Well, Monday is actually almost over where I am, and it has been an exceptionally busy day doing… research, honestly. Though, given the way I tend to go about researching things – i.e., down to the nth degree – it is not perhaps surprising that I ended up getting a little too carried away with the work.
None of that takes away from the fact that the weekend was way too damn short. I did, however, manage to go see Mission: Impossible 7, which was OUTSTANDING and thoroughly recommended.
Seeing as it is Monday, let us crack on with getting the week off to the right and proper start.
This week’s theme comes to us courtesy of our good friend, The Male Brain, and concerns the legendary Simon Bolivar. Take it away, buddy:
Simón Bolívar (born July 24, 1783, Caracas, Venezuela, New Granada [now in Venezuela]—died December 17, 1830, near Santa Marta, Colombia), Venezuelan soldier and statesman who led the revolutions against Spanish rule in the Viceroyalty of New Granada. He was president of Gran Colombia (1819–30) and dictator of Peru (1823–26).
The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat of Spanish descent, Bolívar was born to wealth and position. His father died when the boy was three years old, and his mother died six years later, after which his uncle administered his inheritance and provided him with tutors. One of those tutors, Simón Rodríguez, was to have a deep and lasting effect on him. Rodríguez, a disciple of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, introduced Bolívar to the world of 18th-century liberal thought.
At the age of 16, Bolívar was sent to Europe to complete his education. For three years he lived in Spain, and in 1801 he married the daughter of a Spanish nobleman, with whom he returned to Caracas. The young bride died of yellow fever less than a year after their marriage. Bolívar believed that her tragic death was the reason that he took up a political career while still a young man.
In 1804, when Napoleon I was approaching the pinnacle of his career, Bolívar returned to Europe. In Paris, under the renewed guidance of his friend and tutor Rodríguez, he steeped himself in the writings of European rationalist thinkers such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Georges-Louis Leclerc, count de Buffon, Jean le Rond d’Alembert, and Claude-Adrien Helvétius, as well as Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. The latter two had the deepest influence on his political life, but Voltaire coloured his philosophy of life. In Paris he met the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt, who had just returned from his voyage through Hispanic America and told Bolívar that he believed the Spanish colonies were ripe for independence. That idea took root in Bolívar’s imagination, and, on a trip to Rome with Rodríguez, as they stood on the heights of Monte Sacro, he made a vow to liberate his country.
One other experience enriched his intellect at that time: he watched the extraordinary performance that culminated in Napoleon’s coronation in 1804 as emperor of the French. Bolívar’s reaction to the coronation wavered between admiration of the accomplishments of a single man and revulsion at Napoleon’s betrayal of the ideals of the French Revolution. The desire for glory was one of the permanent traits in Bolívar’s character, and there can be little doubt that it was stimulated by Napoleon.
The Latin American independence movement was launched a year after Bolívar’s return, as Napoleon’s invasion of Spain unsettled Spanish authority. Napoleon also failed completely in his attempt to gain the support of the Spanish colonies, which claimed the right to nominate their own officials. Following the example of the mother country, they wished to establish juntas to rule in the name of the deposed Spanish king. Many of the Spanish settlers, however, saw in those events an opportunity to sever their ties with Spain. Bolívar himself participated in various conspiratorial meetings, and on April 19, 1810, the Spanish governor was officially deprived of his powers and expelled from Venezuela. A junta took over. To obtain help, Bolívar was sent on a mission to London, where he arrived in July. His assignment was to explain to England the plight of the revolutionary colony, to gain recognition for it, and to obtain arms and support. Although he failed in his official negotiations, his English sojourn was in other respects a fruitful one. It gave him an opportunity to study the institutions of the United Kingdom, which remained for him models of political wisdom and stability..
Venezuela was in ferment. In March 1811 a national congress met in Caracas to draft a constitution. Bolívar, though not a delegate, threw himself into the debate that aroused the country. In the first public speech of his career, he declared, “Let us lay the cornerstone of American freedom without fear. To hesitate is to perish.” After long deliberation, the national assembly declared Venezuela’s independence on July 5, 1811. Bolívar now entered the army of the young republic, whose commander in chief was Miranda, and was placed in charge of Puerto Cabello, a port on the Caribbean Sea west of Caracas that was vital to Venezuela. In the short time since their London meeting, he and Miranda had drifted apart. Miranda called Bolívar a “dangerous youth,” and Bolívar had misgivings about the aging general’s abilities. Treasonable action by one of Bolívar’s officers opened the fortress to the Spanish forces, and Miranda, the commander in chief, entered into negotiations with the Spanish commander in chief. An armistice was signed (July 1812) that left the entire country at the mercy of Spain. Miranda was turned over to the Spaniards—after Bolívar and others prevented his escape from Venezuela—and spent the rest of his life in Spanish dungeons.
Determined to continue the struggle, Bolívar obtained a passport to leave the country and went to Cartagena in New Granada. There he published the first of his great political statements, El manifiesto de Cartagena (“The Cartagena Manifesto”), in which he attributed the fall of Venezuela’s First Republic to the lack of strong government and called for a united revolutionary effort to destroy the power of Spain in the Americas.
With backing from the patriots of New Granada, Bolívar led an expeditionary force to retake Venezuela. In a sweeping hard-fought campaign, he vanquished the royalists in six pitched battles and on August 6, 1813, entered Caracas. He was given the title of Liberator and assumed political dictatorship. The majority of the people of Venezuela were hostile to the forces of independence and weary of the sacrifices imposed. A cruel civil war broke out. In 1814 Bolívar was once more defeated by the Spanish, who had converted the llaneros (cowboys) led by José Tomás Boves into an undisciplined but savagely effective cavalry that Bolívar was unable to repulse. Bolívar fled to New Granada, where he was commissioned in Cartagena to oust a separatist faction from Bogotá (now in Colombia) and succeeded in doing so. He then laid siege to Cartagena but failed to unite the revolutionary forces and fled to Jamaica.
In exile, Bolívar turned his energies toward gaining support from Great Britain, and, in an effort to convince the British people of their stake in the freedom of the Spanish colonies, he wrote the greatest document of his career: La carta de Jamaica (“The Letter from Jamaica”), in which he outlined a grandiose panorama from Chile and Argentina to Mexico. “The bonds,” wrote Bolívar, “that united us to Spain have been severed.” He was not dismayed that the Spaniards had in certain instances won the upper hand. “A people that love freedom will in the end be free. We are,” he said proudly, “a microcosm of the human race. We are a world apart, confined within two oceans, young in arts and sciences, but old as a human society. We are neither Indians nor Europeans, yet we are a part of each.” He proposed constitutional republics throughout Hispanic America, and for the former Viceroyalty of New Granada he envisioned a government modeled on that of Great Britain, with a hereditary upper house, an elected lower house, and a president chosen for life. The last provision, to which Bolívar clung throughout his career, constituted the most dubious feature of his political thinking.
By 1815, Spain had sent to its seditious colonies the strongest expeditionary force that had ever crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Its commander was Pablo Morillo. Since neither Great Britain nor the United States would promise aid, Bolívar turned to Haiti, which had recently freed itself from French rule. There he was given a friendly reception as well as money and weapons.
In 1817 he engaged the services of several thousand foreign soldiers and officers, mostly British and Irish, established his capital at Angostura (now Ciudad Bolívar), began to publish a newspaper, and established a liaison with the revolutionary forces of the plains, including one group led by José Antonio Páez and another group led by Francisco de Paula Santander. In spring 1819 he conceived his master plan of attacking the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
Bolívar’s attack on New Granada is considered one of the most daring in military history. The route of the small army (about 2,500 men, including the British legion) led through the plains, but it was the rainy season, and the rivers had become lakes. For seven days, according to one of Bolívar’s aides, they marched in water up to their waists. Ten navigable rivers were crossed, most of them in cowhide boats. The journey through the plains seemed child’s play, however, in comparison with their ascent of the Andes Mountains that stood between Bolívar and the city of Bogotá. Bolívar had chosen to cross the cordillera at the pass of Pisba, which the Spanish considered an inconceivable approach. An icy wind blew across the heights of the pass, and many of the scantily clad troops died of cold and exposure. The fatigue and loss, however, were more than outweighed by the advantage gained in descending unopposed into New Granada. The Spaniards were taken by surprise, and in the crucial Battle of Boyacá on August 7, 1819, the bulk of the royalist army surrendered to Bolívar. Three days later he entered Bogotá. That action was the turning point in the history of northern South America.
Indefatigably, Bolívar set out to complete his task. He appointed Santander vice president in charge of the administration and in December 1819 made his appearance before the congress that had assembled in Angostura. Bolívar was made president and military dictator. He urged the legislators to proclaim the creation of a new state; three days later the Republic of Colombia, usually called Gran Colombia, was established, comprising the three departments of New Granada (now the countries of Colombia and Panama), Venezuela, and Quito (Ecuador). Since most of that territory was still under royalist control, it was largely a paper achievement. Bolívar knew, however, that victory was finally within his grasp. Early in 1820 a revolution in Spain forced the Spanish king, Ferdinand VII, to recognize the ideals of liberalism on the home front, an action that discouraged the Spanish forces in South America.
Bolívar found it easy, with his superior manpower, to defeat the Spanish forces in Venezuela. The Battle of Carabobo (June 1821) opened the gates of Caracas, and Bolívar’s Venezuelan homeland was at last free. In the autumn of the same year, a congress convened in Cúcuta to draft a constitution for Gran Colombia. Although he had been elected president, he thought the constitution was too liberal in character to guarantee the survival of his creation. As long as more-urgent assignments claimed his attention, however, he was willing to put up with its weak structure. Putting the administration in Santander’s hands, he left to continue his military campaign.
The effort to liberate Ecuador lasted about a year. Bolívar was assisted by the most brilliant of his officers, Antonio José de Sucre. While Bolívar engaged the Spaniards in the mountains that defended the northern access to Quito, capital of Ecuador, Sucre marched from the Pacific Ocean coast to the interior. At Pichincha on May 24, 1822, he won a victory that freed Ecuador from the Spanish yoke. On the following day the capital fell, and Bolívar joined forces with Sucre on June 16.
It was in Quito that the Liberator met the great passion of his life, Manuela Sáenz. She was an ardent revolutionary who freely admitted her love for Bolívar and accompanied him first to Peru and ultimately to the presidential palace in Bogotá.
The territory of Gran Colombia had now been completely recovered from Spain, and its new government was recognized by the United States. Only Peru and Upper Peru remained in the hands of the Spaniards. It was the Peruvian problem that brought Bolívar and the Argentine revolutionary José de San Martín together. San Martín had done for the southern part of the continent what Bolívar had accomplished for the north. In addition, San Martín had already entered Lima and proclaimed Peru’s independence. But the Spanish forces had retreated into the highlands, and San Martín, unable to follow them, decided to consult with Bolívar. On July 26, 1822, the two men met in the port city of Guayaquil, Ecuador (the Guayaquil Conference). Details of their discussions are not known, but presumably they covered completion of the military struggle in Peru as well as the subsequent organization of liberated Hispanic America. San Martín must have understood that Bolívar alone combined the military, political, and psychological assets needed to gain final victory over the powerful Spanish army in the highlands. Given the situation in Lima, where he faced mounting opposition, San Martín’s presence there could only hinder the performance of that task. On his return from Guayaquil, San Martín resigned his office in Lima and went into exile, allowing Bolívar to assume sole direction of the war.
The avenue that would lead to Bolívar’s ultimate ambition was now open. In September 1823 he arrived in Lima. The Spanish army occupied the mountains east of the city, and its position was considered unassailable. Bolívar, however, systematically assembled troops, horses, mules, and ammunition to form an army, and in 1824 he moved out of the temporary capital in Trujillo and ascended the high cordillera. The first major battle took place at Junín and was easily won by Bolívar, who then left the successful termination of the campaign to his able chief of staff, Sucre. On December 9, 1824, the Spanish viceroy lost the Battle of Ayacucho to Sucre and surrendered with his entire army.
Bolívar was now president of Gran Colombia and dictator of Peru. Only a small section of the continent—Upper Peru—was still defended by royalist forces. The liberation of that region fell to Sucre, and in April 1825 he reported that the task had been accomplished. The new country chose to be called Bolivia, a variation on the Liberator’s name. For that child of his genius, Bolívar drafted a constitution that showed once more his authoritarian inclinations: it created a lifetime president, a legislative body consisting of three chambers, and a highly restricted suffrage. Bolívar was devoted to his own creation, but, as the instrument of social reform that he had envisaged, the constitution was a failure.
Bolívar had now reached the high point of his career. His power extended from the Caribbean to the Argentine-Bolivian border. He had conquered severe illness, which during his sojourn in Peru had made him practically an invalid for months at a time. Another of his favourite projects, a league of Hispanic American states, came to fruition in 1826. He had long advocated treaties of alliance between the American republics, whose weakness he correctly apprehended. By 1824 such treaties had been signed and ratified by the republics of Colombia, Peru, Mexico, the United Provinces of Central America, and the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. In 1826 a general American congress convened in Panama under Bolívar’s auspices. Compared with Bolívar’s original proposals, it was a fragmentary affair, with only Colombia, Peru, Central America, and Mexico sending representatives. The four countries that attended signed a treaty of alliance and invited all other American countries to adhere to it. A common army and navy were planned, and a biannual assembly representing the federated states was projected. All controversies among the states were to be solved by arbitration. Only Colombia ratified the treaty, yet the congress in Panama provided an important example for future hemispheric solidarity and understanding in South America.
Bolívar was aware that his plans for hemispheric organization had met with only limited acceptance. His contemporaries thought in terms of individual nation-states, Bolívar in terms of continents. In the field of domestic policy he continued to be an authoritarian republican. He thought of himself as a rallying point and anticipated civil war as soon as his words should no longer be heeded. Such a prophecy, made in 1824, was fulfilled in 1826.
Venezuela and New Granada began to chafe at the bonds of their union in Gran Colombia. The protagonists in each country, Páez in Venezuela and Santander in New Granada, opposed each other, and at last civil war broke out. Bolívar left Lima in haste, and most authorities agree that Peru was glad to see the end of his three-year reign and its liberation from Colombian influence. In Bogotá, Bolívar found Santander upholding the constitution of Cúcuta and urging that Páez be punished as a rebel. Bolívar, however, was determined to preserve the unity of Gran Colombia and was therefore willing to appease Páez, with whom he became reconciled early in 1827. Páez bowed to the supreme authority of the Liberator, and in turn Bolívar promised a new constitution that would remedy Venezuelan grievances. He declared himself dictator of Gran Colombia and called for a national convention that met in April 1828. Bolívar refused to influence the elections, with the result that the liberals under the leadership of Santander gained the majority.
rguing that the old constitution was no longer valid and that no new one had taken its place, Bolívar assumed dictatorial powers in Gran Colombia. A group of liberal conspirators invaded the presidential palace on the night of September 25, and Bolívar was saved from the daggers of the assassins only by the quick-wittedness of Manuela Sáenz. Although the attempt on his life failed, the storm signals increased. Bolívar’s precarious health began to fail. Peru invaded Ecuador with the intention of annexing Guayaquil. Once more Sucre saved Ecuador and defeated the Peruvians at Tarqui (1829). A few months later one of Bolívar’s most-honoured generals, José María Córdoba, staged a revolt. It was crushed, but Bolívar was disheartened by the continued ingratitude of his former adherents. In the fall of 1829 Venezuela seceded from Gran Colombia.
Reluctantly, Bolívar realized that his very existence presented a danger to the internal and external peace of the nations that owed their independence to him, and on May 8, 1830, he left Bogotá, planning to take refuge in Europe. Reaching the Atlantic coast, he learned that Sucre, whom he had trained as his successor, had been assassinated. Bolívar’s grief was boundless. The projected trip to Europe was canceled, and, at the invitation of a Spanish admirer, Bolívar journeyed to his estate near Santa Marta. Ironically, his life ended in the house of a Spaniard, where, toward the end of 1830, he died of tuberculosis.
Bolívar is regarded by many as the greatest genius the Latin American world has produced. He was a man of international renown in his own day, and his reputation has steadily increased since his death. There are few figures in European history and none in the history of the United States who display the rare combination of strength and weakness, character and temperament, prophetic vision and poetic power that distinguish Simón Bolívar. As a consequence, his life and his work have grown to mythical dimensions among the people of his continent.
— From Britannica

And some vids as well:
#BasedTucker is Based
Dawn of Battle
The Male Brain has lots of entertainment lined up for us today, in addition to supplying the opening theme for this week’s collection of most epic excellent awesomeness. We start with a video from Cajun Koi Academy about how to maintain focus in the midst of so many distractions – which, believe me, is HARD:
Cracked continues its relentless march back toward being funny, with a video about landlords:
Moon has a very, VERY depressing message for us about the coming “loneliness economy” – file that one under “WE ARE ALL DOOMED”:
By the way, you see that picture in the bottom right of the thumbnail of the video above? That has to do with a story that has been blowing up all over TEH INNARWEBZ of late, involving an extremely heavily tattooed guy called Adam22, his wife Lena Nersesian, who goes by the “acting” name of “Lena the Plug”, and is basically a sex worker, and a PR0N actor named “Jason Luv”. (If you go Googling any of this crap, that’s on you.)
Try to wrap your head around all of this stuff. It is just BIZARRE, and also deeply depressing. There is a video down below, and a story as well, about what a gigantic CUCK this Adam22 character really is.
How History Works asks a VERY legitimate question about why all of our histories are about, basically, rich and powerful people:
The answer is, of course, very simple: the rich and powerful are the people worth writing about.
Poli-ticking Off
Mark Dice continues exposing the Bohemian Grove and all of its genuine weirdness:
The dynamic duo over at Redacted thoroughly enjoyed watching #BasedTucker utterly destroy the entire non-Trump GOPe field of Presidential pretenders:
Jackson Hinkle analyses the words of one Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who basically said the quiet part out loud, about how the FUSA essentially did destroy the Nord Stream pipeline:
Lord Razor of the Fist Clan is overjoyed at the self-immolation of the House of the Devil Mouse:
PJW is horrified, and rightly so, by a new TikTok trend that is honestly so bonkers, I cannot even begin to describe it – just watch the video, but be warned, you WILL need eye bleach:
Warrior’s Rage
Col. Douglas Macgregor talks to Håkan Bergmark about the current situation in Banderastan:
Semper Fi!
Maj. Scott Ritter appeared with Grandpa Grumpuss on Garland Nixon‘s show to talk all things SMO as well:
Дед Сварливый Говорит!
Grandpa Grumpuss grumps, grumpily, about the sheer bloviating idiocy of the new head of the Royal Air Farce on its combat readiness and ability to take on those BIGG BADD ROOOOOOOSKEEEES!!!:
Ania Konieczek goes walkabout in Moscow while discussing the Neo-Tsar’s (quite brilliant and extremely provocative) comments about Poland:
It’s All Greek To Us
The good gentlemen of The Duran tackle the de-banking of Nigel Farage, and the extremely damaging fallout it has caused in PommieBastardLande:
The Bald Truth
Brian Berletic of The New Atlas analyses the latest khokhol attack on the Crimean Bridge, which did nothing much more than severely piss off the Russians and provoke them into huge strikes on Odessa:
Bad Medicine
Dr. John Campbell is infuriated by the lack of discussion and debate on excess deaths, which are clearly much higher than they should be, for a reason that all but the most wilfully stupid of us can figure out:
Dr. Suneel Dhand talks about food-borne nastiness:
Warriors of Faith
Tha Dizzle and his good friend The Apostate Prophet continue to smash the myths surrounding Tater-Tots and his army of idiot fanbois:
Dr. Jay Smith from PfanderFilms has a LOT of fun taking apart the entire Meccan Mythos:
Al-Fadi from CIRA International and his friend Lloyd de Jongh look at the extraordinary power that Izzlamist scholars have over the minds of the followers of the fake moon-god:
Manly Men of Manliness
Terrence Popp actually has to invent a new word just to describe the sheer levels of delusion surrounding young women these days in the Western world:
Joker from Better Bachelor shows you why you would have to be a literal moron to watch the Barbie movie:
Chris Williamson talks to Sadia Khan about the research of John and Lori Gottman, which looks at the “Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse”:
Cancer Culture
Pearl talks about the whole saga surrounding Adam22, Lena the Plug, and the cuck phenomenon surrounding them both – it is an ugly, sordid, terrible story that nonetheless just gets either funnier, or more depressing, the more you read:
Burn Paedowood to the Ground
Midnight’s Edge points out that no one will touch a Masters of the Universe movie anymore after Netherflix ruined the idea:
Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock breaks down the rumours – which, for once, actually have solid foundations – about the House of the Devil Mouse teetering close to bankruptcy and being forced to sell off large chunks of itself:
Keep in mind, the guy who is in charge of Disney right now, is the very guy who created the problems that are now tearing apart the company. Bob Iger went on an M&A BINGE during his time in charge, and turned Disney into a swollen monstrosity, saddled with immense debts, while also instilling the woke culture that has now successfully destroyed Disney’s most valuable core brands.
And now he is supposed to sort all that shit out.
It really is a lot like hiring an arsonist as a firefighter, watching him burn down a hundred-year-old building, IN FULL PUBLIC VIEW, letting him walk away with millions in the bank, and then inviting him back to put out the fire that HE HIMSELF CREATED.
The Drinker cannot contain his drunken laughter at the new, more “diverse” Snow White film:
Reading Too Much Into Things
Your “Science is F***ING WEIRD” moment of the week
Your long read of the week is quite long, and consists of an interview between Mike Whitney and Ron Unz, looking at information about WWII that you definitely did not learn in school:
Help me understand Munich. We’ve all been taught that Britain’s Neville Chamberlain caved in to Hitler’s demands on the annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland which, in turn, fueled Hitler’s lust for global conquest. But was that really what happened? And was “appeasement” really such a bad idea or should the European leaders have accepted that Versailles was a disaster from the get-go and agreed to Hitler’s demands to restore Germany’s original borders?
Ron Unz—The First World War had led to the collapse of the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian, Czarist, and Ottoman empires, each of which had been politically dominated by one ethnic group at the expense of all the others. President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the Versailles Peace Conference had elevated the principle that nationalities should be given freedom and ruled by their own leaders, and this had served as the logical basis for most of the successor states thus created.
However, there was a blatant double standard in the political application of this policy, with the creation of the new country of Czechoslovakia being one of the most obvious examples. Like the much larger Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia was stitched together from several entirely different nationalities, with roughly half the population being the ruling Czechs and the other half being Germans, Slovaks, and Ukrainians, who had little political power and deeply resented the domination of the Czechs, who completely controlled the government and its administration.
Czechoslovakia had been established as an important strategic ally for France to use against Germany, geographically serving as an ideal staging area for bombing attacks, almost amounting to an unsinkable aircraft carrier directly jutting into the heart of its German neighbor. Since the country was intentionally designed to threaten Germany, the overwhelmingly German Sudetenland region had been included so as to strengthen its geographical border defenses. The Germans were actually the second largest nationality within Czechoslovakia, so the very name amounted to dishonest propaganda, and something like Czecho-Germania might have been a little more accurate.
One of Hitler’s main goals was to free the suppressed German populations of Central Europe and reunite them with their German homeland and this included the more than 3 million Sudeten Germans. The Czech government was also quite friendly with Stalin’s Soviet Union, and therefore seemed a particularly menacing potential military threat, a possible future base for Soviet attacks against Germany.
Hitler gradually rebuilt Germany’s strength and by March 1938 managed to reunite his country with the Germans of Austria, accomplished with the overwhelmingly enthusiastic support of the latter. He then demanded that the Sudeten Germans be freed by the Czechs and allowed to unify with Germany as well, being willing to potentially risk a wider European war with the British, French, and Soviets on that issue. To avoid this, the leaders of Germany, Britain, France, and Italy together negotiated an agreement at Munich, allowing the Sudeten Germans to secede and join Germany. This peace agreement was wildly popular across nearly all of Europe.
However, once the Germans had been allowed to secede from Czechoslovakia, the Slovaks soon also did the same, establishing their own independent state of Slovakia (just as happened once again in 1993), and the entire country fell apart. At that point, Poland also grabbed a piece of disputed territory and the Hungarians threatened to do the same, so according to most accounts that I’ve read, the desperate Czech president turned to Hitler for support, and what was left of the country became a German protectorate.
Although anti-German propaganda soon portrayed the loss of Czech independence as a flagrant violation of the Munich Agreement, proof that Hitler couldn’t be trusted to keep his promises, the situation was really not so clear-cut since Czechoslovakia had already fallen apart and no longer existed. Furthermore, the Czechs had only been fully independent for twenty years after having previously spent nearly 700 years under German suzerainty, so in many respects, this merely restored the the traditional geopolitical arrangements in that part of Europe, doing so far more peacefully than when the Soviets invaded and occupied the Baltic States the following year.
Ironically enough, the Munich agreement signed by Chamberlain was reportedly so tremendously popular in Britain that if he’d called elections soon afterward, he probably would have won an overwhelming majority in Parliament, strongly consolidating his political hold over the British government for the next few years.
Worth reading in full.
Linkage is good for you:
- Christina Sizhova provides a fascinating, and very ugly, account of how and why the Banderite ideology consumed 404;
- The details behind Ukraine’s demographic collapse are horrifying indeed;
- Larry Johnson points out the fact that the whole Prigozhin Mutiny affair is a very effective, and very useful, distraction from Russian progress and tactics in the 404 War;
- As Mike Whitney notes, Zbigniew Brzezinski was utterly full of it on a lot of subjects, but even he was smart enough to understand, toward the end of his life, why confronting Russia is such a dumb idea;
- Y’all remember Aiden Aslin, the British mercenary captured by Donbass forces, sentenced to death, and then released as part of a prisoner swap deal? Yeah, well, he’s gained a lot of weight, and now back in 404, spreading lies;
- Dr. Phil Giraldi unpacks the sheer spectacle and ridiculousness of the theatre that took place in Vilnius last week;
- Jonathan Cook notes the very depressing reality of rising excess mortality counts, and wonders why no one in power wants to find out what is actually going on;
- Kevin Barrett does his best to connect the dots between the NIH, Fraudci, and the Coof, in collaboration with Ron Unz, and comes to the logical conclusion that it was an American bio-attack on China;
- The FUSA has FINALLY ended all funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, long after the bioweapon attack that did such tremendous damage to the world;
- Lance Welton notes that RFK Jr. is saying some very sensible things about Convid, yet he is being pilloried for it by the mainstream media – not to mention that disgusting yenta, Debbie Wasserman-Shulz;
- C.D. Corax uses an interesting theory of parasitism to explain how and why our elites gained power – and how they are now killing the hosts;
- Y’all remember that SIMP from above, Adam22? Well, he bought his PR0N-star wife a Lamborghini, because another dude banged her – demonstrating, yet again, the living truth that you should NEVER turn a hoe into a housewife;
- UK wholesale power prices are dropping rapidly, but that is not actually the good news one might think;
- Unsurprisingly, for anyone who actually understands anything about EVs, they are nowhere near as green as you might think – never mind what your government wants you to believe;
- The Coutt’s scandal is taking some very interesting twists and turns, and threatens to upend the entire British banking sector, unless the banks themselves wise up and stop deplatforming and cancelling people;
- As The Dark Knight turns 15, it is well worth taking some time to remember everything that made it such a phenomenal film, in every aspect;
- Very interesting, and quite dark, read here about one of the nuttiest feminists imaginable, who raised a genius daughter – and then murdered her, because reasons;
And some more from Dawn Pine:
- This story about a kid whose mother deliberately hid him, and then declared him to be missing, has to be one of the weirder ones from this year;
- Don’t throw away your spare change – you might just be sitting on a literal gold mine, as some of those coins could become very, very valuable in time;
- Here’s a tip, fellas – if your lady has a laundry list of demands before the bedroom fun starts, you need to put her in her place, FAST, or ditch her ass, even FASTER;
- Some mad genius managed to clock a 413Kph speeding ticket in Belgium – which means the list of cars he could be driving, was about four items long;
- I have no patience for Tater-Tots, but the idea that you can stop men from finding out about him through censorship, is just plain idiotic;
- You would imagine that dating a medical professional, and boinking her in a car park, would come in handy when you have a heart attack – but noooooo;
- If you thought Adam22 was the biggest SIMP you’ve ever seen, wait until you read this story about some Indian dumbass who supported his wife’s marriage to her LOVER;
- America’s tax dollars are plainly being very well spent – the Pentagon has been sending emails for YEARS to a Dutch guy living in Mali due to a domain name mess-up, and has done SOD ALL about it;
- Castro’s Bastard, the self-appointed ruler of Canuckistan, thinks he can tell Muzzies what to think – it’s kind of hilarious, because it pits a Leftist dictator against the very people he supposedly supports;
- If you ever wanted to look at a great example of style over substance and hype over product, take a look at FinTech startup CapStack, which raised millions on essentially nothing more than marketing buzz;
- ChatGPT is only as good as its algorithm, and when you have the ChiComs programming a chatbot, then you can be sure you’ll get a lot of socialist propaganda (though at least it won’t be woke);
- Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the Santa Cruz sea otter, which is apparently very good at pirating surfboards;
The Neo-Tsar spoke “off-the-cuff” – which is to say, not really, his remarks were highly prepared – at a publicised Security Council meeting, which caused all kinds of heartburn for the Polacks:
HALO Nation
Slayergod Remy aka Mint Blitz is pleased as punch about the recent news that 343i will update and release the “lost content” from the original games:
That’s Not Gone Well…
Wazzocks gonna wazzock:
Comedy Hour
Meme Warfare
We start with some epic memes from Dawn Pine:


Animal Planet
Your aminules are adorkable moment of the week:
And also your animals are absolute DICKS moment of the week, to balance things out:
Yes, you just saw a female jaguar piss all over a lioness…
The Lords of Steel
Gym beast props this week go to Peiman Maheripour, WSM competitor and powerlifter:
Ass-Kicking of the Eight Limbs
They See Me Rollin’…
Palate Cleansers
Axe Me Anything
Costume Party
Gingervitis Injections
Livin’ in the Land of the Metal Gods

Rock Out With Your Glock Out

Hot Totty
Finally, here is your Instathot to get the week off to a sufficiently scurrilous start. This week’s contribution comes from Dawn Pine, who suggested this young lady for a Friday segment. However, she does look a bit… artificial, so I decided to put her in for a Monday instead. This here is Carolina Gomes, a Colombian model, who shot to fame because she looks rather like a… certain type of humanoid mannequin, let’s just put it that way.
She does seem to have a good sense of humour, though – that link contains a video from her boyfriend’s Instaham account, in which she pretends to be a life-sized doll. It is genuinely quite funny.
As for the woman herself – well, her bumpers are definitely artificial, but she claims the rest of her is not. We report, you decide.
OK, that’s all for today, boys, back to work now.
1 Comment
The video near the top on the loneliness economy is superb. When you turn people into commodities to sell as a product, you really end up with a damaged product.
I’m in a game on Civilization 6 where Simon Bolivar and his Gran Columbia empire are turning into a runaway civ. Nice feature for today’s theme.