A few days ago, #BasedTucker dropped a short video explaining that he was back in Moscow, along with his team, to conduct an interview with none other than the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Lavrov. Needless to say, that generated TREMENDOUS interest:
Why? Because CHADrov is a living legend, and a man of extraordinary knowledge, skill, and sophistication.
As #BasedTucker noted, CHADrov is the world’s longest-serving Foreign Minister (or Secretary of State, to the ‘Murkins). He has been in the diplomatic corps of Russia for over 40 years, and has served as Russia’s Foreign Minister for over 25. He has seen Russia at its worst and lowest – and now leads probably the world’s most capable and respected foreign ministry, into what is by all appearances a likely Russian Golden Age.
Here is the interview, in full:
Note that it has only been up for less than a day – and it has already scored well over 6 MILLION views across Twitter/X and YouTube. Those are numbers over which the mainstream networks can only weep tears of rage and jealousy.
Moreover, #BasedTucker has clearly done more to advance the cause of American diplomacy with this one interview, than the ENTIRE Brandon Fake Administration’s State Department has managed in four utterly disastrous years.
Who is CHADrov?
Before we continue on to the meat of the interview itself, it is worth asking: who is this guy that Tucker Carlson spent so much time, effort, money, and energy to interview?
The simple answer is that Sergei Lavrov is the greatest diplomat alive today, and possibly the greatest since the days of Talleyrand.
If you have ever paid any attention to CHADrov’s visits to other countries, you will know that he is a true ROCK STAR. He is always greeted with utmost deference and respect by any country outside the collective West, because they all know he represents a power that is both feared and respected. His own ability to make friends and forge personal relationships is legendary, and his accomplishments in the field of international diplomacy are unrivalled.
It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the world’s greatest living diplomat – and when you consider that the competition includes the likes of Wang Yi of China, and Subramaniam Jaishankar of India, that is exceptionally high praise indeed.
But the fact is, CHADrov gets results. It is not an accident that Russia’s standing among the Global Majority has never been higher – because of the extraordinary efforts he has personally made, since the start of the Special Military Operation in February 2022, to get the Global South on-side.
We can measure the success of Mr. Lavrov’s efforts simply by looking at how the UN General Assembly votes these days on issues pertaining to Ukraine. Back in March 2022, the UNGA adopted Resolution ES-11/1 by an overwhelming vote – 141 for, 5 against (including, obviously, Russia), 35 abstentions, and 12 absent. But, earlier this year, the UNGA demanded an immediate end to Russia’s “aggression” in Ukraine, and bundled that into a vote demanding a Russian withdrawal from the Zaporozh’ye Nuclear Power Plant. That vote passed – with 99 for, 9 against, and 60 ABSTAINING.
That doesn’t sound like a big deal – until you realise how things work in diplomatic circles over there. The United Abominations meets in New York F***ing Shitty, and the representatives of various countries live in and around Manhattan – which means their families live there. It is quite routine and normal for the American State Department flunkies to go around to those representatives and intimate that, if they do not vote on certain things the way the FUSA wants, then those people can kiss goodbye to the thought of their kids getting admission to the country’s most prestigious schools and universities.
These Mafia tactics are, to repeat, normal in American foreign policy machinations. Yet, despite that, a very substantial part of the world simply refused to go along with the West on an important vote.
And that is before we get to the exceptional work done by the Russians to get the BRICS+ organisation off the ground. CHADrov has been instrumental to ALL of that work.
What CHADrov Said
The interview itself gave a fascinating insight into the way the Russian Foreign Ministry in general, and the siloviki (“men of strength”) who surround the Neo-Tsar in particular, think about and view the world. This article gives a very good summary of the key points of the interview:
- Russia and the US are not de jure in a state of war, and to be in an actual hot war with Amerikhastan is not what Russia wants;
- Nonetheless, the direct participation of active-duty American servicemen in the conflict is obvious to all;
- Despite these insults and provocations, and the endless problems created by the Odumbass, Trump, and Brandon Administrations, Russia still seeks cooperation with America, if only to preserve humanity;
- The “Oreshnik” strike against the Yuzhmash factory in Dniepropetrovsk was a very clear warning and message to the West – and especially to America, which pretends it does not seek a global strategic defeat of Russia, but “only” one in Ukraine;
- Lavrov did not go into details about casualties in the Ukraine conflict, but he did draw a clear comparison between it and the Gazacaust, which has killed almost twice as many civilians in a year, as were killed on both sides of the 404 War in TEN YEARS;
- The preservation of the linguistic, cultural, and legal rights of the ethnic Russians in Ukraine is absolutely non-negotiable and must be a foundation for any permanent peace settlement- which is precisely what Russia has been seeking for those same ten years;
- NATO membership for Ukraine is likewise absolutely intolerable and totally unacceptable for Russia, so any peace proposal that starts with this basis, is going to be rejected out of hand;
- The 2014 coup in Ukraine – sponsored and financed by the West, and indeed CHADrov even names that evil insane bitch Victoria “Cookies” Nuland as the primary instigator of that madness – is the root cause of all the current horror in 404;
- If the FUSA had simply respected the agreement signed by President Yanukovych in February 2014, and had demanded that Ukraine adhere to its terms, NONE of what followed would have happened, and Ukraine would still have Crimea as well as the other 4 regions;
- More broadly, the FUSA has NEVER respected Russia’s sovereignty and authority at any time since the end of the Cold War, imbued as it was with an almost messianic view of its own destiny as the world’s sole hyperpower;
- America has wilfully and blatantly violated every single norm and standard of international law and sovereignty in its pursuit of power and hegemony, and has tried repeatedly to remake Russia in its own image – but the Russians are not interested;
- MUH SANKSHUNS!!!!! have totally and utterly failed, and have made Russia stronger and more self-reliant than ever – neither CHADrov nor the senior Russian leadership have any expectation that they will ever be lifted, and do not particularly care if they are not;
- President Trump may make all the noises he wants about seeking peace, but the fact is, during his first term in office, he did TREMENDOUS damage to Russo-American relations;
- Further provocations and escalations could easily result in global nuclear war, which no one can win, and which must NEVER be fought – and America once recognised this, and should do so again;
You can agree or disagree with CHADrov on any of these points – I happen to think he is right. But what you cannot deny, is that he talks like an actual adult.
If you are used to listening to incompetent idiots like failed Jew-boy rock-star Anthony Blinken, or mathematical genius Annalena “360 Degrees” Dumbock (who recently claimed Europe has nearly double the population it actually does), or Josep “Jungle Gardener” Borrell, or that frigid Stony idiot Kaja Kallas…
Well, listening to Lavrov is like listening to an actual adult, after having to tolerate screaming petulant children for hours.
He speaks calmly, with deep gravitas – and, keep in mind, English is his second language, yet his command of it is superb. You can see his immense knowledge, wisdom, experience, and talent, and you can hear how well he articulates himself.
But you can also hear deep anger and frustration behind his words.
Listen to how he talks about Western diplomats, who run away from him nowadays. As he says, this is the reaction of children. And you have to know something about how much it takes to piss off a real diplomat, to understand how angry he has to be, to say something like that.
The other key point to note is that CHADrov speaks to the audience, through #BasedTucker, as though they themselves are adults. This is extremely important, especially given how shockingly uneducated the average American is about the world. Most Americans have no clue about what is happening in the world, beyond the borders of their own state, at best – many are blissfully oblivious to events outside of their own COUNTY. Yet here is the greatest diplomat alive today, speaking to the average American – especially the average young American – clearly and respectfully, with the expectation that his American listeners and viewers will take into account his words and make up their own minds.
Why This Interview Matters
This interview, like #BasedTucker’s even more hugely popular chat with CHADrov’s boss, the Neo-Tsar, back in February, is of extreme importance. The West is under a self-imposed information blockade, in which supposedly free-thinking citizens of liberal democracies are no longer allowed to learn for themselves what the Russian point of view is. Russian websites and channels are blocked in Western nations – you cannot access RT, for example, or many other major Russian sites, without the use of a VPN. Russian YouTube channels are often demonetised, Russian websites have been de-platformed, and Western nations have done their level best to cancel Russian culture and prevent Russians from travelling to their countries.
This is not only disgustingly racist, it is amazingly stupid as well. It simply prevents Westerners from seeing the other side’s point of view, thereby amplifying misunderstandings and suspicions between the two power blocs.
By the way, the Russians have no such problems on their side. Thanks to Telegram and VPN connections, they are able to access Western news sites and social media without many issues. You will find the average Russian is vastly better informed about what is happening in the world, than the average Briton, German, Frenchman, and especially American.
The legacy whore-media in those countries have been granted a tremendous stranglehold over information, which they have exploited to the fullest to present a completely warped and distorted picture of Russia. That is why you still get so many supposedly “well-informed” Westerners who continue to believe that Russia’s economy is barely the size of Spain’s or Italy’s, that it is near collapse, that Russia has lost 300,000 dead in the Banderastan War, and so on and so forth.
That is why this interview matters so much.
#BasedTucker had an audience of perhaps 900,000 to a million viewers, back when he was the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight on FAUX Noose. And that was huge, by the standards of dinosaur media. Today, via X, YouTube, and the Tucker Carlson Network, his audience numbers in the TENS OF MILLIONS.
His interview with the Neo-Tsar has been viewed on YouTube alone, 20 MILLION times. His videos routinely score 500K-3M views on just that platform.
That means he is doing more to bring the Russian point of view into American minds and homes, than the ENTIRE legacy media COMBINED.
The arguments and viewpoints that CHADrov presented, are now ones that Americans, in particular, can go investigate for themselves. They can figure out whether he is telling the truth or not. Any halfway honest investigation will show that, in fact, he is.
You do not have to believe me. You do not have to agree with me. In all honesty, you don’t even have to understand what I am trying to write. All you have to do, is to possess the intellectual honesty to go look for the evidence for yourself.
Consider, for instance, what happened when Patrick Bet-David – not necessarily a big fan of Russia or The Putin – did precisely that:
Just about everything he says in those 20 minutes, sounds like things I have said, repeatedly, for the past few years. It is not difficult to do some basic homework and understand quite quickly that CHADrov is telling the truth. Indeed, PBD’s video tells me something I did not fully know about before – that in 2012-13, the FUSA tried really hard to mount a Colour Revolution in Russia itself.
Is it any wonder, then, that senior Russian officials talk practically through gritted teeth about the FUSA and the Derp State in the collective West?
Conclusion – The Fall of the West and the Rise (Again) of Russia
The overriding impression I get from CHADrov’s interview is of a man who is calmly confident of his position, and that of his country. It is clear that he gives The Putin excellent counsel, and is in tune with both the Defence Ministry AND the Economics Ministry. This is unusual – in the FUSA, for instance, the State Department and the Defence Department are famously at odds with each other, as a general rule, and neither pays the slightest attention to the Treasury Department.
Russia’s case is completely different. Nearly three years of war have unified the government, the society, the culture, and the people in a way that did not exist before. The Russian economy is booming – while the West’s is collapsing.
The reality is that the project to destroy Russia has FAILED, completely and totally. Russia today is stronger than it has been in three centuries. Not since the days of Peter the Great has Russia been so internationally respected, so militarily powerful, and so rich in resources. Even its current problem with a shrinking population, is likely to reverse once the SMO ends, and all those soldiers come home to pump their wives and girlfriends full of babies – because they know and understand that the future is worth fighting for, and have fought for it.
The West, on the other hand, is in an extremely parlous state. Governments across the West are collapsing – the French and German governments are in states of free-fall, the British government has seen its popularity collapse faster than any other in the country’s history, and the weaker western and central European states are experiencing severe setbacks as their voters throw their governments out.
The people of the West are seething. They are very close to a state of open revolt. CHADrov recognises this – he is, as I have stated before, extremely intelligent – and is speaking directly to them, pointing out that Russia has no desire for war, and no interest in it.
He is also warning them, that Russia WILL go to war for its very existence, if it must, and that the West provokes the Russians at their own great peril.
We would do well to heed his warnings. “Oreshnik” was a signal to all of us to stop effing around – because the Russians are telling us just how much we will find out, if we continue.
The Russians are confident of their victory. The Neo-Tsar’s position is extremely strong – he holds all the winning cards. And CHADrov has lost patience with the idiots he has to deal with on a daily basis in the West. We MUST back off Ukraine, or else the entire West will collapse from its own internal contradictions – while Russia will truly become a global superpower in every respect.