Paul Joseph Watson does a superb job of explaining not just what is (so very, horribly, dreadfully) wrong with Western culture today, but how we go about stopping the rot:
He does go on a bit, I’ll admit that. But overall, this is unquestionably one of his best ever videos.
The most important part, for my money, is the bit right at the end featuring “feminist” Camille Paglia. I put the word in quotes because, while Ms. Paglia certainly calls herself a feminist, she has done nothing but take a sledgehammer to the entire edifice of third-wave feminism for most of her career.
Take careful note of what she says. The pattern that she illustrates is indeed one that is repeated throughout history. Basically, as a dominant once-masculine culture weakens and begins to lose faith in itself, still-masculine cultures begin to assert themselves at the periphery of that dominant culture’s influence- and eventually, those peripheral forces rise up in direct rebellion against their former masters.
That pattern has repeated itself so many times throughout human history that it can be summed up in a four-line meme, which I used in my post from yesterday.
It just does not matter where you look- the same pattern always repeats itself.
It happened to imperial Rome, when the Vandals and Goths, from whom we get today the highly masculine and rich lore of Germanic and Viking mythology, settled within the borders of the empire and were offered citizenship in exchange for military service. Eventually, the Vandals sacked Rome- which is precisely why their name has gone down in history as a pejorative. Later, the leader of the Goths- who happened to be an officer in the Roman Army named Odoacer- deposed the last Roman emperor and became the first King of Italy.
It happened to imperial China, when at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the much more masculine and virile Manchus from the north invaded and conquered the Middle Kingdom.
It probably happened to the Mayans. It almost surely would have happened to the Incas and the Aztecs, whose ultimate destruction was hastened by the arrival of technologically vastly superior Europeans. It happened to the English and the French and the Germans in their time. It happened to the Seleucid Persians and the Ptolemaic Egyptians and the Abbasid Arabs.
It is an iron law of history: weak men create hard times.
They create those hard times because they directly weaken the culture that bred them in the first place. They deny their own cultural heritage and, in so doing, ensure the ultimate destruction of the very ideals and modes of thought that gave them life and substance.
Brothers, there is no getting around the fact that the outlook for Western civilisation is bleak in the extreme.
However, not all is lost.
As PJW’s video points out, when the dominant culture weakens, the wolves do gather on the outskirts- but sometimes we also see great reformers and strong men rise up from within, determined to preserve and defend that which they were given.
And that, too, has been a repeated pattern throughout history.
It happened to the Roman Republic when Scipio Africanus pushed back the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War. It happened again when Julius Caesar rose to power and turned the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
It has happened to America before too, when Ronald Reagan was elected to power in 1980. It happened again in 2016 with the election of the God-Emperor Trump, although it remains to be seen whether he can be a truly effective President.
It happened to Japan when the Emperor Meiji arose to take over power from the moribund Tokugawa bakufu and pushed his country into the modern age.
It happened in Italy during the time of the much-maligned Borgias. It happened in France during the time of the equally maligned Cardinal Richelieu. It happened to England under Alfred the Great, it happened to the Scandinavian nations during the time of Gustavus Adolphus and King Charles XII, it happened to Russia under Peter the Great.
For while it is true that weak men create hard times, it is also absolutely true that hard times create strong men.
There is one strong man, in particular, that we should strive to emulate. His name was Flavius Aetius, and in many ways he was responsible for the survival of the Roman Empire against the single greatest threat it had ever seen.
In 451AD, General Flavius Aetius, himself originally of probably Germanic origin, faced the single greatest Hunnic army ever assembled, under Attila, on the field of Chalons in what history has since recorded as the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. If he had failed to win that pivotal battle, the entire course of human history would surely have been vastly different.
For his efforts to preserve and defend his nation and his people, Flavius Aetius is rightly remembered as “the last of the Romans”- the last of a great nation, the inheritor of a mighty culture, the defender of a dying but proud empire.
It is his example that we must emulate, if we are to win our own war.
We must turn our backs upon the puerile and wretched state of modern pop culture, and rediscover the immensely rich and magnificent intellectual, musical, spiritual, and cultural heritage that our forerunners left to us. We must reclaim that heritage for ourselves, and build upon it.
We who have chosen the hard path have been given an incredible opportunity, and we cannot turn from it even if we want to. We have been offered a chance to be remembered as the last of the new Romans- and we should embrace it readily, because our children, and their children, will grow up better for it.
1 Comment
Thank you for a tidbit I didn't know about – re: the last of the Romans