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The lie that ran around the world

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Office Space | 1 comment

The video you see below is one that has sparked an immense scandal in PommieBastardLande. It shows a police officer at an airport basically landing a football kick on a prone and seemingly defenceless Muslim man. The video originally released of the incident sparked a massive uproar in the heavily Muslim suburb of Rochdale, north of Manchester, and resulted in serious protests and an avalanche of Left-wing handwringing across the whore-media in Ingerland:

The problem is, the original video was, shall we say, selectively edited by (of course) Moose Limbs, to portray the officers involved in the most negative light possible.

The officer in the video was almost immediately suspended, and the Manchester Police Service launched a major inquiry into the incident. Shortly thereafter – in the last day or so, actually – we saw the full video emerge from multiple perspectives, and THAT video told a VERY different story:

I have been tracking this one for a few days. When the news first broke, I refused to jump to conclusions and condemn the police officers involved, because I have seen, from often bitter experience, just how quickly and easily Moose Limbs manipulate images and video to maximise sympathy for their cause.

We must never forget that taqiyya – or, to put it more bluntly, lying – is perfectly permissible within Izzlam. This is part of their Sunnah – when Muzzies are in a weak position, they have every right, according to their own traditions, to lie with the objective of furthering their own religion.

This, by the way, is why I do not take either side in the ongoing Gazacaust. I do not like what the IDF is doing – AT ALL – but that does not mean I have much sympathy for the Pali-Walis. Neither side is innocent in that conflict, and neither side tells the truth.

The Israelis are almost certainly committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine – and the Palestinians are almost certainly manipulating the casualty figures and facts to maximise global sympathy for their cause.

The case that emerged over this past week in Manchester, shows just how easily lies spread and catch hold of people in this day and age. Not for nothing did Mark Twain make that famous epigram of his.

The lesson for the rest of us is very clear:

Judge Moose Limbs as you would judge anyone else – by their deeds, not their words. “By their fruits ye shall know them”, as it were, and the fruits of Izzlam, and of Mo’Lester the Paedophile Profit, are evil in the extreme.

That is not to say we should apply blanket statements across everyone. I met up with a Muslim the other week for beers – yes, really – and he happily sat in front of me and chowed down on a bacon cheeseburger. (Yes, this actually happened. And it has happened on several occasions.) We got to talking about Izzlam, and he readily conceded that he had a hard time understanding the way the Deobandi and Wahhabi sects have influenced Western Moose Limbs, who are far more radical and extreme than the ones he knows from where he grew up.

This is, in my view, a natural result of coming to Western countries and being confronted by alien cultures that have nothing in common with your own. As with any transplanted group, the immigrants inevitably seek out that which is comfortable and familiar – and that is always and every time the fundamentalist orthodoxy of their faith.

You have to have a LOT of experience in moving around and “changing your skin”, as it were, to be able to make that jump seamlessly and blend in with the locals. I have managed it across seven countries spanning three continents over several decades, and even then, it is not always easy. It is only because I fundamentally reject the original faith, customs, history, and language of the country of my birth, that I am able to more-or-less “blend in” with the locals wherever I go – and not always successfully.

Moose Limbs, who follow a death-cult that wants to subjugate and enslave (literally) the entire world, are in a rather worse position, when you think about it.

This is why it is so important for us as Christians to confront Izzlam’s lies with the truth. Never forget the words in Hebrews 4:

12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

— Hebrews 4:12, English Standard Version

The Word of God is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Lord and King. He will not be mocked, and He will not be silenced. And that Word is the living embodiment of Truth, against which NO lie can stand for very long.

This is why the work of Christian evangelists and polemicists is so vitally important – we are now confronting and demolishing Izzlamick “arguments” (such as they are) on every front, and they have no response, because all we are doing is quoting their own books at them. Against that, they have nothing to offer but lies and evasions – and the more they lie, in the modern age of mobile phones and video cameras, the dumber they look.

That is also why the incident above is important – because it shows that a gram of truth can knock down a mountain of lies.

Initially, the whore-media in Ingerland were outraged about the whole incident, looking to heap blame on the police officer in question. It looked like a repeat of various episodes in the FUSA, like that involving Saint Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie, or the Apostle Michael Brown, or the Angel George Floyd – all of whom were actually guilty of very serious crimes, and who flatly disobeyed legal orders to comply with law enforcement.

(Note: this does NOT mean I like or trust police officers. I do not. Far too many of them abuse their power, and most of them in the West are toothless in the face of relentlessly stupid DIEversity initiatives.)

But, once the actual video came out, the same whore-media instantly did a pirouette, and claimed the incident is “more complex” than it first appears.

Well yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

If there is one lesson to take away from all this, it is a simple one:

In all modern “outrages” – but especially where Moose LImbs and Wakandans are concerned – DO NOT let your first impression override your good sense. Wait for further data and context to emerge. Nine times out of ten, it will turn out that your initial suspicion that something was very off, will prove to be true.

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1 Comment

  1. Robert W

    I’m impressed the lady cop got her taser out and used it effectively on the blue shirt chap, well done.

    Surprisingly no one was shot with any actual guns, quite a restrained response.

    Is it odd the man making the video and his family around him are all talking English to each other, rather than their native tongues?
    I would expect a high-stress situation to throw everyone back to the default language, because ‘Auntie’ was not processing English well.


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