“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Didactic Mind, Ep 94: Breaking Banderastan

by | Feb 26, 2022 | Podcasts | 0 comments

This week’s podcast is even more… ranty than usual, mostly because it concerns the horrible war in Ukraine. As those who read my work will know quite well, I am firmly on Russia’s side in all of this, but I hope and pray for this war to end quickly, with minimal bloodshed and loss of life on both sides. I never wanted to see Russians and Ukrainians taking up arms against each other, and I pray God that He will let this end quickly. A great heaviness has settled upon me over the past few days as I watch these awful events unfold, but the rage that I feel at the misinformation from the whorenalists and presstitutes is much greater. Given all of the lies that they have spread thus far, I feel it is incumbent upon me to try to correct some of that misinformation, wherever I can. This is my attempt, however feeble, and with probably outdated information by the time you hear this, to do precisely that. You might want to lower the volume in a few places, I do get QUITE exercised, especially where the presstitutes are concerned.


Protect Yourself From Big Tech

I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.

If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:

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  • Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
  • Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
  • Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

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