“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Friday T&A: Final Flight Edition

by | Dec 27, 2024 | fat girl jihad | 3 comments

Here we are at last, the very last instalment of this much-loved series – for the year of 2024, anyway. Given how difficult it is getting to find natural and attractive talent, even among the Slavic Instathot crowd, one does have to wonder how much longer I can keep doing this. AI has changed the game dramatically, to the point where, as I stated earlier, it is getting tougher by the day to see what is real and what is not. But, for now, we still have enough actual women on Instaham to permit this series to continue – for a time, and times, and half a time, so to speak.

For now, all I can say is, hopefully your week has gone a bit better than mine – what with food poisoning and then considerable other drama, I for one cannot wait to get back home and resume a normal life. But, all trials end eventually, and life does improve, so I remain optimistic that, as long as I place my trust in God’s hands, He will do what He deems necessary to put me on the right path.

Admittedly, this particular series might be stretching that definition of “right” to, and perhaps beyond, the breaking point – Romans 14:13 comes to mind, for instance. Believe me, that fact has been weighing heavily on me for some time now, and is one of the reasons why I have been less than fully enthusiastic about this series at some points.

We shall see what happens. In the meantime, let us get to the lovely lady of the week – the very last one for this year, and what a crazy year it has been.

The very last contender for the year is one Mariya Lyubimova (Мария Любимова), age 28 from Mordor, and she is some sort of fashion model and influenza who now resides in Bali, doing brand advertisements of some kind. All I can say is, she does the whole Glamazon thing VERY well.

Happy Friday, lads.

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  1. Randale6

    Comrade, remember this, the mere act of doing this is somewhere, somehow, triggering a fat feminist. This alone makes posting the Friday T&A a worthwhile action. Your heaven, regardless of your actions (at least if I understand your theology) is not guaranteed to you. The rage of the blue haired, pierced, tattooed, fat whore is.

  2. Odnams Razor

    as someone who has gone over several of your models with a fine tooth comb looking for tattoo-age, i certainly would need to cast the plank out of my own eye before i started worrying about the splinter in yours.

  3. Badger

    If it makes you feel better, a lot of us see no pictures, just a lot of ‘see this on Instagram’ bare links, and have for several years.

    Then again, you and I have ver very different tastes in women, so most of the initial pics I am just like… “Meh, another plastic job with fish lips” and proceed to read your initial blurb, which is usually worth reading.


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