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The straight-up savagery of the God-Emperor

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

I wasn’t planning to post anything today beyond the usual Friday T&A goodness… but I woke up to something so hysterically funny that I simply could not resist.

Check out this news clip here:

So it turns out that Nancy “Skeletor” Pelosi, Speaker of the House and the epitome of creepy senile Baby Boomer stupidity made flesh, was scheduled to go on a Congressional delegation trip out to Brussels and then on to Egypt and Afghanistan – at taxpayer expense!!! – during a government shutdown that has put 400,000 government employees on the job without pay, and another 300,000 on furlough.

Never mind the fact that the trip was planned months in advance, well before the shutdown became likely. And never mind the fact that the world just works so much more efficiently when the government isn’t constantly on your ass about everything.

President Trump basically walked up right behind her, and all of her fellow Congressional delegates, while they were sitting on their flying carpet getting ready to take off – and yanked it right out from under them.

And that isn’t even the best part of this whole thing.

What has to be seen to be believed, and appreciated, is the letter that the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus, sent to Skeletor:

Dear Madame Speaker,

Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over, In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.

I look forward to seeing you soon and even more forward to watching our open and dangerous Southern Border finally receive the attention, funding, and security it so desperately deserves!


Donald J. Trump

That. Was. GENIUS. The bit about flying commercial right toward the end was a shank straight to the heart.

I’m simply amazed that he did not end that letter with an additional line saying something like, “AND STILL YOUR PRESIDENT, BITCH!!!”

Donald Trump may well be the most gifted retortician ever to grace the Office of the President – he is better at bare-knuckled brawling with the opposition than pretty much any President since, probably, Andrew Jackson. Even Saint Reagan of the Right was nowhere near as good at making his opponents look stupid on a regular basis.

Now, clueless liberals (but I repeat myself) everywhere are calling this childish and petulant and absurd and bullying and honestly I just could not care less what they think. They believe that this is President Trump’s way of retaliating and escalating for the fact that Skeletor told him that he should postpone the State of the Union Address until after the shutdown ends – or submit his remarks in writing.

Who the hell does she think she is? Oh, that’s right – she thinks that she is co-equal with the President.

Ummm… no. She isn’t. And if she continues to believe in that delusional lie, she is stupid as well as crazy. (Which, admittedly, describes Democrats perfectly these days.)

The fact is that President Trump has just escalated the war between him and them – because he knows that he has nothing to lose, and that there is nothing more dangerous than a cornered lion.

Liberaltards have completely missed the point. (Again.)

President Trump knows full well that if he does not deliver the BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL!!! that he promised so many times and in so many ways during his legendary campaign to victory in 2016, he will not be re-elected, and he will have to watch the Democrats undo everything that he has sacrificed so much for.

This is his hill, and he has chosen to fight and die on it if necessary. (Politically speaking, obviously.)

The thing is, a plurality of the rest of the country is with him. Support for a border wall has grown, not shrunk, since the God-Emperor started really hammering the idea home in 2016. And the Democrats know perfectly well that, historically, shutdowns favour sitting Presidents, not Congress – which is exactly what is happening now, and which is why Congressional approval ratings at about 11-20%, depending on who you ask.

But what really makes me very, very happy is the display of utter savagery on the part of the President.

He has made it perfectly clear that he will brook absolutely no attempts to curb his legal and authorised powers under the Constitution. And while President Trump has been remarkably deferential to Constitutional separations of powers – much more so than his jug-eared oaf of a predecessor – he demands that his position of authority and control over the military and foreign policy is respected.

That is entirely his right. Democrats are learning, slowly and at great cost to themselves, just how dangerous and stupid it is to take on a very nearly all-powerful Alpha male with nothing more than self-contradictory geriatric millionaires who are so out of touch with reality that they wouldn’t be able to put their own pants on in the morning.

As far as the State of the Union address goes – which by the way is one of the President’s Constitutional responsibilities under Article II, Section 3 of the document – well, let’s see what the text of the document actually says:

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient…

Note that the document does not say how the President must deliver this address. Nor does it say anything about where the address must be delivered. That is why past Presidents had broad discretion to deliver the SOTU in written form, or simply have someone else read out their own pre-written notes.

I have seen several suggestions that the President should simply hold a rally for 20,000 people somewhere in the heartland. It is guaranteed that such an event would be massively overbooked, because the President’s base absolutely love the man. And all of the news networks would be in a serious bind – they hate him, but he gives them viewers and ratings that nobody else can. So they will cover the event, with extreme reluctance, and then spend the next three days endlessly sperging on about whatever factual errors they think he made.

Meanwhile, the President could live-stream the whole thing all over social media, take the time to put all of the blame onto Skeletor and the do-nothing Dems in Congress, leave the stadium to the roar of fireworks and an epic rock soundtrack, and go back to the White House to embrace his gorgeous Eastern European ex-model wife.

The more that I think of that idea, the more that I like it. That is exactly the God-Emperor’s style – deliver the message straight to the people. A People’s SOTU would be a sight to see, that’s for sure.

The God-Emperor is a deeply flawed man – like the rest of us – with an ego the size of a planet. He has many problems and has failed many, many times in his time as President so far. He will continue to fail and make mistakes. He is still, unfortunately, a civic nationalist – and makes no effort whatsoever to pretend to be otherwise.

But the one thing that cannot be denied is his extraordinary effectiveness at keeping his opposition off kilter. And the one thing that must be admired about him is his ability to learn from his mistakes.

This man is the living embodiment of the Laws of Power. Future historians will look back upon these times and realise that President Trump was easily the most consequential and important President since Saint Reagan of the Right – and probably a more effective one, in many ways.

The God-Emperor has spoken. He has acted. And his loyal legions are with him every step of the way.

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  1. jaericho

    It is truly flummoxing that the elites are completely tone deaf and blind when it comes to the average citizen.

    You can get a lot of support if you just *appear* to be doing something positive for others. Why didn't Pelosi play this card herself? "Look, I'm cancelling my trip, look how much I care, hurrdurr. etc…."

    Just further proof our Elites are entitled to the point of utter blindness.

    The God-Emperor truly lives up to his title.

    • Didact

      Yes. Skeletor obviously cannot act, so we know that she is not playing the part of an out-of-touch Southern California elitist – that is simply what she is. The lack of imagination and simple common sense shown by her and her fellow elitists would be hilarious, if it were not also tragic.

    • Dire Badger

      To be fair, the left are harping about her plans to 'visit our boys' in Afghanistan… but to tell the truth, They'd rather be visited by a Dysentry epidemic than the wicked witch of the west coast.

      You want someone to visit our boys? Send Taylor Swift. Or maybe Tila Tequila (even though she is past her Prime) or maybe some basketball or Football player. They would appreciate that enormously. They would cheer and protect the GE and his wife with their lives, but I wouldn't want my president setting foot in that dangerous stinkhole.

      But Pelosi? They'd probably round up a few feminist REMF 'soldiers' and the occasional Gay and Tranny mil-larper to smile and make nice with her for the cameras, but the vast majority of the guys would rather get a load of fresh potatoes.


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