“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Monday morning no world ordering

by | Apr 10, 2024 | Mondays | 7 comments

Yes, I know, this week’s “Monday” browser killer is actually appearing on a Wednesday – so maybe we should think of this as the “hump-day special”. Hump ‘em if you got ‘em, boys – consensually, obviously. The late publication has to do with the fact that I am very busy enjoying myself on a very badly needed holiday, somewhere in Mordor, practising my Orcish accent and sunning myself on the slopes of Mount Doom.

It’s really quite nice around here, I have to say. As long as the Gondorians don’t get uppity and try to invade, I think I shall rather enjoy my time here. It’s always good to be back in the eastern dark lands.

Anyway, let’s get on with this week’s very late Monday, on a Wednesday, with some good old conspiracy theorising. This week’s theme is all about something called Project Blue Beam, which was suggested by The Male Brain, and the details are rather interesting:

Conspiracy theories today are a dime a dozen, ranging from speculation about the assassination of John F. Kennedy to beliefs about a flat Earth. But among the more bizarre conspiracy theories, there is one that just might be the wildest of them all: Project Blue Beam.

Project Blue Beam was first proposed in the early 1990s by a journalist-turned-conspiracy theorist named Serge Monast. After taking an interest in the work of other conspiracy theorists, Monast began reading about secret societies and became particularly interested in theories about a potential New World Order — which served as the foundation for Project Blue Beam.

In short, Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that suggests NASA and the UN are trying to create a New World Order by implementing a New Age religion headed by the Antichrist, using advanced technology to trick people into believing in this religion. If they succeed in their supposed mission, all traditional religions will be abolished and all national identities will be removed in favor of a one-world religion and one-world government.

Here’s everything we know about Project Blue Beam, the hypothetical totalitarian dictatorship, and the conspiracy theorist behind it all.

Before he was known for his Project Blue Beam theory, Serge Monast was a Canadian writer working as a journalist during the 1970s and 1980s. Few details are known about his early life, but it’s clear that by the early 1990s, Monast had become deeply interested in conspiracy theories.

He began writing about the New World Order, a term used in several conspiracy theories that claim an organization — such as the UN or the Illuminati — is working to create a single-world government and to indoctrinate people so that they’d accept such a totalitarian dictatorship.

Often, these theories overlap with antisemitism, playing into false narratives that Jews are in complete control of the world’s finances and media organizations and hope to take over the Earth. These theories are also often steeped in fear-mongering and reliant on concerns about the Antichrist.

Notably, New World Order theories have been pushed by one of America’s most infamous conspiracy theorists, Alex Jones, who claimed that the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a “false flag” hoax perpetrated by “crisis actors” in an attempt to take away Americans’ gun rights. (Jones was later ordered to pay about $1.5 billion to the families of Sandy Hook victims after his false claims about the massacre.)

This is important context to identify where Monast was coming from when he first came up with the Project Blue Beam theory.

Monast first wrote about Project Blue Beam in 1994, publishing NASA’s Project Blue Beam, and expanding on the theory a year later in Les Protocoles de Toronto, which was largely modeled on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated text detailing a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. In a strange twist, some have speculated that Monast may have also been inspired by Star Trek, specifically the premise of a never-produced movie, Star Trek: The God Thing, which would have introduced a mysterious force that claimed to be God but was actually a sentient computer.

But Monast’s theory focused most heavily on NASA and the UN — and their supposed four-step plan to achieve world domination.

The first step of Project Blue Beam, according to Serge Monast, involves effectively rewriting history by faking earthquakes around the world. These manmade quakes are meant to lead to the discoveries of fake “artifacts” that will discredit traditional religions, especially Christianity and Islam.

In essence, Monast believed that NASA and the UN would dismantle these established religions around the world by sowing “historical” doubt about them, in order to propagate their New Age religion.

Step two involves three-dimensional holographic laser projections that would be beamed across the planet to create a massive “space show,” depicting a variety of religious figures in the sky, including Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha. The finale of the show would then involve all of these various holograms merging into a singular entity: the Antichrist.

But how would this space show convince every single person on Earth to go along with NASA and the UN’s supposed plans? This was Monast’s explanation: “Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”

Read the whole thing, if you would like to know more. The one thing I have learned about conspiracy theories is, they almost always turn out to be FACT only about 3-6 months later. So I am far less inclined to dismiss this one than I might have been once upon a time.

Here are some videos, as well, supplied by TMB, to supplement the article.

#BasedTucker is Based

Dawn of Battle

The Male Brain has plenty of great stuff for us this week. We start with one from How Money Works about the real nature of scams:

Sabine Hossenfelder discusses the uses of sulphur – yes, my heathen rebel colonist friends, that is the CORRECT spelling – for storing hydrogen:

Chill Dude Explains how modern science still cannot figure out a bunch of ancient technologies:

Economics Explained talks about the European Union, and how it hasn’t actually lived up to the original hype:

PsycHacks has some very useful advice to the WAMMENZES about how to attract and keep a man, through proper strategery:

Honest Ads honestly explains the nature of electile dysfunction:

The world’s busiest bald YOOTOOBER uses his Sideprojects channel to unpick historical events that didn’t quite happen the way you think they did:

Mind-Expanding Drugs

Your General Knowledge piece of the week comes from Dawn Pine, and concerns the evolution of the English language, which as we all know is highly illogical and irregular – and gets a lot of that nonsense from French:

Interestingly, though, the very things that make English so irritating to learn for non-native speakers, ALSO make it a very easy language to learn, overall.

See, the lack of cases and gendered nouns makes it something of an exception in the Indo-European language tree. If you look at many of those languages, they are HEAVILY influenced by Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin, all of which have genders and cases.

And, as I can personally attest from learning Russian, a case/gender-based language requires you to learn and memorise a very large number of rules to keep everything straight.

These rules are not given to flexibility or ease of use. With German, for instance, things get even worse, because you can never figure out the gender of a noun based on anything in the noun itself – while, in Russian, the last letter of the noun tells you the gender, with very few exceptions.

English, by contrast, has none of these issues. It simply inherits all of those stupid irregular verbs – which is almost EVERY VERB in English – from French, and the huge number of tenses.

Death Smiles At Us All…

Poli-Ticking Off

Mark Dice watched the Spawn of Satan herself appear on late-night TV, and somehow maintained his sanity long enough to discuss it in a video:

The very-thoroughly-married couple at Redacted talk to DA KERNEL about the sheer insanity of Israel attacking an Iranian consular outpost in Syria:

PJW looks back to Ye Goode Olde Dayes of TV in the early 2000s:

Lord Razor of the Fist Clan analyses Brandon’s stumbling, stuttering, very seriously creepy public appearances during Easter:

Rulings from the Bench

Judge Nap has had a busy week after returning to normal programming post-Easter. We start with Col. Douglas Macgregor, talking about the problems Israel is having with trying to uproot Gaza:

Maj. Scott Ritter reckons Ukraine is on its last legs – I mean, we’ve been saying that for like 2 years now, but the fact is, they are in very desperate trouble, and it is only going to get much worse:

Alistair Crooke looks at the impact of the Crocus City Hall attack on Russia’s stance with respect to 404:

He is more right than he realises, because just today, the Russians released new details of the key contact who coordinated the terrorist act, and the Ukrainian connection is getting increasingly strong.

Larry Johnson & Ray McGovern provide an intel overview of the nature of WWIII:

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs despairs at the death of diplomacy in trying to resolve the various crises afflicting the world:

Prof. John Mearsheimer can only shake his head at the insanity of putting US boots on the ground in Taiwan – right next door to the world’s largest air force and navy:

Дед Сварливый Говорит!

Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about the recent phone call between Sergei Shoigu and Sebastien Lecorneau, the Defence Ministers of Russia and France, respectively:

All you have to do is look at the two men to get a sense of the profound differences between the two countries.

On the Russian side, you have a highly capable, exceptionally intelligent man who came from Tuva – one of the toughest and poorest of the Russian regions – who started from very humble beginnings and is now one of the most powerful men in the WORLD.

On the French side, you have an effete homosexual who could not be more of a globalist if he tried, and whose very countenance SCREAMS weakness and indecision.

Not difficult to figure out which side is winning here.


Ania Konieczek speaks with one of the greatest living economists of our time, Dr. Michael Hudson, about how Russia – with its heavily mixed economy – is storming ahead of the supposedly free-market West:

In reality, Russia is FAR more liberal in most matters of economics than the West is. It isn’t the easiest place to do business – many of its regulations date back to Soviet times – but its tax rates are low, its business incentives are excellent, its manpower pool is superb, and its infrastructure is highly impressive.

In other words – Russia is becoming today what the FUSA was in the past, whereas the FUSA is become Europe, and Europe is becoming the old USSR.

Timeo Danaos Et Donna Ferentes…

The good gentlemen of The Duran talk at length with Grandpa Grumpuss, who brings his signature style and sense of grouchy old-man humour to the current issues of the day:

The Bald Truth

Brian Berletic of The New Atlas probes the realities of ammunition shortages in Banderastan:

Bad Medicine

Dr. John Campbell talks about a mother’s desperate attempts to protect her vulnerable son from the insanity of the clot-shot:

Dr. Suneel Dhand docsplains some key risk factors for dementia for oldies:

Warriors of Faith

Tha Dizzle points out the serious problems with the New Atheists, who are belatedly realising that Christian morality is better than any other kind:

Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms and Al-Fadi from CIRA International continue to examine the Sana’a Palimpsest and analyse the implications it has for the Izzlamist narrative:

Christian Prince shreds through Izzlamist claims about being “peaceful” when dealing with a very nasty Muzzie:

Sam Shamoun smashes through Izzlamist unscientific fraudulent nonsense about the origins of the Universe supposedly being found in the Koran:

Manly Men of Manliness

Terrence Popp unpacks Steven Crowder’s divorce, which looks like a truly awful train crash:

Joker from Better Bachelor has his way with Australia’s most ridiculous hot-mess, Jana Hocking, and her latest round of blithering idiocy:

hoe_math mansplains the very different types of value that men and women bring to the table:

Burn Paedowood to the Ground

Midnight’s Edge reports on the latest insane idea from the House of the Devil Mouse:

Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock reports on the extreme damage done to the Star Trek brand by Paramount:

Gary from Nerdrotic tries to figure out what Disney is up to with the idea of a female Silver Surfer reboot:

The Critical Drinker punked us BUT GOOD on April 1st:

Reading Too Much Into Things

Your Science is F***ing Weird moment of the week is from Dawn Pine, and looks at how you can seriously mess with generative AI prompts:

Data poisoning attacks manipulate training data to introduce unexpected behaviors into machine learning models at training time. For text-to-image generative models with massive training datasets, current understanding of poisoning attacks suggests that a successful attack would require injecting millions of poison samples into their training pipeline. In this paper, we show that poisoning attacks can be successful on generative models. We observe that training data per concept can be quite limited in these models, making them vulnerable to prompt-specific poisoning attacks, which target a model’s ability to respond to individual prompts.

We introduce Nightshade, an optimized prompt-specific poisoning attack where poison samples look visually identical to benign images with matching text prompts. Nightshade poison samples are also optimized for potency and can corrupt an Stable Diffusion SDXL prompt in <100 poison samples. Nightshade poison effects “bleed through” to related concepts, and multiple attacks can composed together in a single prompt. Surprisingly, we show that a moderate number of Nightshade attacks can destabilize general features in a text-to-image generative model, effectively disabling its ability to generate meaningful images. Finally, we propose the use of Nightshade` and similar tools as a last defense for content creators against web scrapers that ignore opt-out/do-not-crawl directives, and discuss possible implications for model trainers and content creators.

And here is a tl;dr article that sort of breaks it all down for us:

Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a technique that can “poison” generative text-to-image machine learning models such as Stable Diffusion XDSL and OpenAI’s Dall-E when they scrape the internet for training images. And it can do it with as few as 100 poisoned images, they said.

The tool, dubbed Nightshade, has implications for publishers, filmmakers, museums, art departments, educators, and artists wanting to protect their works against generative AI companies violating their copyrights.

University of Chicago computer science department researchers Shawn Shan, Wenxin Ding, Josephine Passananti, Haitao Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao have published their paper, “Prompt-Specific Poisoning Attacks on Text-to-Image Generative Models” for peer review.

Earlier this year, the same team released the free open source software, Glaze, which allows image makers to “cloak” their works in a style different from their own, preventing an AI from stealing the original image, researchers said in an FAQ.

The poisoning attacks on generative AI are prompt-specific, researchers said, and target a model’s ability to respond to individual prompts. Further, because a doctored image contains specific but random poisoned pixels, it becomes nearly impossible to be detected as any different from the original and thus corrected.

“Surprisingly, we show that a moderate number of Nightshade attacks can destabilize general features in a text-to-image generative model, effectively disabling its ability to generate meaningful images,” they said.

In addition, Nightshade prompt samples can “bleed through” to similar prompts. For example, the prompt “fantasy art” can also poison the prompts “dragon” and fantasy artist “Michael Whelan.” Multiple Nightshade poison prompts can be stacked into a single prompt, with cumulative effect — when enough of these attacks are deployed, it can collapse the image generation model’s function altogether.

“Moving forward, it is possible poison attacks may have potential value as tools to encourage model trainers and content owners to negotiate a path towards licensed procurement of training data for future models,” the researchers conclude.

Your long read of the week is a piece from Joseph Kay about how virtue-signalling Whites make life much worse for themselves by insisting on electing and hiring Wakandans:

Blacks are not unique in using elections to create environments that reflect preferences that contrast sharply with American society more generally. The small town of Kiryas Joel in upstate New York, has a population of 20,000, almost entirely ultra-orthodox Jews from the Satmar sect. This group originally lived in Brooklyn, NY, then many moved upstate to Monroe, NY. In 2018, they exercised their political influence to start an entirely new town with its own officials, including a town court. Though there are regular elections, everything is controlled by religious leaders, making it a de facto theocracy. Very few residents speak English at home, and it has the highest poverty rate of any town in America — but virtually no crime. During the pandemic, the school district also got $94,000 per student in federal aid, though learning is devoted almost entirely to study of the Torah and Talmud.

What many Americans think of as “dysfunctional” black cities is consistent with the world-wide decolonization that began in the late 1950s. Millions of Africans and Asians ousted their colonial rulers in favor of self-rule. Though locals might have had qualms about replacing the British or the Dutch, the desire to be ruled by people like themselves was stronger. Blacks in Gary, IN, Jackson, MS, and similar cities may be thinking the same way: Yes, the economy may collapse, but that is less important than cultural autonomy.

Building a community around a single culture — black, Appalachian, or Orthodox Jewish — is like a lab experiment. Outcomes reflect the group, and this is equally true in Stockbridge, MA, and Jackson, MS. I argue that these outcomes better reflect what the group really wants, and are far more accurate than the results of preference polling (“Do you want good schools?”).

Understanding what people really want has major implications for public policy. First, it avoids the cliché, “We are all the same and all want the same things” invariably trotted out to justify expensive government expansion into every corner of life. Yes, all people want less crime, but at what cost? Voters get what they want. Actions speak loader than words.

Sharp group differences in preference ordering and tolerance of costs suggest there should be political separation. To be sure, many communities have divergent voter preferences and can reach compromises, but this is not inherent to democracy. Differences may be intractable. Everything depends on the details, and it is foolish to wonder, “Why can’t we all get along?” Sometimes, the best solution to domestic strife is divorce.

A national divorce in America would indeed be a very good thing. Blacks have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of running their own lives and cities – see e.g. Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Newark, etc. etc. ad nauseam et infinitum.

And Whites have shown themselves utterly incapable of changing the situation in any meaningful way.

So, why not simply separate? Let the 13% of America that is Black, go its own way, peacefully and easily, and let the White majority continue doing what it wants in its own corner.

The alternative to a peaceful, but ugly, dissolution of a long-standing “marriage”, is open war, with horrendous losses on both sides.

Linkage is good for you:

And some more from Dawn Pine:


The Neo-Tsar is, among many other things, actually quite a comedian:

HALO Nation

Slayergod Remy aka MintBlitz does his thing:


Scholar’s Lore explains how the Primarchs came to be:

Mad Man! Crazy Man!! BATTY-MAN!!!

MojoPlays ranks the top Arkhamverse boss fights:

Jeepers Creepers

This week’s horror show is from The Male Brain, and is about a woman who was buried alive, and then was dug out, with scenes reminiscent of the most pants-wetting moments from old vampire films:

Creature Features

What Lurks Beneath talks ALIENS:

Oh No! Anyway…

Wazzocks gonna wazzock:

Comedy Hour

Meme Warfare

We begin, as usual, with some dank memes from Dawn Pine:

Been there. Can confirm
My Boomers parents actually went along with me to see it
Leftist logic
Still true

[CAN. CONFIRM. – Didact]

What punk? What Rock? they have been “dead” since beginning of the millennium
Sounds about right
Also sounds about right
Yep, that too
Good. Now we are all on the same track.
True that
That’s brutal, man
As we stated on this blog: Micro-Evolution is real

[Fun fact: the best way to make a Great White Shark shit itself, is to bring a Killer Whale along with you as a bodyguard. No, seriously. An Orca will literally rip the liver straight out of a Great White, and then pin it down just to dick with it as it drowns. – Didact]

Leftist logic take 2
You want to shoot? Shoot, don’t eat.
Dude ALWAYS has a point
Been there

[Yep. Literally me about 95% of the time my phone rings. – Didact]

And now, as LRFotS RobertW likes to say:

Never date a girl with no tits. Just don’t. Life is NOT better with them.
See e.g. RUSSIA
OK, THAT would be HYSTERICALLY funny
Agreed – but for Jesus Christ, not Odin and Thor
Your proposal is acceptable
Very much the kinds of “not dudes” we all like to see
To be fair, it has gotten much easier over the last 10 years, ever since the most idiotic Izzlamist “arguments” for their fake religion have been exposed and debunked

Animal Planet

Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:

And also your animals are absolute DICKS moment of the week, to balance things out:


Gym beast props this week go to Jamal Browner:

Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs

They See Me Rollin’…

Palate Cleansers

Axe Me Anything

Knives Out


Guitar Heroics


Mighty Wings


Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods

Also Einstein: “I fear that someday people will post my pic on the Internet with bogus made-up quotations in Comic Sans font”

Given the theme of this poast, the next song seems highly apropos:

And given the North Americans saw a total eclipse of the Sun on the 8th, this one seems even more fitting:

Rock Out With Your Glock Out

Thot Shots

Finally, here is your Instathot for the (mid-)week. This here is a suggestion from The Male Brain, going by the name of Eduarda Marques, age 20, from Brazil, and the only reason she graces this page is because she acquired the nickname, “Cocaine Barbie”, after revealing a big stash of drugs by accident on one of her videos.

As you can imagine, given that introduction, this is not a girl you introduce to your mother. And that’s BEFORE we get to

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    You’ll be happy to know that this post reliably crashes my iPhone 15 nowadays (I get the “a problem repeatedly occurred on…” error). I view this as a feature, not a bug.

    This might be the first thot you’ve posted that I’ve gotten little sister vibes from. I define that as a girl who provokes my protector instinct over my animal lust one.

  2. furor kek tonicus ( when asked to choose between Ginger or MaryAnn, i always say, "Lovey". with a nickname like that, she obviously knows what she's doing )

    in comparison to the Tupolev:
    the B-52 BUFF / Stratofortress went into service in 1952 and is planned to be active service into the 2050s.
    in consideration of the THOT:
    arm tats? nope.
    safety pin in her lip? why?
    and 50% of her thigh cellulite needs to be transplanted to her boobs where it could do something useful … like let the boobs keep her belly button warm. if this is what she looks like ~20 i’m betting her body is going to be 3/4 booty by the time she’s 30. paging Sir Mixalot.

    • Bardelys the Magnificent

      She’s at least as thick as she is stupid.

  3. JohnC911

    “So, why not simply separate? Let the 13% of America that is Black, go its own way, peacefully and easily, and let the White majority continue doing what it wants in its own corner.”

    While I agree Didactic on the need to separate, it is not working. I don’t think giving them land in the States will work, better to ship them back to Africa (sounds harsh and logistic nightmare to pull off). It is the same thing here in Australia with the Aboriginals (which are Native) the problem is that say you give them say the District of Columbia (48.9% of it is Black).

    The Problem is that will either collapse in Warlords and tribes as Haiti and the violence will come across the border and so will the refugees, or they will build a military and attack their neighbor states. The states around them will have to to invade them to stop the warlords (or other groups like terrorist and Mafia) and worse if they build a military to attack. Other way is to paid a Warlord or military leader to oppress their people and build a wall to keep them out. Suppress any media or news outlets in your own state that try to convince your state to take these people in and/or object to paying for corrupt leaders.
    The other thing might be a force Vasectomy and tubal ligation on the most criminal and violent of their members. I agree with doing this to actually rapist and worse (ones that do this to children)

    What are your thoughts? Maybe I am over thinking it.

    • furor kek tonicus

      but the problem is that the blacks will never leave of their own accord. the whites are where all the gibsmedats come from.
      you think a black society is going to have universal Obamaphones? charged up EBT cards? working utilities?
      blacks might not be as smart enough to not kill the goose, but they are definitely smart enough to know that the goose is laying golden eggs.

    • Didact

      You raise good points. White Flight is always followed by Black Migration – every time Whites leave for “good schools” and “safe neighbourhoods”, Blacks inevitably ruin their own cities and towns, and then follow Whites to their new destinations. It is an entirely predictable and unsurprising pattern.

      My personal preference would be peaceful, voluntary segregation, in which a White-majority government agrees with the Black-minority leadership on establishing specific lands and reservations, set aside entirely for Blacks, where they can live and rule themselves, and with special rights and dispensations, such as zero income taxes and special economic zones. This would operate similarly to how the Indian reservations do now.

      It is, of course, politically out of the question for the moment – not least because the Indian reservations are the poorest places in America. It will take years of additional damage and the inevitable, and frankly dangerous, growth of White Nationalism (which is an illogical and foolish thing to begin with, since race is a subset of nation, not the other way around), before this idea becomes anywhere near mainstream. But a peaceful and reasonably equitable divorce is entirely preferable to bloody and terrible violence – which is what WILL happen when, not if, we get the Second Civil War in the FUSA.

      • JohnC911

        Yeah it is one of those things that no matter how logical the plan is or the leader. People will choose what they feel in the moment. Sometimes it takes extreme change such as War, famine or even a depression to force people to switch to the radical position.

        What are your thoughts on Fear base, Shame base and Guilt base cultures as the reason why the mixing is almost impossible?

        The map by Whatifalthist on Guilt base, shame base and fear base cultures

        Guilt Base cultures are most common in the West due to Christianity, Greek Philosophy and the European people. The idea of doing good and not doing bad even if no one see because it is not the right thing to do. It might because God does see it but honestly is in part due to generations of genetic breeding due to ancestors that following Christ
        Shame base is the norm especially in Asia and the Middle East. The primary motivations is not being an outcast in the collected group and not bring shame to the family as the reason to do good and not be caught doing evil (or corrupt)
        Fear base cultures only fear getting caught and the punishment that they might receive. Such as getting a hand chop off for stealing.

        If a person only motived by Fear is in a Guilt base society. That person will not respect and not feel Guilt (or that matter Shame) for the crimes committed. You can not treat them the same way a Guilt base culture, the idea of repentance, well you need the person to both understanding the crime (and/or Sin) and feel remorse about what they have done. It will mean that either the Guilt base society has to kick these people out or it will change to a Fear base culture.
        The most dangerous part having people that are Fear base in a Guilt base society is the ones that mimic feeling Guilt without actually feeling guilt, even if they do not commit crimes.

        Different problems of a Shame base person entering a Guilt base society. The Guilt base culture will have to change or kick them out. An example was culture problems was during WW2 Americans dealing with Japanese soldiers. Many of the Japanese soldiers killed themselves after being captured but the reverse was that the Japanese’s treated the US (and other Allied forces) brutal.

        The same could be said of a Shame base culture having a Fear base person in their society, though this is often not as much of a problem since the shame base people do not interact with a Fear base person who has committed a cultural sin and will act as an collective if the fear base person or people comit too many crimes to drive them out. This is unless the numbers of Fear base people are large enough, powerful or in position of power.
        I think of the millions of Africans coming to Japan to work will force change.


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