“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Monday morning turkey curries

by | Dec 26, 2023 | Mondays | 3 comments

Before anyway jumps on his high horse and points out the blindingly obvious, yes, of course today is Tuesday, and I am well aware of that fact. This one is deliberately late, and with good reason. Seeing as how yesterday was Christmas, it seems somehow unfitting to trivialise the glory of Our Lord’s birth with the usual collection of geopolitical analysis, meme dumps, comic relief, and assorted thots.

There is nothing in the fine print that I can see, however, about the day AFTER Christmas.

So here we are, with the Great Mondaydact Browser Killer, on a Tuesday, just to change things up a bit. And this is, of course, the very last one for the entire year of 2023 – because the next time you see one of these, it will be the very first day of 2024, and we will need to start figuring out how to crush all over again.

In the meantime, let us try to understand our British friends when they use today to create something quite bizarre, called “turkey curry”.

This is apparently a tradition over in Ye Olde PommieBastardLande, and I have never, ever been able to figure out why. I happen to know a thing or three about curries – I do not particularly like them, personally, but they are nice to indulge in once in a while – and I can say with supreme confidence that never ONCE did anyone who came up with the concept of a curry, ever imagine putting a turkey in the pot.

This is because the parts of the world whence curry originates, are not the parts frequented by turkeys. Therefore, they do not generally fit into the taste palate associated with curry.

Seeing as all of this is a great oddity, let us therefore attempt to shed some light on an otherwise unfathomable situation.

They seem to have missed the fact that roughly 3% of India has relocated to Britain, thereby turning the former coloniser into a de facto colony itself

So apparently, turkey curry is just a great way to use up leftovers and combine two great British institutions into one.

Which really leads one to ask: how in God’s Name did these people EVER conquer most of the known world?!?!?!?!?

The Mighty God-Emperor

His Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him, is not in the least bit impressed by the attempts of the Colorado Supreme Court to stop him from becoming POTUS again:

#BasedTucker is Based

Dawn of Battle

The Male Brain has lots of great material for us on this last week of 2023. We start with a good one about “true” socialism from The Why Minutes, featuring Nick Freitas, who for some reason decided to rid himself of his epic beard:

No beard? Weak tea, bro.

But otherwise absolutely spot-on.

Sticking to the “socialists are classless idiots” theme, here is the great Thomas Sowell, who is still somehow alive and kicking at 93 (!!!!!!), explaining why intellectuals love socialism as a theory and concept – but are totally useless at handling its realities:

Someone quoted Orwell in the comments to that video, noting that some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual can believe in them. Having been around more than my fair share of intellectuals in my life, I can only agree.

American Rewind looks back at how far and fast civilisation has advanced over the past 100 years, by reviewing how things USED to be back in the early 20th Century:

Keep in mind, Americans were responsible for many, if not most, of the advances that made our current industrial civilisation possible.

And they are also the ones most busily invested in tearing it down – while the Russians and Chinese are now the ones making the greatest strides in innovation, technology, and industry.

That’s irony for you.

And speaking of formerly great nations – thejuicemedia explains the extreme levels of government dysfunction in PommieBastardLande right now:

It has been a while since we saw some Ryan George around these parts:

Mind-Expanding Drugs

If you have ever wanted to know what it feels like to be Magneto, then Magnetic Games has you covered:

Death Smiles At Us All…

Poli-Ticking Off

Mark Dice goes over the latest developments in the War on Christmas (which, by the way, we are winning – the pasty-faced atheists still have no clue that Christianity always thrives the most when it is under the greatest persecution):

The very-thoroughly-married couple at Redacted analyse the possibilities of war with Iran, alongside Maj. Scott Ritter:


Lord Razor of the Fist Clan

Rulings from the Bench

Judge Nap hit his goal of 250K subscribers by Christmas, several days in advance, in no small part because of the superb panel of guests he routinely features. We start with LTC Tony Shaffer, who looks at the year in review, and the disasters of Ukraine and Gaza for the respective parties involved:

Alistair Crooke laments the collapse of American diplomacy:

Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern talk turkey, just before eating it, about the colossal intelligenc failures we have seen this past year:

Дед Сварливый Говорит!

Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about the astonishing lack of competence and numeracy among Western so-called “generals”:


Ania Konieczek interviews Maj. Scott Ritter – who immediately starts off by calling Hummus “heroes”, which I think calls his temperament and judgement into serious question:

Timeo Danaos Et Donna Ferentes…

The good gentlemen of The Duran discuss the serious damage the upcoming Russian offensive, and ensuing Ukrainian collapse and unconditional surrender, will do to the collective West – because the Russians are in absolutely no mood to compromise or be kind:

The Bald Truth

Brian Berletic of The New Atlas is not impressed by the latest Khreat Khokholite Khrumpin’ plan:

Bad Medicine

Dr. John Campbell offers sound advice about using Vitamin A through your foods to boost your immune system this winter:

Dr. Suneel Dhand tells you how to tackle allergies using ginger:

Warriors of Faith

Tha Dizzle manages to bring all three great faiths together, in a way only a true psychopath could manage:

Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms and Al-Fadi from CIRA International point out some harsh truths about the Koran that Muzzies really will not want to hear:

Christian Prince is having a right royal time smashing through Izzlamist nonsense live on air as we approach the New Year:

Sam Shamoun explains that the Izzlamic moon-god actually has a god over himself – using Izzlam’s own texts:

Manly Men of Manliness

Terrence Popp has an important, indeed potentially life-saving, message for the blue-pillers out there:

Joker from Better Bachelor nearly spits his morning coffee out over his keyboard at the blithering stupidity of an Aussie proper garden tool who slept with 300 people (not just men, PEOPLE) in one year, and whose total body count is at least 312:

Given how thoroughly others have ploughed that particular furrow, it is EXTREMELY unlikely to bear any kind of good fruit.

Burn Paedowood to the Ground

Midnight’s Edge notes the activist investor sharks have scented blood in the waters around Mickey, and are ready to pounce:

Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock ruminates on the same issue, albeit with a lot more mustard:

Gary from Nerdrotic was not at all impressed by Rebel Moon, which is apparently Zack Snyder’s idea of what a STAR WARS movie should look like, just without the fun and wonder:

The Critical Drinker watched Rebel Moon, so you didn’t have to:

Reading Too Much Into Things

Your Science is F***ing Weird moment of the week looks at new research that apparently debunks the notion your body can only process 20g of protein at a time – the latest data suggest there is no real upper limit to how much protein you can consume, provided you exercise enough to metabolise it into muscle growth:

We know, we know, the idea that there is a 20 gram protein absorption limit has long been debunked. While we may know better, the idea that ‘any gram of protein consumed over 20 grams will go to waste’ still circulates. As well as this, past studies have shown that 20 grams of protein is sufficient to support muscle growth.

However, new evidence further supports the idea that there is no upper limit to our protein absorption post-resistance training. Therefore refuting the idea that we should be meticulously splitting our protein throughout the day and instead, aiming for a total protein goal for the day, split in a way that is most practical for our lifestyles.

But don’t rush to chug your protein shakes all in one go, we still need to put in the graft on the gym floor to make our meals turn to muscle.

Your long read of the week is from The Male Brain, and looks at how those who advocate for human rights, are now the ones arguing most vociferously against the Israeli government, which according to Jews makes them highly anti-Semitic:

Antisemitism has evolved through a breathtaking dialectical leap: It is now conveyed through the lingo of human rights. This is how a host of liberals and progressives—many of them Jews—have been seduced into supporting NGOs that claim to promote human rights, but are in fact promoting a racist view of the Jewish people. They do so by singling out the Jews as the one people not partaking in the universal right to self-determination, and Israel alone among the nations as the one state which has no right to exist. Singling out the Jews for special hostile treatment is, of course, the very definition of antisemitism.

How has this old-new antisemitism become a legitimate, even respectable position once again? And how did the idea of human rights, which purports to serve as a universal standard, get distorted so badly as to yield an argument for the targeting and exclusion of Jews?

One part of the answer is that academia and the media have created an Industry of Lies, as the title of Israeli leftist journalist Ben-Dror Yemini’s book accurately called it. By using gross double standards, this industry portrays Israel as a uniquely monstrous violator of human rights. The world’s actual egregious violators of human rights—such as China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and most of Israel’s neighbors—don’t receive a fraction of the moralizing attention that Israel gets.

But that is not the whole story. Another part of the answer lies in the way the human rights agenda has been channeled globally into undermining national democracies in general. This trend usually presents itself as a critique of nationalism, understood by the global left as proto-fascism permanently poised to break into actual fascism at any moment. The argument is admittedly catchy: If nationalism is particularistic and exclusive, then human rights, which are universal, are the answer. Catchy, that is, only if you conceive of nationalism as a “negation of others,” as opposed to the particular manifestation of a universal right to national self-determination.

What is more troubling is that behind the declared critique of nationalism lies the undeclared attack on democracy. Because to “transcend” nationalism is to “transcend” the nation-state. When those nation-states are democracies, that means “transcending” democracy too. It means undermining the one effective framework by which citizens exercise political control over their common fate. Imposing a universal regime of human rights from above, through international institutions, is therefore a direct attack on the right to elect the government under which one lives—a right which is the single most effective check against tyranny, and therefore the linchpin of liberty and all other human and civil rights.

Both parts of the answer—the demonization of Israel and the attack on democracy—were clearly manifest in the Durban conference of 2001, beginning with its Orwellian title: World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. The conference turned into a festival of blood libels against the Jewish nation-state—in the name of tolerance, of course. But it also exhibited the rising trend of using the idea of human rights to undermine democracy.

John Fonte was the first to point out, a year after the conference, that the new transnational globalist agenda was utilizing the United Nations and the conference to undermine the principle of government by the consent of the governed. Forty-seven American human rights activists, Fonte noted, sent a petition to the UN’s high commissioner for human rights, under the title “A Call to Action to the United Nations.” The petition demanded that the U.N. impose on the U.S. an agenda that the U.S. government rejected. Fonte went on to write a landmark book, Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?, detailing the many ways in which new globalist elites are bypassing democratic sovereignty in pursuit of policies that the citizens of democratic nation-states have not consented to.

The case of Israel is most instructive because the general trend of anti-democratic liberalism acquires special poignancy in the one instance where a nation-state’s very right to exist is being questioned. The effort to undermine the Jewish nation-state does not therefore need to camouflage itself. It can be explicit about both its aim and its means: the destruction of Israel in the name of human rights.

I do not necessarily agree with this take. I believe you can legitimately criticise the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza – as I do – without being anti-Semitic, but I also think the article raises a very good point about the amount of moralising people do over Israel’s approach to dealing with the Pali-Walis. It is hypocritical, to say the least, given what the Jordanians and Saudis do.

Linkage is good for you:

And some more from Dawn Pine:


The Neo-Tsar continues his ABSURDLY busy schedule as the year closes out, by christening two new ships for the Russian Navy:

HALO Nation

Slayergod Remy aka MintBlitz does his thing in the most outrageous way possible:


Scholar’s Lore explains the inscrutable mysteries of the Necron dynasties:

Oh No! Anyway…

Wazzocks gonna wazzock:

Comedy Hour

Nor do most of us…

Meme Warfare

We start with some dank memes from Dawn Pine:

I’m not sure how much you need to drink
Nailed it
Never happened to me
It has been a while
True that
BOOOO Harvard
My analysis: High on the HOT-CRAZY scale, but with the right opinion

[I put it to my Telegram readers this way a few days ago, on the exact same story – “Wife material? Or Cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs-Crazy? We report, you decide.” The response from one of my readers was even more hilarious – “I know about ‘Don’t stick your dick in CRAZY’, but I also know she is MY kind of crazy.” – Didact]

There us no such thing as “Subjective Truth”
True that
Can’t confirm, but makes sense
Yes, Let’s show
It’s not the 69th, it’s less
This maybe the 69th time in a row it happens
Logic doesn’t work on Muslims
Good call
It is estimated that 40% of their GDP went down the drain (pun intended)
Yes, do tell
Second that
Just because it is a new year doesn’t mean you are new. 
What do you mean “some”? “ALL”
Not my plans
That sounds like a plan

And now, as LRFotS RobertW would say:

Oh if only…

Animal Planet

Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:

And also your animals are absolute DICKS moment of the week, to balance things out:


Gym beast props this week go to Jamal Browner:

Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs

They See Me Rollin’…

Palate Cleansers

Axe Me Anything



Mighty Wings


Gingervitis Injections

Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods

Rock Out With Your Glock Out

Hot Totty

OK, lads, here it is, the very last Monday thot for 2023. This here is Alina something-or-other, age 35 from Moscow, Russia. She is definitely at least 35% plastic, too, and, as such, will help us close out 2023 with a bang (as it were).

Right, that’s all, back to your Tums and Advil now, boys.

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  1. furor kek tonicus ( when asked to choose between Ginger or MaryAnn, i always say, "Lovey". with a nickname like that, she obviously knows what she's doing )

    “So here we are, with the Great Mondaydact Browser Killer, on a Tuesday, just to change things up a bit.”
    tsk, tsk, now we’re transitioning days of the week?

  2. Himself

    I think every culture has some sort of dish where the leftover meat is immersed in a sauce of some sort. Just like every culture has some iteration of chicken and rice.

    Far as Turkey goes, I can take it or leave it. After throat cancer, I find it tough to eat. That said, turkey (over rice) is better with a roux based sauce cooked with a classic mirepoix and herbs.

  3. Ned

    Netanyahooo is scared shitless. His body language wreaks of fear. Good.


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