Very early in the morning of Thursday, November 21, 2024, the skies above the Banderastani (for now) city of Dniepropetrovsk opened up for a few moments, and a hail of what looked like nothing less than Zeus’s own lightning bolts, slammed into the ground. They hit the site of the giant Yuzhmash factory’s underground complexes, evidently with the aim of penetrating deep into the bunkers where Banderastan currently stores and assembles the parts required for its Western-provided HIMARS and ATACMS mobile rocket artillery systems, and for the British and French Storm Shadow/SCALP strike missiles.
You kind of have to see the strikes to understand just how scary they were:
Some my older readers might remember a plan called “Project Thor”. It involved putting 20ft-long solid tungsten rods a few thousand kilometres up INNNN SPAAAAAACE!!!, onto orbital platforms controlled by the US government. In the event that an enemy nation – say, the USSR – got a little too uppity, the rods would be ejected out into space, probably with some sort of propellant charge to direct them along more or less the correct trajectory. Gravity would then do the rest, allowing these telephone-pole-sized penetrators to smash into the enemy’s territory with a force equivalent to a serious nuclear explosion – but without the fallout, and with much deeper ground penetration.
That is what comes to mind when looking at the pictures and videos of what the Russians did this week.
The True Game-Changer
Western analysts initially thought the missile launch involved the RS-26 “Rubezh” complex, which consists of a tracked vehicle capable of firing an intercontinental-range ballistic missile (ICBM) with multiple independent re-entry vehicles (MIRVs). The RS-26 can be used with both conventional explosives, and nuclear munitions, at both intermediate (500-5,500Km) and intercontinental (>5,500Km) ranges.
Subsequently, the Neo-Tsar explained that the Russians had in fact combat-tested an entirely new complex, called “Oreshnik”, which literally translates in Russian as “hazel wood”, or “hazel grove”:
This new missile complex is explicitly designed for intermediate-range attacks – which is in direct contravention of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, signed in 1987 by the USA and USSR.
The problem is, the INF Treaty no longer really holds, because the US pulled out of that treaty in 2019 – under the instructions of none other than President Trump, on the pretext that the Russians had been violating its terms by testing intermediate-range weapons like the Rubezh, and building new weapons like the Kinzhal and Tsirkon hypersonic missiles. This continued a well-established previous pattern of US behaviour, in which the US kept tearing up treaties it did not like, on the pretext that the Russians were the ones misbehaving, and then tried (and failed) to build weapons systems that those very same treaties were supposed to outlaw.
The implications of the Oreshnik’s successful combat test are profound. They fundamentally alter the strategic calculus of the entire European theatre.
Dead Man’s Hand
See, intermediate-range missiles are EXTREMELY destabilising. An intermediate-range missile fired by the Americans at Russia, for example, could go from Poland to Moscow in under 10 minutes, because these things fly way up to exoatmospheric heights, and then come down again at hypersonic speeds.
That is not a whole lot of reaction time.
Worse, those same intermediate-range missiles can pepper their targets with MIRVs, which make an already nearly-impossible targeting issue for ground-based air defence systems, truly impossible, because and target on the ground will be absolutely SATURATED with nuclear or conventional strikes.
The Russians know all about this, which is why their nuclear doctrine operates on a “dead-man switch”. That is to say, if they see something coming at them at hypersonic speeds – and their radar complexes are designed to detect launches at extreme ranges – from somewhere in Europe, their doctrine says, “send up everything, because in under 10 minutes, we’re all DEAD”.
Which means the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, will then fire off literally EVERYTHING, at EVERYONE – most especially the FUSA – along a pre-planned and pre-specified list of targets.
That means every European capital, every European nation, and most of the continental USA and Canada, all disappear in nuclear fire.
The world that emerges from that picture, is not one worth contemplating. The number of dead alone will be in the BILLIONS. The Earth will be left as nothing more than an irradiated wasteland, incapable of supporting life on most of the surface of the planet. The few survivors who are left, will wish they had died in the horrors of Judgement Day.
How We Got Here
Everything I just wrote above, was largely theoretical for many years. We came close to experiencing what it would be like, back in the early 1960s, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which the US directly provoked the USSR by placing Pershing missiles in Turkey. The Soviets retaliated by putting nuclear-capable missiles on Cuba – 90 miles off the Florida coastline. The 13-day crisis that ensued, could have triggered nuclear Armageddon at any time. It was only thanks to the wisdom and restraint of leaders like Kennedy and Krushchyov, that we all averted that horrible outcome.
That is why you and I are alive today.
Unfortunately, the Fake President, Brandon – who was quite alive and kicking at that time – seems to have forgotten this in his dementia-addled state. Which is why he recently provoked the Russians into this act.
That is actually the correct interpretation of the facts. The Russians have made it very clear, for the past two years and more, that putting missiles in Ukraine capable of reaching pre-2014 Russian territory, operated and targeted by Western specialists, is tantamount to an act of war.
Brandon, who evidently truly hates Russia, and particularly loathes President Putin himself, went ahead and did it anyway, presumably as one final act of hateful spite toward President Trump (whom he probably hates even more than he does The Putin). That is why he authorised the use of ATACMS missiles on pre-2014 Russian territory.
Earlier this week, the “Ukrainians” launched a strike with at least 6 ATACMS missiles at Bryansk region, and then used British Storm Shadow missiles on a command post in Kursk region.
Neither of these have much of anything to do with the assaults on Ukraine itself. The Kursk command post is used by Group of Forces North, under the command of Col. Gen. Lapin of the Russian Federation, but it is apparently a battalion-level command post, not a true brigade-level one, and as such, relates to local command of the Russian forces in charge of containing and destroying the Kursk incursion. And the attack on Bryansk made absolutely no sense, at either a tactical or operational level.
Those attacks accomplished virtually nothing of significance on a tactical level. They DID, however, provoke the Russians into accepting the act as a declaration of war by the Western powers.
That is where we are today. The Special Military Operation is now over. The Russians, without saying so, consider themselves AT WAR WITH NATO.
We have just moved from a de facto situation, to a very nearly de jure one. Top Russian officials – starting with President Putin himself – no longer refer to the SMO as “only” a special military operation. They refer to it as a WAR.
And now, the most senior Russian officials – again, starting with the Neo-Tsar – accept that they are taking on NATO itself, in a war that they must win.
This is INSANITY, and it HAS to stop. We MUST back out of war with Russia – which the West cannot fight, and cannot win.
The Stakes
These are not, to be clear, merely my own thoughts. I freely admit my pro-Russian biases, and I can hardly claim to be merely an objective observer of the situation. I have friends and others whom I care about deeply in Russia, and I want to see them again, alive and well. Someday soon, I hope to go back to Russia and visit the country again.
Others, who do not have the ties to Russia that I do, and who are vastly better informed about these issues than I am, recognise the sheer madness of the current situation, and are even more appalled than I am. Judge Andrew Napolitano and DA KERNEL HIZZSELF explained the current goings-on for us, and I have to say, in nearly 3 years of watching Col. Douglas Macgregor propound on topics of international relations and geopolitics, I have NEVER seen him this angry or animated:
The Colonel is completely right. The ruling elites in Washington, London, Brussels, Berlin, and Paris, have plainly gone COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY BATSHIT INSANE. They do not seem to understand that nyet means nyet.
The Western leaders try to justify this lunacy by saying that the Neo-Tsar is bluffing, and that Russia has always stood passively by while the West violates their red lines at will.
A moment’s thought will reveal this to be total blithering idiocy.
First, as I have pointed out before, Russia’s red lines are not what the West thinks they are. The Western elites keep outright making up what they think Russian red lines are. In fact, the Russians have always made very clear what their red lines are, and have stated them very publicly. Those red lines are very straightforward:
- NATO shall not expand eastward to Russia’s borders;
- Ukraine shall not become part of NATO;
- Permanent NATO forces shall not be permitted on the territory of Ukraine;
- Russian interests in Ukraine, in the form of the Black Sea port of Sevastopol’, and the naval bases on the Crimean Peninsula, shall not be touched;
- There shall be no nuclear-capable intermediate-range weapons placed on Ukrainian soil with the ability to attack Russia;
- Any NATO-orchestrated attack on the territory of the Russian Federation proper, as understood by the 1991 borders following the collapse of the Soviet Union, will be considered an act of war;
These are the very same red lines that The Putin, CHADvedev, Shoigu, and CHADrov have repeatedly articulated before foreign audiences. They have budged one iota since 2014, if not earlier.
Second, contrary to the opinions of Western elites and whorenalists, every time Russia’s red lines have been crossed, they HAVE moved robustly to defend them. Think about it:
- In 2014, when Victoria “Cookies” Nuland sponsored a Derp State coup against the (very mildly pro-Russian) Yanukovych government in Kiev at the time, the Ukrainian garrison in Sevastopol’ simply changed sides, and joined Russia – and The Putin sent Russian special forces and combat troops into Crimea to peacefully annex the peninsula and protect its interests;
- In early 2022, when Bellendsky the Coke-Fiend stood up at the Munich Security Conference and announced Ukraine’s intention to pursue nuclear weapons and membership of NATO, the Russians subsequently invaded Banderastan to force a climb-down;
- Throughout the SMO, whenever Ukraine attempted to strike at strategic Russian assets, such as the Kerch Bridge, or the Voronezh radar complex, the Russians responded very quickly with strikes against the Western “advisors” who provided the targeting data;
- Also, throughout the SMO, the Russians have repeatedly and explicitly targeted locations where Westerners are known to congregate, as they are not at all fooled by this notion of Western “contractors” and “advisors” helping out the Ukies “of their own accord”;
There is an extremely clear pattern of Russia rigourously enforcing her own red lines, which the Western elites choose studiously to ignore. This is not merely stupid, it is INSANE.
Conclusion – Two Steps from Hell
We can only hope and pray that the Oreshnik strike has rocked the Western establishment back on its heels enough, that they stop dicking around and realise they have been completely outclassed.
Just like the Iranian strike on Israel on October 1 with hypersonic ballistic missiles, the Oreshnik strike shows that Russia has weapons the West does not – and cannot defend against. The goal was to re-establish deterrence at the operational and strategic levels, and to point out to the West that, no matter how much materiel and support they give Ukraine, the war is LOST.
If Western elites have the sense God gave a honey badger, they will recognise this fact, and abandon Project Ukraine.
The problem is, the West is ruled by literally insane psychopathic elites who do not care one whit if the rest of us live or die – because they think they will survive the coming apocalypse.
They are wrong.
The Russians just put the entire Western world on notice. This is quite literally our last and final warning. If the FUSA and the other nations of the former West continue to escalate and provoke, the next strike will not come against Ukraine – it will come against Western assets.
It is not difficult to imagine what will happen after that. The full weight of the West’s propaganda machine will spin up into action, pretending that the Russians just started World War III, and demanding that ordinary people from across the West must sign up for their militaries, to be fed into the meat-grinder against a battle-hardened and exceptionally capable Russian army.
The West has just been backed into a trap from which there is no escape – save one.
If they continue to escalate, the Russians will attack a Western military installation – perhaps the missile bases in Poland, or the long-distance command centre for the 404 War that NATO has setup there. It could even come against the German NATO bases, or the Royal Navy’s facilities in southern England.
At that point, NATO will be forced to put Articles 4 and 5 to the test. And we already know the smaller members of NATO, to the east, near Russia, will absolutely refuse to participate in a war against the bear – so, too, incidentally, will Turkey.
That means NATO’s much-vaunted “mutual defence clause” will simply fall apart. NATO’s very existence will be revealed to be a sham.
The alternative is to go all-in for war – which WILL result in mutual nuclear annihilation.
There is precisely ONE way out of this mess. That is to abandon Ukraine to its fate. The Ukrainians have fought hard, and fought well – but they never really had a chance. Their war is LOST. It is only a matter of how many tens of thousands more Ukrainian men have to be turned into blood and bone before the inevitable unconditional surrender and total collapse comes.
One way or another, the Russians WILL get what they want. They will have paid a tremendous price for it. But they will do with Ukraine whatever they see fit – and they will then gladly build a new Iron Curtain across the continent, and happily abandon a sick and dying Europe to its fate.
None of this needs to happen. The Russians fundamentally just want to be left the hell alone to live as they see fit. The West can and should learn to live alongside them, do business with them, learn from them, and preserve their own civilisation.
The fact that the West’s elites are incapable of seeing this, tells you just how totally divorced they are from the people they claim to govern.
you assume that the destruction of the West is not ( a part of ) the goal.
and even if it’s not the Freemasons, it’s not like the Jews themselves haven’t demonstrated for thousands of years a genocidal mania towards goyim as well as openly expressing their desire to having the remaining gentiles as their slaves once we have been decimated.
“the West is ruled by literally (((insane psychopathic elites))) ”
i’ve had one of those stupid realizations which may well have been apparent to others for a while but which has finally occurred to me.
it’s the effeminate fixation on “safe spaces” which renders women unfit for … pretty much everything. because anything that is any sort of a challenge, in any way, cannot be “safe”, by definition.
ie – even disregarding the strength / endurance disadvantage, i’m sure women would be just awesome at front line combat … except that the US .mil has thus far refused to make it a safe space.