If you have spent all of Friday around people, and then 3 hours on Saturday with friends, it is probably fair to say that one Sunday off is simply not enough to recharge – not if, like me, you happen to be a cranky introvert who thinks most people are only tolerable well-boiled and with LOTS of salt. So it is probably fair to say that, also like me, you are not exactly loving Monday.
This, of course, is why we have the Great Mondaydact Browser Stomper. And what better way to stomp all over the Monday blues, than to watch GIANT BIG-ASS ROBOTS beating the tar out of each other?
So here we go, with some epic gundam battles, to kick things off:
The Mighty God-Emperor
His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, has continued to stack up the #WINNING!!! to such an extent, and at such an astonishingly rapid pace, that it has been genuinely exhausting trying to keep up:
Watching videos of T-Rex in action should come with a health warning:
If your MAGAboner lasts longer than 4 years, consult your regular physician.
#BasedTucker is Based
#BasedTucker made the allegation that the Brandon Fake Administration tried to assassinate The Putin in that show with Taibbi, almost as a passing remark. This caused a firestorm of controversy in Russia, where the Speaker of the Duma called for an investigation into the allegation. I actually think Tucker is letting on what he knows to be true, and he has the evidence for it, but I do hope we get to see it at some point soon. Misunderstandings of this kind can lead to wars, and a war between Russia and the FUSA is one that the US will LOSE, with absolutely devastating consequences for all humanity.
I really debated adding in that interview with Piers Morgan, whom I consider to be an overfilled human colostomy bag. I cannot stand that smug dipshit. However, the clips of that interview that I have seen, have shown Tucker simply DESTROYING Piers, who thoroughly deserves to have his smugness corrected with repeated applications of a sledgehammer to his stupid face.
If you want to see the idiocy, smug self-assuredness, and total cluelessness of the British “establishment” personified and then wiped out, watch that interview, it is well worth your time.
Dawn of Battle
The Male Brain has a cornucopia of great content to keep us occupied today. We start with a short comedy skit from Chrs Donnelly about how companies fire you – and then expect you to keep working for them:
If you are ever in that situation – tell them to GET BENT.
And speaking of “bent” – Honest Ads takes on the touchy subject of, uh, “pleasure pills”:
Ryan George hasn’t been around for a while – so let’s have a Pitch Meeting presentation for Back to the Future II:
So here are a few clips on the subject:
Dude is spot on.
JewishUncensored looks at a recent interview with Douglas Murray on why the Izzlamick world is such a shit-show:
Nomsy examines The Matrix from the perspective of its main villain:
Mind-Expanding Drugs
Veritasium explains why superglue, of all things, is something of a miracle substance for wound treatment:
Death Smiles At Us All…
Poli-Ticking Off
Mark Dice has his hands full trying to navigate the OCEAN of liberal tears since His Trumpness came back to power:
The very-thoroughly-married couple at Redacted talk to Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technique, about the horrible idea that one Larry Ellison put in front of T-Rex at a recent press conference about using AI to create personalised vaccines:
And they also spoke to DA KERNEL HIZZSELF! about the total collapse of the Ukrainian military, now that it has suffered well over a MILLION dead:
PJW has some important and rather painful questions about that horrible copter-plane crash over the Potomac last week:
Lord Razor of the Fist Clan has, like all of us, been suffering from EPIC and extremely long-lasting freedom-boners now that the Trumpasaur is back in office:
Veterans’ Day
LTC Daniel Davis talks to his former boss and good friend, DA KERNEL HIZZSELF, about whether or not the God-Emperor has a plan, of any kind, rather than merely awesome tactical moves:
Judge’s Ruling
Judge Nap discusses the possible peace summit between the God-Emperor and the Neo-Tsar with Prof. Gilbert Doctorow:
Дед Сварливый Говорит!
Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about “historians” who have no idea what they are talking about with respect to Russia, and therefore come to completely idiotic conclusions about the country and its capabilities:
The lovely and charming Ania Konieczek catches up on geopolitics with her good friends, Grandpa Grumpuss and Larry Johnson:
Timeo Danaos Et Donna Ferentes…
The good gentlemen of The Duran do an excellent detailed discussion about the Neo-Tsar’s airtight legal arguments around Ukraine’s legitimacy as a government and state, and the potential end-state of negotiations with the FUSA:
Bad Medicine
Dr. John Campbell is not amused by the latest data concerning brain injuries from the not-vaxxes:
Dr. Suneel Dhand explains why RFK Jr. needs to go MUCH farther than simply banning seed oils and other nasty substances:
Warriors of Faith
Tha Dizzle calls on Christians everywhere to help out the Lioness of London – with the funniest threat imaginable for non-compliance:
Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms and Al-Fadi from CIRA International go into deep textual interpretations of the Bible and the Koran, to show how badly the latter gets basic facts and history wrong:
Christian Prince has perhaps just a little too much fun smacking around a particularly stupid and clueless Muzzie:
Sam Shamoun rips apart any and all arguments supporting the Izzlamist view of things:
Avery from GodLogic channels his inner Shamounian when dealing with a pack of very dishonest and stupid Muzzies who have to switch off their brains to deal with the contradictions and idiocies posed by their death-cult:
Big Jon Steel takes on a philosopher who thinks he discovered a contradiction in the Bible:
Manly Men of Manliness
Terrence Popp does not hold back when discussing what he thinks of the latest nagging from cuckservative Gamma Matt Walsh:
Joker from Better Bachelor takes on yet another bit of blithering idiocy from everyone’s favourite Australian hot mess, Jana Hocking:
Let us have a round of manly men showing STRAWNG INDEPENDENTISS WAMMENZES posting their own Ls online. We start with Manosphere Highlights Daily:
And Legion of Men:
Plus Man Talk:
And here is the Chinese perspective, from China Unvarnished:
Burn Paedowood to the Ground
Midnight’s Edge shows how the “star” of a movie that cost well over US$400 MILLION to make, has just ensured it will completely bomb:
Gary from Nerdrotic is rather unimpressed – to put it VERY mildly – about the so-called “Best Picture” contender of the year:
The Critical Drinker does some basic MAFF, to show how The Acolyte was a shit show of a shitshow:
Big Boyz Toyz
Millennium 7* HistoryTech, which has an awesome Eyetie engineer behind it, looks at the rather unusual feature of the new supposedly “sixth-generation” Chinese fighter prototype:
And Real Engineering takes on the OV-22 Osprey:
Reading Too Much Into Things
Your Science is F***ing Weird moment of the week is from The Male Brain, and is all about quantum entanglement:
Entanglement entropy has emerged as a novel tool for probing nonperturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phenomena, such as color confinement in protons. While recent studies have demonstrated its significant capability in describing hadron production in deep inelastic scatterings, the QCD evolution of entanglement entropy remains unexplored. In this work, we investigate the differential rapidity-dependent entanglement entropy within the proton and its connection to final-state hadrons, aiming to elucidate its QCD evolution. Our analysis reveals a strong agreement between the rapidity dependence of von Neumann entropy, obtained from QCD evolution equations, and the corresponding experimental data on hadron entropy. These findings provide compelling evidence for the emergence of a maximally entangled state, offering new insights into the nonperturbative structure of protons.
For those who did not understand all that, here is a simplified version of the whole thing:
Scientists have used high-energy particle collisions to peer inside protons, the particles that sit inside the nuclei of all atoms. This has revealed for the first time that quarks and gluons, the building blocks of protons, experience the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
Entanglement is the aspect of quantum physics that says two affected particles can instantaneously influence each other’s “state” no matter how widely separated they are — even if they are on opposite sides of the universe. Albert Einstein founded his theories of relativity on the notion that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, however, something that should preclude the instantaneous nature of entanglement.
As a result, Einstein was so troubled by entanglement he famously described it as “spukhafte Fernwirkung” or “spooky action at a distance.” Yet, despite Einstein’s skepticism about entanglement, this “spooky” phenomenon has been verified over and over again. Many of those verifications have concerned testing increasing distances over which entanglement can be demonstrated. This new test took the opposite approach, investigating entanglement over a distance of just one quadrillionth of a meter, finding it actually occurs within individual protons.
The team found that the sharing of information that defines entanglement occurs across whole groups of fundamental particles called quarks and gluons within a proton.
“Before we did this work, no one had looked at entanglement inside of a proton in experimental high-energy collision data,” team member and Brookhaven Lab physicist Zhoudunming Tu said in a statement. “For decades, we’ve had a traditional view of the proton as a collection of quarks and gluons, and we’ve been focused on understanding so-called single-particle properties, including how quarks and gluons are distributed inside the proton.
“Now, with evidence that quarks and gluons are entangled, this picture has changed. We have a much more complicated, dynamic system.”
The team’s research, the culmination of six years of work, refines scientists’ understanding of how entanglement influences the structure of protons.
Your long read of the week is by Laurent Guyenot, and looks at the role one Benjamin Disraeli played in shaping the modern world:
Zionism was Disraeli’s ancient dream: after a trip to the Middle East at the age of twenty-six, he published his first novel, The Wondrous Tale of Alroy, and made his hero, an influential Jew of the Middle Ages, say: “My wish is a national existence which we have not. My wish is the Land of Promise and Jerusalem and the Temple, all we forfeited, all we have yearned after, all for which we have fought, our beauteous country, our holy creed, our simple manners, and our ancient customs.”
Disraeli wrote these lines even before the beginnings of biblical archeology; it was not until 1841 that Edward Robinson published his Biblical Researches in Palestine. The first excavations of the Palestine Exploration Fund sponsored by Queen Victoria began in 1867. However, wealthy British Jews had taken an interest in Palestine long before. Disraeli’s interest was influenced by his neighbor and friend of forty years, Moses Montefiore, who married Judith Cohen, sister-in-law of Nathan Rothschild. After a trip to Palestine in 1827, Montefiore devoted his immense resources to helping his coreligionists in the Holy Land, by buying land and building housing.
Both Montefiore and Disraeli were of Sephardic origin. Disraeli came from a family of Portuguese Marranos who converted back to Judaism in Venice. His grandfather had moved to London in 1748. Benjamin was baptized at the age of thirteen, when his father, Isaac D’Israeli, converted to Anglican Christianity together with all his family. Isaac D’Israeli is the author of a book called The Genius of Judaism (titled in response to Chateaubriand’s Le Génie du Christianisme), in which he glorifies the unique qualities of the Jewish people, but blames Talmudic rabbis for “sealing up the national mind of their people” and “corrupting the simplicity of their antique creed.” As for many other Jews of that time, conversion for D’Israeli was purely opportunistic: until the beginning of the nineteenth century, administrative careers remained closed to the Jews. A law of 1740 had authorized their naturalization, but it had provoked popular riots and was repealed in 1753. Many influential Jews, such as City banker Sampson Gideon, then opted for nominal conversion for their children.
Around the same time as Disraeli, Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) converted to Lutheranism (while one of his brothers converted to Catholicism to become an officer in Austria, and another to Orthodoxy to serve as a medical doctor in Russia). Heine conceived of baptism as the “entrance ticket to European civilization.” But he complained of being still regarded as a Jew by the Germans, and so preferred living in France, where he was regarded as a German. Just a few years after his conversion, his writings exhibited a very negative attitude toward Christianity, “a gloomy, sanguinary religion for criminals” that repressed sensuality. At the end of his life he regretted his baptism, which had brought him no benefit, and stated in his final book Romanzero: “I make no secret of my Judaism, to which I have not returned, because I have not left it.” Just like for the Portuguese Marranos in the fifteenth century, baptism for nineteenth-century European Jews reinforced in them a non-religious, racial sense of Jewishness. Disraeli defined himself as “Anglican of Jewish race.”
For Hannah Arendt, Disraeli is a “race fanatic” who, in his first novel Alroy (1833), “evolved a plan for a Jewish Empire in which Jews would rule as a strictly separated class.” In his other novel Coningsby, he “unfolded a fantastic scheme according to which Jewish money dominates the rise and fall of courts and empires and rules supreme in diplomacy.” This idea “became the pivot of his political philosophy.” This is a quite fantastic accusation, that most biographers of Disraeli would not accredit. It is probably right, however. But we must pay close attention to Disraeli’s own voice, expressed through Sidonia, the character that appears in three of his novels: Coningsby (1844), Sybil (1845) and Tancred (1847).
Linkage is good for you:
- Rachel Marsden notes with considerable amusement that supposedly “independent” Banderite media is falling apart at record speed after T-Rex stopped all furrin aid;
- Tarik Cyril Amar explains why the Euzis are so oddly keen to send their boys to die in the killing fields of Banderastan;
- The Ukies have shown, yet again, why their country does not need a war – it needs an EXORCISM to purge the Satanic elements who control it;
- Timofey Bordachyev outlines the reasons why YURPEEN civilisation, which once ruled the world, is now stuck in a doom-loop;
- Sergei Karaganov – who as far as I can tell is the closest Russian equivalent to a Western neocon – argues forcefully for a MORE confrontational policy toward the Euroclowns;
- Anastasia Mironova is delighted to see that Russia avoided the madness of the LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT ideology, after seeing Ornj Boi return the FUSA back to 2 genders;
- Fyodor Lukyanov notes that the Trumpasaur’s bluntness and unpredictability have simply smashed what remains of the “rules-based international order”, which is a Good Thing;
- The woman who helped St. Reagan Magnus of the Right to understand Russia, and the Russian people, has passed away, to her well-deserved rest with Our Lord;
- Pepe Escobar narrates the results of his visit to Istanbul, and his quest to understand what the hell Erdogan is up to in Syria;
- Despite many breathless reports to the contrary, the Chinese economy is actually doing just fine, and the average Chinaman is not unhappy about the “slowdown” in growth;
- Stephen Glover (of The Daily Fail, so keep that in mind) reckons public outrage in PommieBastardLande over illegal invasion might just put Nigel Farage in power;
- And speaking of the Limeys, their culture continues to degrade, with women now breaking like the wind with their exes;
- The Swedes, having gone full turnip with immigration, are now FINALLY realising what a stupid idea it was to let the entire Dirt World into their liberal paradise;
- For anyone thinking of moving to Dubai, keep in mind, life there is not all it’s cracked up to be;
- The Joint Strike Flying Piano Morris Marina lives up to its name yet again in a crash in Alaska – the pilot survived, thank God;
And some more from Dawn Pine:
- The blessed second reign of the God-Emperor is bringing an end to wokeness, and not a moment too soon for the nation’s bookstores and libraries;
- DeepSeek has managed to upend the entire Abominable Intelligence world in the space of just a week, with an announcement that came like a bolt from the blue;
- If you are a drug kingpin, and you want to keep your location a secret from the Federales, TELL YOUR WIFE TO PUT THE DAMN PHONE AWAY;
- Floridians are legendary for being lions in the face of hurricanes and total wusses in the face of a mildly chilly day, so one can only imagine how they greeted the heaviest snowfall in their history;
- No less than National Review, perhaps rather surprisingly, bids goodbye to the absolute worst Secretary of State of recent times, failed Jew-boy rocker Anthony Blinken;
- The ChiComs have built a new aircraft carrier in record time, but no one is quite sure what the point of the thing actually is;
- If you are going to mock a woman by wearing a popular band’s T-shirt, and then asking her to name their songs, try to at least check if she’s IN THE DAMN BAND first;
- Anyone who thinks Ozempic and other similar medicines are “safe”, should recognise that they come with serious actual risks of long-term health complications;
- A new archaeological finding from Iraq raises some rather uncomfortable questions that connect directly back to the Biblical texts about “lizard-people” and ancient gods;
- Apparently, Brandon’s Maladministration allocated a bundle of cash to Hummous for condoms, because the population in Gaza was expanding too fast, or something…;
- The Chinks have figured out how to breed mice with two daddies (yes, really) – I suspect His Hugeness has an itchy trigger finger right about now;
- Here’s a Top Gear Top Tip – if your hypercar dealer tells you that your US$1 MILLION hybrid monster’s delivery is delayed, respond to him in ENGLISH, not with bloody emojis;
The Neo-Tsar did a “ride-and-roast”, of sorts, with his favourite Russian correspondent, Pavel Zarubin – who is essentially a semi-independent member of his entourage, really, and therefore provides a valuable window into what the Kremlin and The Putin actually think – and he did not hold back on his thoughts about the 404 War:
HALO Nation
Slayergod Remy aka MintBlitz does his thing while rhapsodising about the ORIGINAL build of HALO: Combat Evolved, all the way back from 1999 – when it was conceived as a third-person shooter with some serious team elements:
The trailer for Astartes II just dropped, and… BY THE EMPEROR, IT SLAYS!!!:
Let us remind ourselves why the original Astartes short film was so – to use a highly technical term – SUPER AWESOMESAUCE AMAZEBALLS:
And Imperial Iterator looks at the Burning of Prospero:
Oh No! Anyway…
Wazzocks gonna wazzock:
Comedy Hour
Meme Warfare
We start with some dank memes from Dawn Pine:

[If you go watch that actual episode, you will be stunned at the SUPER HOT girl over Jezza’s right shoulder. Jus’ sayin’. – Didact]

[Either kind is fine, ladies – PROVIDED you go all the way down to full depth. – Didact]

[She must be from Minnesota… – Didact]

And now, as LRFotS RobertW would say:

Animal Planet
Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:
And also your huskies are ASSHOLES moment of the week, to balance things out:
Real Men Watch REAL Sports
Gym beast props this week go to Colton Engelbrecht:
Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs
Tawanchai’s technicality and calmness is otherworldly. The dude hits like a wrecking ball – and is cold like an assassin.
They See Me Rollin’…
Federer Express
Clean Bowled
Palate Cleansers
Axe Me Anything
Knives Out
Throwing Down
Guitar Heroics
Mighty Wings
She is awfully cute, it must be said…
Gingervitis Injections
Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods

Rock Out With Your Glock Out

Thot Shots
And finally, here is your Instathot to get the week off to a suitably plastic start. This here is Olena Peretiatko, age unknown but probably in her early twenties, from Khokholistan. As with all Ukrainians, the usual warnings apply. Khokholinas are a whole bag of batshit crazy – they are basically Russian redheads exposed to the same mutagenic ooze that transformed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and then given steroids.
As a result, they are angrier and crazier than a sack of rattlesnakes, and a LOT more dangerous.
So – look, don’t touch.
OK, lads, that’s it, back to work now.
1 Comment
I agree with you on Piers Morgan. Even when I agree with him I hate how he debates the point. I watched him debate a Vegan and honestly I agree with him on almost all points, I could not stand the bullying he did to the young woman.