Monday is back again, and it has been a LONG one for yours truly. When you are up against it for a project deadline, that means everything else takes a back seat. And that really sucks if you happen to have work to do over the weekend…
But bitching and moaning won’t solve the problem – that is why we have the Great Mondaydact Browser Slayer. And this week’s instalment is particularly fun, because it features Big Boyz Toyz, in the form of some in-flight manoeuvres of the Su-57 at the Zhuhai Airshow:
Honestly, watching those clips just blew me away. The Felon is a stunner of a warplane – beautifully designed, amazingly well proportioned, and by a huge margin the best fifth-generation warplane out there, simply by virtue of the fact that it is the only one that has actually been tested in serious air-to-air and air-to-ground combat missions against a near-peer adversary.
And, in the hands of legendary Russian test pilot Sergey Bogdan, it appears to be a plane that simply ignores the laws of physics:
Meanwhile, Millennium 7* HistoryTech explains what the ACTUAL plane was – it is not really a true Su-57, it is in fact the T-50 test-bed, adapted for flight demonstrations, and featuring (apparently) the latest engines for the Su-57, that will soon be bolted into the existing airframes, giving the Su-57M and Su-57E (export variant) versions some incredible flight capabilities:
And that, gentlemen, is your PLANE PR0N for the week.
The Mighty God-Emperor
His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, does, in fact, have a YUUUUGE sense of YUMOR!!!:
#BasedTucker is Based
That interview with Colby is amazing, for the most part (he has some rather outdated ideas about naval power).
Dawn of Battle
The Male Brain brings us much to entertain, amuse, and edjoomuhcayte on this Monday. We begin with one from pixelspersecond, that shows what horror movies would be like if people used logic, critical thinking, and a healthy respect for the supernatural and evil things of the world:
I mean, let’s be honest, most of us would still watch that.
How Money Works talks about CEOs that can’t be arsed to show up to the office… or to work, at all:
Whatifalthist discusses why the economy (in general) is so borked:
Everyone’s favourite psychologist at PsycHacks explains to DA GURLZ how to get DA KING:
Studio C answers the question that nobody ever asked – what would happen if you crossed the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings universes?:
Mind-Expanding Drugs
Your General Knowledge Corner of the Week comes from Dawn Pine, and comes from Artillery Club, about why infantrymen used to fight in lines – relentlessly and slowly marching toward their inevitable deaths:
Death Smiles At Us All…
Poli-Ticking Off
Mark Dice is delighted to watch women – ACTUAL women, who were women from birth, and didn’t mutilate their bodies or take weird hormones – rise up and take on the idiot shitlibs who are completely LOSING THEIR MINDS over the victory of the God-Emperor:
The very-thoroughly-married couple at Redacted shed absolutely no tears for the wave of lay-offs hitting the press whores these days:
My own opinion of those same presstitutes is rather more extreme:
If it were up to me, EVERY SINGLE LAST EMPLOYEE of the legacy media firms would be out of a job INSTANTLY, and would lose all access to benefits or severance of any kind. They would never, ever be allowed to work anywhere ever again, unless they accepted jobs cleaning Port-A-Potties. With toothbrushes.
After a few years of doing that, they might, perhaps, be good enough for slightly less horrible janitorial roles. But until and unless they show contrition and regret for their endless lies and obedience to evil, they must never be allowed to work again.
That, by the way, is the SOFT AND CUDDLY version of what I think of them. The actual version involves either flaying them alive and rolling them in salt, or impaling every last one of them. Without grease.
PJW cannot quite wrap his head around just how authoritarian the Krauts have gotten:
Is it really that surprising, though? Krautland never really had a particularly strong liberal democratic system to begin with, if you think about it.
Veterans’ Day
LTC Daniel Davis invites his old friend and former boss, DA KERNEL HIZZSELF, Douglas Macgregor, on to discuss the Trumpasaur’s Cabinet picks:
Suffice to say, His Tankness wasn’t all that impressed – and with good reason. So far, though, it must be said, T-Rex has shown that he is, in fact, generally capable of learning some hard lessons.
That being said – the fact that he did not pick Gen. Mike Flynn, or Mr. Break-the-Phalanx, for SecDef, indicates that he has some ways to go before he gets the message about who really has the country’s interests at heart.
To be as fair as possible, though, if you have ever heard DA KERNEL speak, the man has a tremendous intellect, and I think he would honestly be wasted in a role as stupid as that of SecDef for a failing and impotent empire.
Judge’s Ruling
Judge Nap talks to Prof. Gilbert Doctorow about the Russia-Iran axis of friendship, and what might happen if the Israelis really are crazy and stupid enough to attack the Persians again:
Дед Сварливый Говорит!
Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about T-Rex’s Cabinet picks – suffice to say, he ain’t impressed either:
That being said – Cucko Rubio’s selection is not quite the disaster many seem to think it is. I suspect there is a clever political game being played behind the scenes.
Ania Konieczek talks to Maj. Scott Ritter about the Trumpasaur’s Cabinet picks, to get his opinion:
Timeo Danaos Et Donna Ferentes…
The good gentlemen of The Duran discuss the Derp State plot currently underway to replace Bellendsky the Porny Pianist and professional crack addict, with someone slightly less retarded – though, given what 404 is like these days, that is a bit of a tall order:
Bad Medicine
Dr. John Campbell is pleased as punch with the appointment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the post of Health Secretary by the Trumpasaur:
I have to say, although I have plenty of political differences with Bobby Kennedy Jr., I think he is one of the good guys (y’know, relatively speaking). I am quite looking forward to seeing what he can do.
Dr. Suneel Dhand is chuffed to bits about Bobby too:
Warriors of Faith
Sam Shamoun did a debate with Dr. Khalil Adnani on a concept known within apologetics circles as the “Izzlamick Dilemma”, and – as you might expect – it went EXTREMELY badly for the Muzzie:
Chris at Speaker’s Corner watched the full debate, and he concludes what any fair observer would – that the Muzzie got absolutely crushed:
Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms and Al-Fadi from CIRA International address the severe historical anachronisms scattered throughout the Koran, which prove it was man-made:
Avery of GodLogic toys with his food, in the form of a particularly obstinate and unintelligent Muzzie:
Manly Men of Manliness
Terrence Popp has some straight talk for us all about the brutal realities of modren marriage:
Joker from Better Bachelor points to the genuinely crazy extremes the shitlib WAMMENZES will go to (or at least, say they will go to) after the God-Emperor’s epic win:
Point and Laugh
Let’s have a collection of women posting their own Ls online for the whole world to see. First up, Manosphere:
And Man Talk:
Legion of Men:
From the Middle Kingdom, China Unvarnished:
Burn Paedowood to the Ground
Midnight’s Edge watched Red One, so you wouldn’t have to, and found it… surprisingly bearable, actually:
Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock visually explains how badly STAR WARS has shat the bed, in terms of franchise value:
Gary from Nerdrotic has had about enough of adult pretenders trying to lecture the rest of us about… well, anything, really:
The Critical Drinker thinks rather highly of a new TV drama:
Reading Too Much Into Things
Your Science is F***ing Weird moment of the week is about how the Neanderthals didn’t actually go extinct, contrary to popular opinion:
Ever since the first Neanderthal bones were discovered, curiosity about these ancient hominins has surged. How did they differ from us? Were there similarities? Did our ancestors coexist peacefully with them, or was there conflict? The discovery of the Denisovans, a Neanderthal-like group that lived in Asia and Oceania, has added to these questions.
Now, an international team of geneticists and AI experts is providing new insights into our shared history with these ancient groups. Led by Joshua Akey, a professor at Princeton’s Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, the researchers have uncovered a history of genetic intermingling that reveals a much closer connection between early humans and Neanderthals than previously thought.
“This is the first time geneticists have identified multiple waves of modern human-Neanderthal admixture,” said Liming Li, a professor at Southeast University in Nanjing, China, who conducted this research in Akey’s lab.
“For the vast majority of human history, we’ve had contact between modern humans and Neanderthals,” Akey added. Our most direct ancestors split from the Neanderthal family tree around 600,000 years ago and developed modern characteristics about 250,000 years ago.
“From then until the Neanderthals disappeared, for about 200,000 years, modern humans interacted with Neanderthal populations,” he explained.
Their findings are published in the current issue of the journal Science.
Neanderthals, once stereotyped as slow and unintelligent, are now recognized as skilled hunters and toolmakers who treated injuries with advanced techniques and adapted well to cold European climates.
Mapping genetic flow using genomes from 2,000 living humans, three Neanderthals, and one Denisovan, Akey’s team mapped genetic flow between these groups over the past 250,000 years. They utilized a tool called IBDmix, which employs machine learning to decode genomes.
Your long read of the week is from The Male Brain, and looks at an interesting piece of scientific history, concerning the aurora borealis:
Richard Carrington wasn’t expecting anything dramatic that day. As the scion of a wealthy English brewer, Carrington built his own private astronomical observatory and loved to while away the hours studying the sun. He was especially intrigued by sunspots—irregular patches of darkness on the solar surface. No one knew what sunspots were in his day, but when Carrington sat down to examine them on September 1, 1859, he noticed that there were a lot more than usual.
Suddenly, just before noon, he saw something bizarre—an eruption. A giant geyser of plasma leapt right off the surface of the sun. After a moment’s bewilderment, Carrington jotted down notes and made detailed sketches, unsure what to make of what he had witnessed.
We now call these eruptions solar flares, and as far as we know, Carrington was the first person in history to see one. But what made the event truly special—and what frightens scientists about solar flares today—is what happened next.
That night, people across the globe reported unusually vivid auroras in the heavens. And not just at high latitudes: the northern lights appeared as far south as Venezuela. In the northeast United States, people could read newspapers outdoors well past midnight. In the Rocky Mountains, the bright sky set birds to chirping, and dozens of grumbling gold miners rolled out of bed and started making breakfast, assuming it was dawn.
Telegraph systems went haywire as well. Operators got electric shocks, and a few telegraph stations started on fire. Most eerie of all, some telegraph machines began spewing gibberish, as if possessed by demons. Operators discovered they could disconnect their machines from their batteries and still send messages. One pair in Boston and Maine held a two-hour conversation with no power source.
It was one the strangest nights anyone could remember. And as these tales trickled in to astronomer Richard Carrington in England, his thoughts returned to the eruption he had seen on the surface of the sun. Could there be a connection?
We now know his hunch was right. Solar flares often take place during larger events called solar storms, which involve the ejection of radiation (gamma rays, x-rays) and particles (mostly electrons and protons) from the sun’s surface. A similar storm produced vivid auroras around the world in May 2024, with the northern lights visible as far south as Hawaii.
Scientists don’t know what exactly causes solar storms, but they have linked them to the sun’s magnetic field. The sun consists mostly of plasma, a scorching-hot state of matter where atoms separate, or dissociate, into charged particles. Charged particles in motion create magnetic fields, and the rotation of the sun around its axis therefore produces a strong magnetic field.
But that magnetic field is not stable. In 1863, a few years after seeing the solar flare, Carrington made an important discovery about the sun’s rotation. The sun is a fluid body, not solid, and by tracking the movement of sunspots over time, he determined that different parts of the sun rotate at different speeds. Specifically, the solar equator rotates once every 25 days, while the sluggish poles take 33.
The upshot is that different patches of charged, magnetic field–generating plasma are swirling around at different rates. This causes energy and tension to build up in complicated ways, analogous to a buildup of static electricity. And every so often, all the extra energy erupts at once in bursts of radiation and particles.
Linkage is good for you:
- Israel Shamir examines what is happening in and around Russia since the God-Emperor’s triumph;
- John Helmer reports on the oddities surrounding the notorious Skripal case, wherein the father and daughter were supposedly poisoned by Russian agents using Novichok;
- Rachel Marsden wonders if any of the Trumper tantrums will actually result in people leaving the country;
- Maksim Suchkov explains in simple terms why T-Rex won, against all the odds, and the polls;
- The bad news for Intel continues, as it looks like their latest-generation top-end gaming processors cannot stack up to AMD’s offering;
- And worse still, because it seems the Core i9 14th-gen processor has a serious problem with its performance deteriorating after just a year;
- Millennials are raising pets instead of kids – and it is causing both the animals and them lots of problems;
- Inevitably, if you know what you are doing with Linux, you can be a hell of a lot more productive than you can with WinDOZE OR Mac;
- Rust is apparently very difficult to learn – or is it?;
- Your latest “ALIENS” moment consists of the possibility that there are Klingons – sorry, organisms – floating around Uranus somewhere…;
- Gen-Z come with a shedload of problems, but apparently, we are supposed to think it is not really their fault, the poor dears;
And some more from Dawn Pine:
- The Harris campaign is doing its level best to let Cacklepants be POTUS, even if only for a short time;
- If you thought you hated the House of the Devil Mouse, it turns out, you really didn’t hate them enough, because their employees got up to ALL KINDS of shady shit;
- You know crypto has officially gone mainstream when kidnappers start grabbing blockchain company CEOs off the street, and getting paid ransoms in cryptocurrency;
- For those of you still silly enough to put your children in your photos on social media – for the love of all that is holy, STOP!!!;
- You know how evolutionists like to appeal to HOHLEE SAYENCE by talking about how physicists get amazing results? Turns out, physicists lie like the rest of us do;
- Abominable Intelligence can be as hilariously racist and sexist as any human – except more so and with the added veneer of supposedly being “programmed” to be unbiased;
- What exactly can the Trumpasaur do to fix Brandon’s epic messes? Quite a lot, as it happens;
- Gambia, of all places, appears to be a hotspot for horny older Western women looking for, shall we say, male companionship;
- Your childhood will never be the same after you realise that Goofy, the Disney character, was never actually a dog;
- For women, their wedding day is supposed to be the best day of their lives – but not if nobody shows up to the blessed event;
- Your “snowflake generation” moment of the day – at Hahvahhhhd, professors have cancelled classes because students cannot deal with the God-Emperor’s triumph;
- It is quite literally snowing in Hell – well, Las Vegas, but that’s close enough, if you think about it;
- Economists are telling us that Trumpian migrant deportations and tariffs will raise grocery prices – which is probably a good sign that those prices will FALL;
- You would think that a man would KNOW if he had three, uh, old chaps down there – but it turns out, sometimes, one can truly be utterly ignorant of such things;
- Your News of the Weird for the day – a doctor quits his job to become his wife’s PA, but she happens to be an OnlyFools “creator”, so draw your own conclusions;
- The bells of Notre Dame have finally begun ringing again, for the first time since that terrible fire – praise the Lord!;
- The editor of “the oldest scientific magazine” in the FUSA has resigned, because she said stupid things about the POTUS-elect;
- We’ve had fake newsies around for a long time, but now we have fake nurses as well;
- The Pentaloons continue to fail upward, as they perform accounting tricks that would have gotten any private company thrown straight into Chapter 11 DECADES ago;
- You’ve heard of PLANE PR0N – we feature it regularly around here – but WHIRLYBIRD PR0N got a little literal over the past week;
- For anyone wanting to visit Malaysia, their artificial Forest City in Johor is angling to become an investment hub – though, having been in those parts, I can say it’s not that impressive;
The Neo-Tsar continues his EXTREMELY busy schedule with a visit to the Novorossiya region of Zaporozh’ye:
HALO Nation
Slayergod Remy aka MintBlitz does his thing while playing a very awesome build of HALO 2:
Scholar’s Lore explains Eldar Wraith Warriors:
May the Farce Be With You
Star Wars Theory explains how the House of the Devil Mouse could make STAR WARS great again:
As far as I’m concerned… why bother?
It’s dead. Leave it be. The harsh reality is that the STAR WARS Expanded Universe shat the bed, long BEFORE Disney acquired Lucasfilm and the rights to the entire franchise. There is not the least use in trying to resurrect any of it.
Oh No! Anyway…
Wazzocks gonna wazzock:
Comedy Hour
Meme Warfare

Animal Planet
Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:
And also your animals are absolute DICKS moment of the week, to balance things out:
Gym beast props this week go to Austin Perkins:
Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs
They See Me Rollin’…
Let us all take a moment to remember the LEGENDARY German-Brazil World Cup semifinal match of 2014, which resulted in a BLITZKRIEG with the Brazilian team playing the part of Czechoslovakia:
I remember watching the replay of that match in the gym during leg day, and I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t concentrate on my squat sets.
Your gym idiots segment is brought to you by Shredded Sports Science – and you kind of have to watch some of these through your fingers:
Palate Cleansers
Axe Me Anything
Knives Out
Guitar Heroics
Knight and Day
Pull a Hammy
Anyone else remember that ridiculously awesome commercial?
Mighty Wings
Gingervitis Injections
Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods

Damn, those chicks can SHRED!!!!!!!!!!
Rock Out With Your Glock Out

Thot Shots
Right, here we are with the wrapper for the start of the week. This here is Ellen Mundy, from, at a guess, Sydney, ‘Straya – where, as we are obliged BY LAW to remind you, LITERALLY EVERYTHING WANTS TO KILL YOU AND EAT YOUR EYEBALLS FOR JUJUBEES!!!
We know nothing else about her, but she does appear to be plastic, and almost certainly not fantastic. Thot Quotient of a solid 9/10, boys – look but don’t touch, especially given her origins.
OK, back to work now, lads.
1 Comment
The neanderthal long read fits hand-in-glove with this molecular biologist reprising an old Augustine tradition of Adam and Eve as priests in Eden to redeem a world already full of human type, but not sons of adam, life.
Heiser devoted two episodes to interviewing the author: