I think it is fair to say that the overwhelming majority of my readership consists of introverts – many of us EXTREMELY introverted. Now, contrary to popular opinion, this does not mean we are incapable of interacting with people. In fact, as I have pointed out many times on these pages, deep introverts are easily capable of speaking with great charisma and skill in public. People often mistake us for being charming and friendly, when we are in social situations, because we can flip a switch and put on that facade, if we must.
However – and this is the really important part – it takes TREMENDOUS amounts of energy for us to do this. And the effort involved leaves us absolutely shattered afterward.
That was my experience today, when I had to spend 8 full hours around – *shudders* – PEOPLE. Lots of people. For extended periods of time. With very limited breaks and almost no “me-time”.
Given that I am more than capable of happily spending days, and sometimes weeks, on end by myself without ever talking to anyone, this required some… adjustments on my part. Of course, it helped that the event in question was something I helped organise, and strongly believe in, but the results were absolutely exhausting nonetheless.
As I have also said, many times, if you happen to have a deep introvert in your life, and he (or she) has to socialise extensively for long periods, DO NOT, under any circumstances, attempt to engage that person in conversation (or, really, anything) after the fact. That introvert will require HOURS, if not DAYS, to recover from the experience of… PEOPLE.
With that in mind… let me help our fellow deep introverts along, by presenting a person – indeed, a woman – that is sufficient to make one forget about all the other horrid people out there.
This here is Justýna Zedníková, age 22 (supposedly), from Prague, Czechia. She is a really-for-real legitimate model, who came in as 2nd Runner-Up in the Miss Supranational 2024 contest. (No, I have no idea what the hell that is, either.) She also apparently was crowned Miss Czech Republic in 2023.
Happy Friday, gentlemen – try to get away from the misery of people and into the glories of nature over the weekend. Trust me, it helps, immensely.
1 Comment
I guess they’ll let just any ol’ plastic bint compete in pageants nowadays, huh? The bar is truly in hell.