“We are Forerunners. Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the Galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms… And the impervious shelter, beneath which it has prospered.”

Guest Post: One-Month After by The Male Brain

by | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Our good friend, The Male Brain, very kindly wrote in with a guest post about the effects of taking the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. He has firsthand knowledge of the vaccine and its post-injection effects, and outlines those effects below. Many thanks, as always, to Dawn Pine for his always-outstanding contributions to this site. I add my own thoughts down below, as usual.

The COVID issue is one of enormous interest globally. We have been bombarded with it more than a year now. Our host has dedicated oceans of words to it as well. As we start the second quarter of 2021, the main focus now moves to the vaccines.

This post is an “eyewitness report” that I wish to share with you. It is now one month after I got my second Pfizer shot. I do believe that people are curious to learn about the side effects, what it “feels like” and what happens in Israel (as a case study for the rest of the world).

I’ll first start with a disclaimer: What I’m writing next is my own personal opinion and report. This is just one man telling you what he has gone through. What happens to me may not happen to you, so take it with a pinch of salt. Having said that, let’s begin.


I’m a sceptic. I wanted to see first what was going on. My parents are over 70, and they were inoculated in the first month (December 2020). They had no side effects, which made one of the girls I’m seeing (this one) speculate that they got “the placebo”. Bitches be both crazy and funny.

I started to load up on vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D about a month prior to getting the first shot. I wanted to have my immune system in better shape, as it was winter. As I’ll show later, the vitamin C and zinc actually helped.

I waited for 4 million people to be inoculated in Israel. I read the reports from our ministry of health about side effects. This allowed me to evaluate, at least according to the available data, what are the risks. There were several “non related” deaths after vaccine (e.g. here, here, and here), and as I told whoever was arguing with me – if those deaths are not related, then please lower the death count of people who “died with COVID”.

Coming to the month of March, the pressure intensified. My parents were grilling me day after day, not to mention the media and some of my friends. One of my customers also started applying pressure – if you were not inoculated, you could not enter their premises. I told them that I wanted to wait and see. I did not say I would not get it. I looked up the updated data and found the following (link is in Hebrew):

  • Local symptoms (such as pain, swelling) – less than 1:1,000.
  • General symptoms (such as fever and flu like symptoms) – ~1:1,000 for the first shot and 1:500 for the second.
  • Neurological symptoms (such as headache) – ~1:10,000.
  • Allergic reactions and other severe symptoms – ~ 1:20,000.

Those numbers look good, but the thing is that my age group (40-59) was always the “model student”, meaning that most people having those symptoms are about my age. Old people (over 60) have way less symptoms. Go figure.


Not to pat my own back, but Israel has done a great job with the vaccine operation. It is considered a global success. The process is very simple. You register via your health care organisation, either on the phone or online, arrive at your designated date and hour, and you’re out within 15-30 minutes.

I had to go to a nearby city, as my own health care organisation closed its vaccine compound near me, since there were less people to inoculate. I drove there, got the shot and waited 10 minutes then left.

After ~3 hours I started feeling tired. It was like you were on a very long day and just wanted to go to sleep. I woke up the next day, less tired but not as well. Through the day the feeling passed and I was back to my own self again. There were no symptoms whatsoever.

The second shot did not yield the same results. Three weeks later, I went back and got my second shot. I was tired again after 3 hours, but when I woke up the next day – I was still tired. I exercised but to no avail. I continued the vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D regime, and it seemed that I was recovering.


Within a few days, I started to have sleep problems. I would sleep for 4 hours, wake up unable to get back to it. I forced myself several times to get back to sleep, but this was a problem. The next thing was that my performance in bed suffered. So I went to the doctor.

My doctor was very sympathetic. She told me that they are still gathering data and was humble enough to state that we don’t know everything about the vaccine. She carried out some blood tests, and the results showed:

  • Elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – liver function issue;
  • Low White Blood Cell (leukocytes) – probably explain weakness and fatigue;
  • Long clotting time (PT) – liver related probably;

What’s funny is that my free-Test levels are about the same (I suspected that they had gone down).

The main issue I had was the ladies. One (that one) was very sympathetic and cared less, even though she was one of those who had no symptoms. The problem was the other one (Yes, that one). She suffered from the vaccine for almost a month – had headache and fatigue – but that did not stop her from complaining.

Most people would think that if someone is going through what you went through, you would show some sympathy to that person. It was a classic case of hypergamy raising its ugly head, kind of like Rollo’s classic tale of how his own family could not provide empathy when he fractured his leg. I had to fight with her (remember that anger can be fuel) and remind her of how she was. That helped.

The other issue was work related. I just finished a major project and did not have a substitute for it. So I do BizDev, but that is harder to do with low energy. Talk about being screwed by the Chinese both physically and economically!

Preventive Measures

Vitamin C really helps with these symptoms. About 30 minutes after I take 800 mg, I feel more energised. I continue to exercise, and try to eat right. Sometimes I have carb craving (and I don’t overcome it every time). I gained 3 pounds and am waiting for my next appointment with the doctor to see what I can do to handle that.

As for checking people to see if they were vaccinated – Israel is a Mediterranean country. Our national character is one of a lack of long-term discipline. Apart from that one customer, no one has asked me to present evidence that I’m vaccinated. No restaurant, customers or even hotels (we went on a family retreat) has asked to present “the green passport”.

Will that be the case in your country? I have no idea.

What I recommend to you guys if you get the vaccine is to keep tabs on it. Feel anything? Go to the doctor. You have means to report symptoms (the Israeli health ministry opened a website for this)? Report everything. I know of people who had symptoms and told their friends, like this helps. Take care of yourself and note that it may be a while till you are back to your own self.

Take care.

Didact’s Comments

First and foremost, I hope that our friend The Male Brain will soon be back to full health and feeling normal as soon as possible. Those side-effects are not the worst that we’ve heard of from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, but they are not in the least bit pleasant or easy. And I thank him for writing in to enlighten and inform others who may be considering taking the same vaccine.

As I have written many times before, I am not against vaccination as a matter of principle. I do not have the slightest problem with taking routine vaccinations when – and this is important – those vaccines have been thoroughly tested, evaluated, and found safe.

If, as Dawn Pine did, you decide that the benefits outweigh the risks, more power to you. That’s your decision, and I applaud you for having the courage to take it.

That doesn’t mean that we should be forced to take this shot, though.

Right now, we are living through the biggest clinical trial in human history, with free people being pressured into taking vaccines without being told about the full risks by governments, corporations, the Satanic liars of the (((media)))))), and their own neighbours. This is an appalling state of affairs and it will lead directly to the creation of a two-tiered society, where those WITH vaccines will have freedom (though of a highly illusory kind), and those WITHOUT it will be left in serfdom.

Indeed, it appears that the effectiveness of these vaccines has been dramatically oversold. Pfizer’s current CEO has gone on record very recently, stating that people must now take a third dose of their vaccine – and annual “booster shots” might be needed, as well.

If these vaccines are 95% effective at stopping the spread of the Kung Flu – which is what the clinical evidence supposedly says – then WHY IN GOD’S NAME would we need more than two shots?

The answer has to do with money, at least in part.

The reality is that coronaviruses mutate fast and move quickly. This is the same reason why we have to get annual flu shots – and actually, those vaccines are not particularly effective for people over 70, for no reason other than basic human biology. But, if you can force people to get annual vaccinations of expensive, untested, and potentially dangerous medications, then you stand to make a KILLING.

Which, of course, is precisely what Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca have done.

Never forget that there are cheap, effective, simple non-vaccine preventive measures out there. The TrumpCure+++ – hydroxychloroquine sulfide, azithromycin, zinc, and vitamin C – appears to be highly effective at destroying the virus itself. That is why doctors in the field – as opposed to those controlled by the corporatist interests behind the CDC, WHO, and other supposedly “august” bodies – are still administering HCQ. Ivermectin appears to be a highly effective prophylactic treatment that stops you from getting the Kung Flu in the first place.

In my personal view, if you want to get a Kung Flu shot, that’s your personal business and I’m certainly not going to tell you that you are wrong to do so. I think you should take the time and effort to inform yourself, as The Male Brain plainly did – weigh up the risks and benefits, and make your own decision. That is what you are supposed to do, as a free man.

But this relentless media and government war against “disinformation”, which is nothing more than rational people trying to make rational decisions in the face of mass hysteria, is insane. It must stop. People have the right to know whether these vaccines are really safe.

And with the mRNA vaccines, the simple answer is: we don’t know. The long-term effects of these things are UNKNOWN. We are the Stage III clinical trial patients, but we are going through this against our will. And that is NOT going to end well.

As Dawn Pine said above – take care. And stay informed.

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1 Comment

  1. ColdCon

    Hey DM, your list was great. But you missed the big one, Vitamin D. Lots of data showing low D is the biggest single risk for severe covid. So dark skinned people in northern climates are particularly at risk.



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