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Corporate chemotherapy

by | Nov 27, 2019 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Corporate Cancer: How to Work Miracles and Save Millions by Curing Your Company by [Day, Vox]

Our beloved and dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH), Voxemort the Malevolent, is not someone that you want to piss off.

You would think that, after being defeated and humiliated in epic and repeated fashion by the SDL and his legions, his enemies would learn from their mistakes and move on to deal with easier targets. But SJWs are remarkable in their near-total lack of self-awareness. It makes them profoundly annoying as enemies – but it also makes them predictable. And that predictability, coupled with their breathtaking arrogance toward anyone who does not share their warped and twisted point of view, actually makes them relatively easy to fight.

The problem is that fighting them takes time, effort, resources, and willpower. And in this morally bankrupt day and age, almost no one has the guts to do what has to be done to destroy SJWs once they have already infiltrated an organisation and made life a living Hell for anyone using that organisation’s goods, services, or platforms.

That is why it is so vitally important to stop them from getting in the door in the first place.

His Voxness did the world a considerable favour by releasing the first two books in the Laws of Social Justice series. The first one, SJWs Always Lie, explained the nature of social justice warriors and gave us all the ability to identify them on sight, along with a few general tips about how to fight them. The second one, SJWs Always Double Down, provided a much more in-depth set of strategies for finding and stopping the thought police from infiltrating an organisation and containing their threat.

That second book was a strategy manual that explains exactly how to take the fight to the SJWs. But strategy provides the battle plan; to execute it, one needs logistics to supply the fighting forces and tactics to tell them how to do the actual fighting. And until now, we didn’t have a true tactical guide in easily digestible form designed to explain what to look for and how to kill it deader than a doornail.

That is why the Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) has given us his new book, Corporate Cancer.

This book provides a clear tactical manual for the people in the trenches – which is to say, you and me. It describes what social justice convergence is in a corporate or organisational context. It examines the cost of such convergence, and shows that the price of a little social justice is a LOT of money.

 It tells employees how to identify which companies are converged and to what degree, so that they can figure out whether to stay and fight, or to jump ship to a less idiotic competitor and let the previous employer die. It gives middle managers the ability to spot troublesome employees and hold them accountable for their actions. And it gives C-level executives the insight into their ranks that they need in order to understand where things are going to go pear-shaped, and when.

The book itself is informed by the highly successful strategies that the Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) has used himself in order to fight various SJW-converged organisations, ranging from his work as one of the original GamerGaters, to the slugfest with IndieGoGo during the ALT*HERO: Q deplatforming saga, to his most recent efforts to create an alternative platform for politically incorrect and highly acclaimed content creators, Unauthorized.tv.

The basic point of the book is simple: stand and fight. If you refuse to do even this much, the SJWs will win and your organisation will collapse. And in that respect it is a timely and necessary warning to the cuckservatives and squishy centrists that are to be found in any organisation who simply want to go along to get along.

That is a natural human instinct and a relatively good one in most cases – because in most situations where conflict arises, you can usually find some common ground that lets you look past the fact that at least one of you is being a roaring asshole.

But that instinct only applies when you actually have something in common.

If your enemy wants to destroy you, see you thrown out onto the streets, flayed alive, rolled in salt, and tossed away to starve to death, denied any form of livelihood or employment simply because you refused to bend the knee and obey the Lord of Lies…

Well, then you sure as shit don’t have anything in common with someone like that.

And that is precisely the point of fighting the corporate cancer. You have to understand and realise that you are dealing with a literal cancer – a highly aggressive, highly successful evolutionary adaptation that mutates rapidly and will, if left unchecked, absolutely kill its host.

This book provides the necessary tools to begin chemotherapy and surgical excision of the problems. It also provides preventative medicine to stop the infestation from taking place to begin with.

There are two major problems with this book, neither of which are really Vox’s fault.

The first is that one of his examples of an unconverged corporation, Chik-Fil-A, made headlines just a few days after the publication of his book when its corporate leadership announced that they would stop donating to charities like the Salvation Army simply because those same charities do not agree with the LGBTQWTFISTHISSHIT movement and its efforts to impose a radical and militant, and completely ridiculous, understanding of gender and biology upon the rest of us.

This was incredibly stupid and foolish of Chik-Fil-A’s management. This ostensibly Christian organisation went and betrayed its entire existing customer base, simply to pursue new markets and new customers – which is a surefire sign of a company that has lost sight of its primary focus and mission. They will pay for their betrayal of their once fanatically loyal Christian fanbase, who loved to support the company when it was being persecuted by those who hate it.

Christians know better than anyone else what it is like to be hated simply for what we believe. We have a lot of sympathy for those who go through the same thing. But we absolutely cannot bloody stand it when those that we thought were standing with us against the lies of this world, then turn around and embrace them.

This oversight was, I repeat, was not Vox’s fault. He had no way of anticipating what the company would do. But it makes the book seem dated immediately upon publication. I have no doubt that when the full unabridged and unredacted version is released in October 2021, we will see that this unintentional oversight will have been corrected.

And that brings us to the second problem with the book.

As Vox points out, the single best tactic for forcing the big tech platforms to stop deplatforming people and kicking productive creators off their platforms, thereby shooting themselves in the feet by ditching people who bring revenue to their businesses in the process of making money, is to hold them to their own terms of service. This means resorting to lawfare whenever and wherever possible.

The SJWs who control the Big Tech companies are cocksure and confident that their terms of service allow them to get away with anything, because those terms usually specifically prohibit users from filing class-action lawsuits against the company. This is the one thing that truly terrifies the legal beagles who draft such things, because those lawsuits can really drain the resources and time of a company.

But that does not mean that individuals are without resources in fighting deplatformings.

Doing so is difficult and painful work. Vox himself figured out a way to take the fight to IndieGoGo and hold them accountable for the actions of one of their employees. You may recall that, back when the ALT*HERO: Q campaign stunned everyone with the speed and success of its fundraising efforts, IndieGoGo essentially deplatformed the whole thing and refunded all contributors, because FEEEEEEWWWINGS.

Essentially, some SJWs got all butthurt about the fact that there is a new comic book series created by and for shitlords, and tried to shut it down. That didn’t work, at all, because Vox and the Legal Legion of Evil sued them for tortious interference.

The problem with this book is that it describes this particular battle in only the vaguest of details. And, once more, that is not Vox’s fault. The settlement agreement reached between the plaintiffs and IndieGoGo prohibits the full details from being disclosed until 2021, so you’ll have to wait until then to learn exactly what happened.

And that is frustrating because it robs the rest of us from knowing exactly how to do what Vox did, and adapting and applying that tactic to other SJW-converged swamps like PayPal, Facebook, and Google.

That is not to say that such action would necessarily be successful. Google and Facebook in particular have changed their terms of use to prevent lawsuits against tortious interference from being quite as effective.

But sometimes, success in battle is not the point. Sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle in order to win a war, or at least to sacrifice a strong position in favour of securing an even stronger one.

And by making it impossible to figure out how to do that – again, entirely by legal necessity – this book loses some of its power and importance.

Nonetheless, this is absolutely vital reading for anyone in a corporate environment or outcome-focused organisation of any kind. If you want to preserve your organisation, you need to read this book, and you need to act on it.

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  1. Anonymous


    This book needs to be read in conjunction with Skin in the game by Taleb.

    And by the way, in some countries, it's illegal to deprive legal rights by legal fiat. (aka because I say so in my contract) and to impose international arbitration/jurisdiction especially on ordinary customers/regular people
    In fact adhesionary contracts are interpreted very narrowly and in favour of the customer/weaker part.

  2. Post Alley Crackpot

    "Sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle in order to win a war, or at least to sacrifice a strong position in favour of securing an even stronger one."

    Sometimes I take very bitter pills …

    Not because I like bitter pills, but because I've picked up parasites during my travels through no fault of my own, most likely because of the habits of others who do such things as preparing my food, cleaning my rooms, and so forth.

    I don't take the bitter pills because one day I hope to like bitter pills, as some sort of Ciceronian corruption in which I may obtain pain as a good valued in and of itself.

    I take the bitter pills solely for the reason that they will not kill me but that they will kill the parasites.

    I may be miserable and worse off when those bitter pills are doing their work, but as the joke goes, you should see the other guys.

    It is therefore not impossible to figure out how to do that.

    Bitter pills can be your best friend during times of true need.

    However, "Corporate Cancer" truly is the better name for the book, if only because "Corporate Bowel Cleansing with Bitter Pills and Herbs" sounds like it may be found in the self-medication section. 🙂


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