As you all know, this past week saw the 248th anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence – or, as Amerikhastan’s former colonial masters like to call it, “Treason Day”. I was rather too busy to do anything about it, so here we are, but it is worth noting that the American Independence Day is a cause for both celebration and reflection.
I have noted repeatedly over many articles for many years that the FUSA is rapidly coming undone. That is because it is no longer definitively American. Ask an American what “America” is, and he will not be able to tell you. This problem does not plague anyone outside of Western countries – in fact, even in most Western nations, even among the most cucked-out of European lands, the peoples there can explain to you what it means to be Italian, French, Greek, Spanish, etc.
There is none of this “melting-pot” nonsense in those nations. They know who they are and what they stand for. That particular mental illness seems to be concentrated primarily in America, Scandinavia, and of course PommieBastardLande.
The latter is not a coincidence. America owes its founding and its civilisation to Britain. In many ways – too many to count – the old culture and civilisation of England, transplanted itself quite easily and firmly into American soil. The original 13 American colonies were essentially tribes who grew from English and Dutch soil, and were then transplanted into the vastly richer and more fertile lands of America.
Today, that America scarcely exists in recognisable form. Oh, it is there, certainly, but you have to go a long way to find it, and it is struggling badly. Al that was great and admirable about that culture – and there is a very great deal to admire about it – is dying on its feet.
Unfortunately, Amerikhastan’s predecessors have nothing to crow about.
July 4th also saw the general election in PommieBastardLande. Like many who sat on the sidelines and watched the results come in, I rejoiced in the fact that the Cuckservatives were so thoroughly smashed – indeed, I am sorry to see they actually won over a hundred seats in Parliament. They should have won ZERO. Tory rule in Britain has been an unmitigated and unparalleled disaster in British history, and they thoroughly deserve to be destroyed as a political force.
Unfortunately, that did not happen, because of the complex and unusual British electoral system – which, by the way, forms the basis of the equally complex American system. You see, a general election in Britain, as in America, is not ONE big election – it is six hundred SMALL elections, adding up to ONE big result. And that system is designed, by definition, to favour incumbents. That is why the Tories survived as a political force, even though Reform and the Liberal Democrats (who are merely just Labour-lite globalists of the worst kind) won about the same amount of the popular vote.
There is a REASON why a system like that is a good idea. Mob rule – dumbocracy – is NEVER a good idea. It does not work. That is precisely why America was originally a REPUBLIC, not a dumbocracy.
However, the flip-side of that arrangement is, the governors have to at least try to represent the interests of the governed. That compact is GONE in most of the West. No one in his right mind would look at the elites entrenched in power across most Western countries, and believe that these globalist tools have anything to do with the people who vote for them.
France is ruled by a granny-marrying weirdo who might just be a closet homosexual. Germany has a weak and useless man in power, ruled over by “Greens”, who are actually just warmongering neoclowns in disguise. The United Kingdom has no real political system whatsoever – EVERYONE is a globalist, except perhaps Reform, and even they are a bit suspect, in my view.
And America? Forget it. Republicrats, Demoblicans – it’s all the same shit-show. Voting literally DOES NOT MATTER in an environment like that. The VOOOOOOOOTE HARRRRRDURRRRRR!!!! crowd has nothing useful to add, and we can safely ignore them. America has not had a true representative republic since probably the 1990s, and arguably since the assassination of JFK in 1963 (though I would argue this point, given the landslide victories of St. Reagan Magnus of the Right).
July 4th is, in other words, a massive spectacle that masks the impending collapse of Western hegemonic power, and the tremendous suffering that is to follow.
This is not the counsel of despair, though it sounds that way. My advice to all worried about the future is simple:
Invest in what matters.
Move away from big population centres. Get married. Have children – more than you think you can afford, because, trust me on this, the moment your first child is born, ALL of your efforts and attention will go toward making your children safe, healthy, and happy. Eat as well as you can afford. Avoid speculation in the markets. Learn to grow your own food. Build communities and alliances with your neighbours. Become ungovernable – simply by refusing to play the rules of the globalist game.
The true battle today is no longer between Left and Right. It is between globalists and nationalists. While I disagree violently with most Leftists – and, indeed, would happily send the worst of them on free one-way helicopter rides, a la Pinochet Airways – I can actually find a lot of room for agreement on many points with old-school Leftists, who believe in things like workers’ rights and good solid blue-collar jobs. The true enemies are the GloboHomoPaedoPharisatanists. They are coming for us, but they are beginning, at long last, to realise they are far outnumbered, and their divide-and-conquer tactics are no longer working.
It is a great time to be alive, my friends. Make the most of it.
And that is about enough of that. Let us get on with the weekend.
This week’s lovely lady is Vanessa Christine, age 27, from the FUSA. She does TikTok and Instaham and who knows what else. She also looks pretty good in a dress, though why she got that STUPID tattoo on her foot, I cannot understand.
Happy weekend, lads.