We are barely three days into 2025, and already it is shaping up to be a most consequential and probably crazy year – crazier, if anything, than the past three combined. I certainly hope I am wrong about that. But, given what we have seen since, oh, about early 2020, it is probably fair to say that the world as we once understood it, is dead and gone.
All the old rules have disappeared. Everything that once defined a stable and sensible neoliberal world order – an oxymoron in three words if there ever was one – has been shown publicly and clearly to be a total sham. No one with half a brain still believes in those ridiculous fairy tales that surround the so-called “rules-based international order”, which is not rules-based, international, nor orderly. Nobody can define the rules – indeed, as Prof. Glenn Diesen pointed out in a recent and most excellent piece, the whole concept sits on top of two contradictory ideas that cannot and will never coexist.
Better by far to revert to the concepts that used to work – monarchy, sovereignty, faith, monoculture, and controlled trade across closed borders. That is the way the world is heading now, and that is what will make the Western nations rise again, if they ever accept the notion that they have followed a catastrophically wrong path for the past 30 years.
Time will tell whether any of that happens. For now, all we can do is watch.
And so we move on to the very first Friday Instathot of 2025. This here is Romy Dmitrovna Hess, half Bulgarian, half American, born in Switzerland, ALL secret-agent material. Indeed, she bears an uncanny resemblance to Gina Carano‘s portrayal of “Agent Natasha” in, I think, Command & Conquer 3 – whichever one it was that had Ms Carano, along with Kelly Hu, Jenny McCarthy, and all those other hot girls in hilariously scripted live action roles. Her age is unknown – or at least, I cannot be arsed to dig deep enough to find it – but she is some sort of international model, based in the land of chocolate, cows, and FEROCIOUS speed limits.
Seriously, if you want to learn how NOT to have fun, go to Switzerland. It is a country of laws, laws, and more laws, all designed specifically to stop you from enjoying yourself. I swear, the Swiss Cheeses are worse than the Krauts.
Still and all… I will admit, they make superb chocolate. So they have that going for them. And, of course, His Fedness came from Basel, so they really are not all bad.
Happy Friday, all.