“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

r/K selection theory made simple

It would appear that Bill Whittle picked up a copy of Michael Trust’s Anonymous Conservative’s best book, The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics, and came to much the same set of conclusions that I did when I read it. And, in his usual lucid style, he...

r/K theory and conservative principles

Ever wondered what happens when you put two highly intelligent and well-read conservative/libertarian types on a podcast and get them talking about r/K selection theory and its applications to politics? Wonder no more: Grab yourself a tall drink, sit back, relax, and...
Monday morning apocalypto

Monday morning apocalypto

“Yay, it’s Monday again!!!” – said literally nobody, ever. I certainly am in no mood to say any such thing, because I’ve spent the last several days fighting some sort of weird throat infection that makes swallowing feel like trying to...
Monday morning turning the Black Page

Monday morning turning the Black Page

Here we are again at a Monday, that dreaded enemy of peace of mind, relaxation, and general human harmony, where we must all drag ourselves wearily back into work (or onto our sofas, if you are blessed and/or annoying enough to be one of those “remote...
Monday morning not-National-BBQ-Day

Monday morning not-National-BBQ-Day

Normally I would open with a glib line about how it’s Monday and it’s so horrid and ain’t it great that we have this mashup to keep everyone sane, and then we’d have some cool videos about something entertaining or interesting. Not today. This...
Telling the truth IS an act of violence

Telling the truth IS an act of violence

As you can probably guess, I’ve been RIDICULOUSLY busy this week – I was up until 1am writing a massive report and putting together the graphics (I do love myself some R code, especially the ggplot2 package), and generally wracking my brains until my head...
Didactic Mind, Ep 72: Rabbits and Wolves

Didactic Mind, Ep 72: Rabbits and Wolves

This week’s podcast is all about r/K selection theory and its ramifications for politics, social trust, and national development. I provide a brief overview of the theory, explain its application to politics through the lens of Anonymous Conservative’s...

The children of a dying paradise

I recently wrapped up reading a short book- more like an extended essay or master’s thesis, really- by a chap named Julian Langness, who writes quite well and thoughtfully over at European Civil War. Part travelogue, part philosophical discourse on the current...

Extreme Stockholm’s Syndrome

I guess this is what Americans call a “heads you win, tails I lose” scenario: A student at Georgetown University wrote in an op-ed piece that he was ‘Not at all’ shocked that a recent mugging he suffered at gunpoint took place. Senior Oliver...