The Hypergamouse Kickstarter campaign has, uh, kicked off, as it were, and has already blown WAY past its initial goals. I will cut right to the chase here – if you want more of one of the best webcomics out there, and the ONLY comic anywhere in the world that accurately and hilariously depicts the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, then this is one you should back.
Of course, as my readers know perfectly well by now, I never ask you to do anything I will not do myself:
It is quite common to hear “conservatives” complaining about how the world’s biggest platforms and providers all hate them and their values. But they never actually do much of anything about it – they do not put their money where their mouths are, and they do not back alternatives.
Do not be like that. Our Beloved and Dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) Voxemort the Most Malevolent and Terrible, built out Arkhaven Comics (which I am proud to state that I also backed, when it happened) to take a sledgehammer straight to the domes of the Big Two comic book publishers, which have long gone full-on woketard. And look at what has happened since. Arkhaven’s output is spotty, to say the least – but the content, when it IS published, is really good. And it is content from people who share our values and ideals.
So why not back it?