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The Best of Friday T&A 2021

by | Dec 31, 2021 | Das Beste Aus | 3 comments

Another year down, another bevy of beauties for us all to admire and enjoy over the previous 52 weeks. As with last year, every other week featured a Slavic lady of some kind, pretty much – my tastes are rather predictable, as Any Fule Kno – and I personally think that this year saw a higher level of quality than preceding ones. (That is just my opinion, of course – you may well feel differently, and indeed some of my longtime readers probably do.)

What follows below is, of course, every post in the Friday T&A series from first to last for 2021. Pick your favourite lady of the year in the comments below. And, of course, my thanks as ever for stopping by to admire the views.

1. First and Foremost

2. Lodz to Tell

3. Buns of Bronze

4. Lane Change

5. Bad Break-Up

6. Dethrone Tyranny

7. Cancel Culture

8. Trampoline

9. Cosmetic Purposes

10. Continental Breakfast

11. Blue Danube

12. Spring Cleaning

13. Hill of Spring

14. Triumphant

15. Half-Time, Scores Tied

16. Levels of Stupidity

17. Outfoxed

18. Over the Hill

19. Half-Century

20. Stagflation

21. Calling the Rain

22. Walkback

23. City of Brides

24. Tapas Al-Fresco

25. Ginger Spice

26. Sergeant Schmidt

27. Lemons to Melons

28. Great Reset

29. Albanian Peach

30. Forza Italia

31. Underworked and Overpaid

32. Locke and Kay

33. Empire’s End

34. Broken Dreams

35. Cultural Compatibility

36. Guessing Games

37. Towering Legacy

38. Santa Lucia

39. Vacation Station

40. Coastal Breeze

41. Beach Bum

42. Tuscan Marble

43. Effrontery

44. Maximum Refund

45. Body of Evidence

46. Comfort Zone

47. Running Alone

48. Boorishness

49. Costume Party

50. Fake Noose

51. Wolftime

52. Twilight Hours

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  1. Tyler, the Portly Politico

    A very tough call this year. I’m torn between “Tapas al Fresco” (https://didacticmind.com/2021/06/friday-ta-tapas-al-fresco-edition.html) and “Running Alone Edition” (https://didacticmind.com/2021/11/friday-ta-running-alone-edition.html).

    Both have a certain innocence about them, a “girl next door” look. Tapas looks like she’d be fun to hang out with. “Running Alone” looks like a scantily-clad church mouse.

    What are the thoughts of the collective readership?

    • Didact

      Well, you’re the only one to respond, so it’s hard to say 😀

      Personally, my vote goes to #33, but it’s a tough call this year. (It was a little easier last year – Ekaterina Enokaeva just blows the competition out of the water.)

      One former reader, who left in a huff after I called him out on his nonsense, said that I posted mostly weird CGI aliens with a lot of plastic on Fridays. I beg to differ. Overall, I would say that the level of ladies this year is the best that it’s ever been.

      • Tyler, the Portly Politico

        Haha, “CGI aliens with a lot of plastic”—there certainly are some Instathots that fit that description, but you tend to choose the more natural ones.

        I see what you mean re: #33!


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