We have successfully killed off another year, and what a bonkers year it was. While poasting for this most beloved series of the site was rather more constrained than I would have liked – due in part to considerable amounts of travel and work that I had in 2024, and due mostly to sheer laziness on my part – we did still have some outstanding and phenomenal candidates for Lovely Lady of the Week throughout the period.
Normally, it is a tradition around here for me to do a big series of poasts right on December 1st and January 1st – compilations, best-ofs, the Party Poast, and a podcast. At the end of 2024, though, I was in a foreign country and was well and truly out of pocket, and did not get a chance to do much of anything other than walking, eating, and shopping. (That last was not entirely my choice, let’s just put it that way.)
Therefore, this compilation is, by necessity as well as design, a bit late, but we will press on regardless.
Building on the successes of the 2023, this year, you will again find the lady’s name beneath the header, and if you click on the header itself, you will go straight to the page of the lady (or ladies, given the number of 2-for-1 deals in 2024). There should also be a poll (I think) that allows you to submit your choice for the very best lady of the year.
Power to the People, and all that jazz, after all.
For the record, my personal vote for the very best of the year goes to Ms Yuliya Polyachikhina (#25 down below), but that is just my opinion, of course, and she had CONSIDERABLE competition – not just from Russian and Belorussian ladies, either.
Happy 2025, everyone – may it be a year of victory over our enemies, and a year of rejuvenation for our nations.
1. Tail Risk
Denise Alex
2. Sea of Madness
Viktoriya Shaschuk (Виктория Шащук)
3. Fracture Points
Serina Morizio
4. Fort Sumter
Valeria Kovalenko (Валерия Коваленко)
5. Suono E Furia
Martina Ceretti
6. Heterochomia
Natalia Gryglewska

7. Defender
Valeriya Alekseevna Ganzha (Валерия Алексеевна Ганжа)

8. A Hint of Spring
Helen Grube
9. International Flower Cartel Day
Anna Rybalko (Анна Рыбалко)
10. The Ides of March
Heloise Hut
11. Escalation
Kimberly Lynn Weiler
12. Underworked and Overpaid
Polina Ritz
Lisiane Witt
13. Rubik’s Cubics
Ekaterina Sokolova (Екатерина Соколова)
14. Nibelungen
Celia Wagner
15. Amor Fati
Anastasiya Nagornaya (Анастасия Нагорная)
16. Starship Bloopers
Linda Marie
17. Confabulation
Violet Letto
18. Quiet Moments
Poiina Tsarenkova (Полина Царенкова)
19. Cabbage Patch
Nicola Cavanis
20. Bolognese
Eleonora Bertoli
21. Treason Day
Vanessa Christine

22. Strategery
Margarita Golubyeva (Маргарита Голубева)
23. Los Santos
Leidy Amelia
25. Codecog
Yuliya Polyachikhina (Юлия Полячкихина)
26. Moving Day
Veronika Kuznetsova
27. Twofer
Emily Tanner
Irina Dreyt
28. Camp Crystal Lake
Emma Woe
Yaroslava Belinska (Ярослава Белинска)
29. Deficit Spending
Nicole Artemis Sunde
Isabella Kozlov
30. Snakebit
Alicia Van Schoonhoven
Karina Kozyreva (Карина Козырева)
31. Unknown Unknowns
Maia Gabriele
Nastasia Still
32. Peer-to-Peer
June Peers
33. Multipolarity
Arina Morgunova (Арина Моргунова)
34. Skater Girl
Charliee Nash
35. Victorious March
Anastasiya Shvaidyuk (Анастасия Швайдюк)
36. All the President’s Men
Alicia Faubel
37. Hazel Grove
Yuliya Vlasova (Юлия Власова)
38. Shopaholic
Jami Knight
39. Foreign Affairs
Elena Vasil’yevna Pioliya (Елена Васильевна Пиолия)
40. Black Friday
Jenna Lynn Meowri
41. Marking Time
Jelena Markovic
42. Final Flight
Mariya Lyubimova (Мария Любимова)
1 Comment
I have to admit, the thots were quite excellent this year.