That weekend went by WAY too damn fast. And that probably has to do with the fact that last week was RIDICULOUSLY busy. This week does not look like it will be any sort of improvement, unfortunately. So let’s get straight into things, without any preliminaries, because the Great Mondaydact Browser Killer is rather overdue.
This week, we start with an explanation of how Mordor came to be – no, not Russia, the ACTUAL fictional land of Mordor, the one that Oxford linguistics professor wrote about:
It is also worth remembering that Mordor did not come about in isolation – what we know of as “Middle Earth” is the result of the cataclysmic War of Wrath:
Indeed, very little of anything survived from the First Age into the Second and Third:
And ultimately, all things will come to an end in Tolkien’s legendarium, including Middle Earth:
As Doom-lore goes, it is pretty badass – the only things that exceed Tolkien’s lore on this subject, in my opinion, are the Book of Revelation, and the Viking understanding of Ragnarok. (As a very old friend of mine once remarked in amusement, that sounds like a towel range from IKEA. She was not wrong.)
#BasedTucker is Based
Dawn of Battle
The Male Brain has lots for us today. We start with one from History about that story you’ll find down below, on aliens nuking an ancient civilisation (no, seriously):
Watching the boss of Boeing getting smashed over his absurd salary, while his company fails to follow even basic safety protocols, is oddly satisfying:
Rick Beato offers a very good explanation on why modern music sucks so much ass:
I wrote an epic rant about this a few years back. Worth re-reading alongside that.
The honest folks at thejuicemedia get honest, honestly, about Abominable Intelligence:
How Money Works asks a critically important question about affordable housing:
Wisecrack gets all philosophical about whether or not Presidents are actually above the law:
PsycHacks explains the truth about the Way of Walking Alone – it can suck, but the rewards are worth it:
Mind-Expanding Drugs
Death Smiles At Us All…
Poli-Ticking Off
Mark Dice comments on the latest gaffe by Brandon #6, or whatever we are up to by now:
Yet another set of “we need to go DERPer” moments from Phoney Joe…
The very-thoroughly-married couple at Redacted discuss the latest revelations from Dutchland about not-vaxx injuries:
PJW mansplains the UK electoral results from July 4:
The one area where I disagree with PJW, is on the subject of proportional representation. The British system is designed to favour incumbents, and with very good reason – the same reason as the American system favours entrenched parties. This is because dumbocracy – or, more colloquially, “mob rule”, is NEVER a good principle for ruling a nation. Having a relatively stable set of political parties – PROVIDED there is a sharp contrast in visions between them, and there are actual alternatives on offer – is the way to go.
Proportional representation does away with all of that, and gives the mob the ability to choose whatever they want, without any sense of cost or responsibility. And that always and inevitably leads to disaster.
Nonetheless, the results show Reform UK poses a real threat to established and entrenched Cuckservative power bases. They ARE the alternative now, the true opposition, and I expect them to continue to grow and prosper over the coming years.
New channel Pinball Preparedness ruminates on what the FUSA will look like, once the Boomers are FINALLY out of the way, and GenX finally takes over:
In my opinion, GenXers will quite happily let the FUSA collapse – AS THEY BLOODY WELL SHOULD. The collapse of Amerikhastan is both richly deserved and VERY long overdue. It is NECESSARY for this evil, corrupted, deeply disgusting empire collapse, so that new, vital, healthy, monocultural, preferably monoethnic nations can rise in its place.
Rulings from the Bench
Judge Nap has his usual panel of experts to analyse the NOOSE, as it were. We start with Col. Douglas Macgregor discussing Israel and Ukraine:
Maj. Scott Ritter talks Ukrainian military casualties, and the sheer scale of destruction of the Ukrainian military:
I think he gets something very badly wrong, when he starts talking about 400 Russian dead a day. This is just wrong. There is no evidence whatsoever, from ANY credible (i.e. non-Ukrainian) source, that shows this. The BBC-Mediazona project shows “only” about 60K Russian dead – though, preposterously, they claim the Russians are losing far more “probable” dead now than they were during Bakhmut and Avdeevka. This, when they have vastly greater firepower and manpower superiority over the Ukies than they did in 2022.
Simply put, not ONE of the Western estimates of Russian casualties make sense. My personal view of it is, the Russians have lost some 60-70K dead by now – and the Ukrainians have lost well over 10x that. The rate of destruction of the Ukrainian military, is now on the order of a brigade, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The casualty rates are just horrific. The Neo-Tsar was, if anything, understating the casualty differential when he said Russians were dishing out the pain at a rate of 5:1. Everything I am seeing, indicates a rate of something between 10:1 and 25:1.
Capt. Matthew Hoh discusses the raging against the dying of the light:
Alistair Crooke explains a harsh truth to the West about how badly it screwed up relations with Russia:
Pepe Escobar provides a lucid and powerful explanation for Russia’s plans of strategic and operational defence:
Prof. Gilbert Doctorow gives us a true expert’s understanding of how Russia is comprehensively outmanoeuvring the FUSA:
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs ponders the difficult questions about how to save Ukraine from the FUSA:
Prof. John Mearsheimer notes that China is winning the Clash of Civilisations, by doing not much more than simply existing:
Margin of Victory
DA KERNEL!!! talks to Stephen Gardner about the failures of American policy, resulting from the extreme weakness of its political leadership, and what that means for the world:
Дед Сварливый Говорит!
Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about how the Trumpasaurus is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the current multi-generational lag between the FUSA and Russia in the fields of hypersonic stand-off strike weapons and air defence:
The lovely and charming Ania Konieczek talks to Maj. Scott Ritter about nuclear weapons and preposterous ideas:
Timeo Danaos Et Donna Ferentes…
The good gentlemen of The Duran analyse the electile dysfunction gripping PommieBastardLande:
They also did a very good programme explaining #BasedOrban’s visit to Moscow, which was a very good idea and a major personal and diplomatic coup for him:
The Bald Truth
Brian Berletic of The New Atlas takes David the Ass, a particularly odious and stupid ANALyst for Forbes, to task on the subject of the F-16s in 404, along with many other things:
Reading what David the Ass – who is, to my knowledge, a graphic novelist, not a military guy – is entertaining, in a sort of extremely masochistic way, because you end up losing a lot of IQ points in the process. But, ultimately, you come away with the distinct impression that he is a MORON.
Bad Medicine
Dr. John Campbell talks about a new movement in the world of medicine, called the Hope Accord:
Dr. Suneel Dhand gives his own opinions about what is afflicting Brandon #5, or whoever it was on-stage during the DURRbate:
Warriors of Faith
Tha Dizzle provides a powerful approach to dealing with Muzzies, by engaging with them on the basis of their own Scriptures:
Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms and his friend Mel discuss the truth about Mo’Lester the Paedophile Profit, who almost certainly never existed the way the Muzzies think he did:
Al-Fadi from CIRA International and Dr. Jay Smith discuss the same topic, albeit in much more condensed fashion:
Christian Prince slices and dices Izzlamick doctrine like a teppanyaki chef:
Sam Shamoun and GodLogic eviscerate a particularly cocky, and therefore very stupid, Moose-Limb on his own doctrine:
Chris at Speaker’s Corner explains – rather more patiently than I ever would have – how using the Gospels to defend Koranic nonsense, is actually quite daft:
Manly Men of Manliness
Terrence Popp talks about this “drizzle drizzle” thing, whatever the hell that means:
Joker from Better Bachelor reckons there is no longer any point in telling guys not to stick it in crazy – rather, we should start telling guys not to bother at all, because THEY ARE ALL CRAZY:
Having had to deal with my own significant amounts of female nuttiness over the past month or so, I think he might be on to something there.
Burn Paedowood to the Ground
Midnight’s Edge talks about how The Acolyte is the gift that just keeps on giving:
Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock delights in Disney’s pain, as do we all:
Gary from Nerdrotic watches the latest episode of Trash Wars, so you didn’t have to:
The Critical Drinker must SURELY need a liver transplant by now, after having to take a shot every time the House of the Devil Mouse’s new show does something else really retarded:
He also reviews perhaps the most bonkers movie ever made:
Reading Too Much Into Things
Your Science is F***ing Weird moment of the week is about a frozen wolf corpse that dates back some 44,000 years, and might contain ancient viruses in its gut – which sounds like the start of an extremely scary sci-fi novel involving a globe-destroying Plandemic…:
A ‘remarkable’ wolf that has been frozen for 44,000 years could lead scientists to the development of future medicines.
This 44,000-year-old wolf looks pretty good for its age – but it has been frozen for the vast majority of those years.
But it seems as though the wolf is going to be very useful to scientists, who say that it could give an indication as to what its lifestyle and diet were like during the Pleistocene era.
By studying the frozen wolf, researchers are hoping to learn more about ancient bacteria and how the wolf is related to modern animals.
The wolf was found back in 2021, when residents of Yakutia in eastern Russia found the wolf in thick permafrost.
Researchers at North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk are now studying the ancient animal to see what they can learn.
Surprisingly after over 400 centuries, the wolf’s teeth and much of its fur are still intact, as are some of its organs.
Robert Losey, an anthropologist at the University of Alberta, told Business Insider: “It’s shocking, actually.
“It’s the only complete adult Pleistocene wolf that’s ever been found, so that in itself is really remarkable and completely unique.”
There’s so much that researchers can take from the ground-breaking discovery – including its genetics, lifestyle, diet, and even what kind of ancient bacteria and viruses it had.
Artemy Goncharov, a researcher at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, added: “Living bacteria can survive for thousands of years, which are a kind of witnesses of those ancient times.”
After discovering that the wolf was an adult male, they concluded that it would have hunted mammoths such as woolly rhinoceroses, extinct horses, bison, and reindeer.
Even more shocking, is that the scientists have predicted that remains of those animals may still even be present in the wolf’s gut.
To see if their predictions are correct, researchers took samples of its stomach and digestive tract – but are still awaiting the results.
And this is where things get even more interesting.
Researchers have claimed that the wolf could play a crucial role in the development of future medicines.
To do this, they will aim to tease out what functions ancient microbes performed in the wolf’s gut, and whether it had parasites.
Some microorganisms could be unknown to modern day science, which would be the biggest revelation of all.
Yeah, nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong here…
Your long read of the week is from Dawn Pine, and consists of a good piece from Jonathan Cook about who really lied to us all along with respect to the Assange case:
For while the establishment media has busily fixed our gaze on the supposed character flaws of Assange, it has kept our attention away from the true villains, those who committed the crimes he exposed: Blair, George W Bush, Dick Cheney and many more.
We need to recognise a pattern here. When the facts cannot be disputed, the establishment has to shoot the messenger.
In this case, it was Assange. But the same media machine was rolled out against former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, another thorn in the establishment’s side. And as with Assange, the Guardian and the BBC were the two outlets that were most useful in making the smears stick.
Sadly, to secure his freedom, Assange was compelled to make a deal pleading guilty to one of the charges levelled against him under the Espionage Act.
Highlighting the enduring bad faith of the Guardian, the same paper that so readily ridiculed Assange’s years of detention and the threat he faced of being locked away in a US super-max jail for life, ran an article this week, as Assange was released, stressing the “dangerous precedent” for journalism set by his plea deal.
Washington’s treatment of Assange was always designed to send a chilling message to investigative journalists that, while it is fine to expose the crimes of Official Enemies, the same standards must never be applied to the US empire itself.
How is it possible that the Guardian is learning that only now, after failing to grasp the lesson earlier, when it mattered, during Assange’s long years of political persecution?
The even sadder truth is that the media’s villainous role in keeping Assange locked up will soon be erased from the record. That is because the media are the ones writing the script about what is going on in the world.
They will quickly paint themselves as saints, not sinners, in this episode. And, without more Assanges to open our eyes, we will most likely believe them.
Julian Assange probably was, and likely still is, a ROARING asshole. Ideologues and visionaries tend to be that way.
That does not mean he ever actually did what he was accused of doing. There is no evidence, that I am aware, that he actually ever sexually assaulted and abused women in Sweden – those charges were conveniently dropped at some point, which tells you everything you need to know about whether or not they were true.
Nor did his releases cause a single American soldier to come to harm.
Assange did what REAL journalists used to do, back before they all became whores who spread their legs wide open to get rammed up the wrong hole by the security state. He INVESTIGATED, and he told the truth.
For that, he suffered inhuman torture for nearly 20 years – and the people who piled onto him most viciously, were the very same press-whores who now kowtow to the likes of the CIA and MI-5.
Linkage is good for you:
- To precisely no one’s surprise, the Ukies flipped the bird – in very coarse and vulgar fashion, it must be said – to the Hungarians over their proposed peace plan;
- This, despite the fact that they have just lost at least 5, and up to 8, Su-27 heavyweight air superiority fighters, in ONE Russian strike on an airfield in 404;
- MUH SANKSHUNS IZ WERKIN’ REEL GUDDER ‘N’ SHIET!!!!! – to the point where the West has SANKSHUNNED!!! Russia into the club of high-income countries;
- The current head of Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, has reignited a long-standing feud over whether or not the Americans actually landed on the Moon – he says the Eagle really did land;
- Meanwhile, in Europe – specifically, in Greece – the economies are doing so well, that the government is now permitting businesses to impose a “voluntary” 6-day work week;
- Dr. Natal’ya Rutkevich – odd last name, that – points out the obvious fact that, no matter the outcome of yesterday’s snap parliamentary vote in France, NOTHING will change;
- Graham Hryce points out the obvious truth that there is nothing whatsoever “liberal” about so-called “Western liberal dumbocracies”;
- Larry Johnson unpacks the Daemoncrat freakout around the DURRbate and its results, and uses a rather colourful wrestling metaphor to explain what it looks like to everyone else;
- The rest of us have been saying for a while now that Brandon is controlled by a secretive cabal, but this seems to be some kind of serious news to The Daily Fail;
- Linux Mint 22 is in Beta form, and it sounds like one hell of a great system – the Linux 6.8 kernel, new graphics drivers, new sound server, new apps, the works;
- If you hate WinDOZE 11 – and why wouldn’t you – there is an alternative unofficial version you can install with minimal bloatware, on older hardware, without too many issues;
- On that note – if you want to de-bloat WinDOZE 11 and create a customised, small-footprint installation for yourself, you CAN, in fact, do that (which we Linux users have been able to do for OVER A DECADE);
- A Gen-Z “lazy girl worker” says she only does a couple of hours of real work a day – which is easy, if you work for a typical Western “zombie company”, pumped up with funny money;
- Speaking of “lazy girl jobs”, it is getting more and more difficult to find remote-working jobs that fit such a description, especially nowadays, as one butt-buggerer found out;
- The Dark Herald reviews the classic sci-fi flick, Time Bandits;
- Just when you thought the world could not get any weirder, here we have a “man bites snake” story – ‘twas the snake that died, by the way;
And some more from Dawn Pine:
- Charles W. Cooke writes for the Neoclown Review – so content warning there – about how the whore-media aided and abetted a Derp State coup after the DURRbate;
- We often say, with good reason, that girls cannot resist Dark Triad bad boys, and nowhere is that more true than in prisons, where trashy female guards love themselves a good inmate-boning;
- We also used to make a lot of fun of Odumbass’s reliance on his teleprompter, but it turns out, Brandon is even more dependent on that thing than his former boss ever was;
- Putting a liberaltard woman in charge of the Fire Department of New York has gone about as well as you might expect – in other words, she has no idea how to deal with all that “toxic masculinity”;
- A supposed whack-job went onto Toe Rogan’s podcast and claimed the inhabitants of the ancient settlement of Mohenjo-Daro were wiped out by aliens carrying nukes – I am not so sure he is crazy;
- Uber is not satisfied with the epic enshittification of everything, and now wants you to ditch your own personal car for their own ride-sharing service;
- Your feel-good moment of the day is about a man who is “locked-in” to his own body, yet completed his autobiography using eye movements translated into text – MAD RESPECT!!!;
- If you are a successful businessman, and you tell your wife to quit her job and become a housewife, and she demands half your company – talk to Dawn Pine about how to give her the smallest amount of “half” possible;
- Floriduh Woman got really pissed at a YEWTOOBER and beat the crap out of him, and honestly, I find it hard to sympathise with the guy that got his ass handed to him;
- It kind of figures that the very first person to get the Neuralink implant, used it to get really good at gaming – next, we’ll see someone playing HALO like MintBlitz, but with an ACTUAL nude blue babe in his head;
- We thought the legal process for Assange’s case was ridiculously protracted, but it turns out, Japan’s legal system can screw you even harder and longer than the West’s can, especially for retrials;
- #BasedTucker thought he had landed an interview with Stinky Green Shirt Beggar, but then Bellendsky’s office basically told him to eff off;
- Do not let the recent trip by the Neo-Tsar to Best Korea fool you – the Norks are BATSHIT NUTS, they will KILL YOU TO DEATH for listening to K-pop;
- Now that the Russian Olympic athletes are out of the way, the world needs a new focus for doping scandals, and the Chinks fit the bill really rather nicely, as it happens;
- To precisely nobody’s surprise, the various SkyNet technologies out there are ignoring their own rules about webscraping to gather knowledge and data;
The Neo-Tsar met with #BasedOrban in Moscow late last week, for some very productive – and assuredly challenging – discussions between the two nations:
The interesting thing here is, Hungary and Russia may not always LIKE each other very much, but they do have great RESPECT for each other. Viktor Orban was actually arrested by the Soviet-sponsored regime in Hungary in his younger days, so he harbours a natural distrust and dislike of the Russians. But he also is a nationalist, who acts in the interests of his own country and people. As such, he knows he can work with them on projects of mutual interest – which is why the Russians are helping Hungary build one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, and why the Hungarians are happy to buy Russian oil and gas in large quantities, and at a substantial discount to what their fellow Europeans are paying.
HALO Nation
Slayergod Remy aka MintBlitz does his thing while providing a retrospective of the HALO: MCC:
Scholar’s Lore talks about the weirdest of the weirdos among the Orks:
Star Warped
Eckhart’s Ladder compiles everything possible about the Sith:
Madman! Crazy Man!! BATTYMAN!!!
The ending to that one episode of Justice League Unlimited, which put to rest the legendary Batman Beyond series, was quite something to watch:
Lord of the Things
Apparently, that scene in front of the Black Gate of Mordor took some serious balls to film – because they were doing it in the middle of a live-firing range used by the Kiwi Army:
Granted, I didn’t even know the Kiwis HAVE an army – I figured it would be mostly sheep, with maybe a slingshot or two thrown in for shits and giggles – but that is both hilarious and terrifying.
Also, Viggo Mortensen is every bit as great a guy as everyone says he is:
Creature Features
What Lurks Beneath talks about the terrifying things in the deep:
Oh No! Anyway…
Wazzocks gonna wazzock:
Comedy Hour
There will (again) come a day when those Hitler Rants Parodies stop being funny – this time, for good.
Meme Warfare
We begin with some dank memes from Dawn Pine:
[You want a hilarious night of comedy? Get your Gen-Z kid to drive stick-shift. You’ll laugh until you piss yourself. – Didact]
[Well hey, as long as they want to get rid of the Schofield Bible and Glock-9s, that is fine with me. Come for the ESV or LSB, and the Springfield 1911, though, and we’re gonna have a SERIOUS problem. – Didact]
“Now Korah the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, with Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men; and they rose up before Moses with some of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty leaders of the congregation, representatives of the congregation, men of renown. They gathered together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “You [a]take too much upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?” ” (Numbers 16:1-4)
And now, as LRFotS RobertW would say:
Let us begin with some memes that celebrate diversity:
Since it’s Monday:
For introverts:
And to round things off…
Animal Planet
Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:
And also your animals are absolute DICKS moment of the week, to balance things out:
Gym beast props this week go to Temo Samkharadze:
I don’t know what they put in the water over there in Georgia, but they do produce some UNGODLY strongmen – just look at Lasha Talakhadze…
Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs
They See Me Rollin’…
Palate Cleansers
Knives Out
Axe Me Anything
RIP Neil Peart… the man who could probably give God drumming lessons. I truly miss him and his drumming. (His lyrics, not so much, perhaps, but then I listen to “Subdivisions” or “One Little Victory”, and I realise what a GENIUS he was.)
Mighty Wings
Gingervitis Injections
Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods
Also – for those of you who love the old Blackmore-style sound from DEEP PURPLE, they are BACK with a new single:
I was stunned to discover Steve Morse – whom I consider to be the greatest guitarist of all time – actually left the band 2 years ago. This gives you some idea of how far behind the times I am, with respect to the news around rock ‘n’ roll and heavy metal. I have seen Morse perform live with the band like, three times, I think – and once with his solo band at B. B. King’s in NYFS.
Rock Out With Your Glock Out
Thot Shots
Right, here is the Instathot to get the week off to just the right kind of start. This here is Lorena Sandu, probably in her early 20s, Romanian, and an actual fashion model.
Compare her earlier pictures to what she looks like now, and it’s probably fair to say she has had quite a bit of work done. But hey, that’s kind of to be expected.
Back to work, now, chaps.