kendo, SCA, boxing, wrestling, political trolling on twitter) and Dungeons and dragons, and it’s like women can smell the fact that I am utterly loyal to my wife. It’s creepy.
I used to be convinced I was a recovering Gamma, but now I don’t have a f*cking clue. VD claims that where you are in the SSH is ‘set’, but sometimes he’s as full of shit as anyone else (Like I am supposed to believe kindle unlimited is evil rather than VD’s very obvious competition with the site, and I think Owen Benjamin and the whole ‘no lunar landing’ crew are as stupid as a Negro Samurai)
At this point, I think that the whole SSH thing is just something you can attach to severe mental outliers like the mentally handicapped, prison inmates, journalists, and professional writers. The rest of the time it’s just… ‘these dudes’, who are occasionally evil Fskers.